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Novakova, L., and Pavlis, T.L., 2019, Modern meth-  ization of subsurface geology: AGU Fall Meeting   Zobl,  F.,  Brunner,  F.K.,  and  Wieser,  A.,  2007,
          ods in structural geology of twenty-first century:   Abstracts, v. 2020, p. ED002–0001.  Development of a digital geological compass:
          Digital mapping and digital devices for the field   Triantafyllou, A., Watlet, A., and Bastin, C.,   Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and
          geology, in Mukherjee, S., ed., Teaching method-  2017, Geolokit: An interactive tool for visual-  Hydrogeology, v. 40, no. 3, p. 301–308, https://
          ologies in structural geology and tectonics: Singa-  ising  and  exploring  geoscientific  data  in
          pore, Springer, p. 43–54, 10.1007/   Google Earth: International Journal of Ap-
          978-981-13-2781-0_3.                plied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,
         Reynolds, M., Waldron, J.W., and Marin, L.F., 2020,   v.  62, p.  39–46,   Manuscript received 27 aug. 2021
          3D-printed models: Tools for teaching 3D visual-  .2017.05.011.       Manuscript accepted 22 Oct. 2021

             Geology Celebrates

             50 Years in 2022

             Volume 1, issue 1, of  Geology was published in
             September 1973. This month, the journal publishes
             the first issue of its 50th volume. A bit of an upstart at
             the time, Geology’s mission was to be a “short-note,
             rapid publication journal.” Along with short, peer-
             reviewed articles, early issues included book reviews,
             letters, and summaries of GSA Bulletin papers. In                     ■  JANUARY 2022  VOL. 50 NO. 1
             1975, a section called “GSA news & information” was                         ISSN 0091-761 13 3  JANUAR RY 2022  ■ VOL. 50 0 0 NO. 1  ■  P. 1 1– –126
             added. (GSA News & Information became its own
             publication in 1979; was ultimately replaced with
             GSA Today in 1991.) Read more about Geology’s
             beginnings at

             September 1973 cover. Lunar Orbiter V, Photo 65 M,
             showing Hess Lunar Crater.

             January 2022 cover, celebrating Geology’s 50th year of

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