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University of Miami offers a unique tropi- doctoral scholars, and students. Candidates tions for an Assistant Professor in the field of
cal location and the opportunity to integrate must hold a Ph.D. or be near completion of this Earth Surface Processes, to begin August 16,
oceanographic, atmospheric, and biological degree in Earth Science or a related field. We 2022. We seek applicants who will develop
expertise into process-oriented geological particularly welcome applications from can- an internationally recognized and externally
research through collaboration with faculty in didates from nontraditional research back- funded program of research and teaching
the departments of Marine Biology, Environ- grounds and from scientists who understand focused on the fundamental role that Earth
mental Science and Policy, Atmospheric Sci- the experiences of those underrepresented in surface dynamics and sedimentary processes
ences, and Ocean Sciences. higher education and research. play in molding Earth systems and landscapes.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. (or equiva- We anticipate hiring at the Research Asso- The SoE is an interdisciplinary academic unit
lent) and demonstrated ability to conduct com- ciate or Research Scientist rank. Research with faculty that specialize in Earth, environ-
pelling independent research and are expected Associates and Scientists are part of the mental, and ecosystem sciences, who inves-
to establish an externally funded research pro- research staff at UTIG and receive six months tigate problems ranging from Earth forma-
gram. Further, applicants should be prepared to of institutional salary support, with the rest tion and evolution to present-day processes
vigorously contribute to the department’s under- obtained from externally funded research pro- connecting Earth’s diverse environments
graduate and graduate teaching missions. grams. Research appointments at UTIG fol- and habitats. We are committed to excel-
Questions should be directed to Dr. Sam low a career track similar to that of academic lence through diversity and faculty-friendly
Purkis, Chair of the Department of Marine Geo- faculty, in which the rank of Research Associ- policy action, and to cultivating a welcom-
sciences ( Applica- ate is analogous to that of Assistant Professor ing, inclusive, and supportive departmental
tions will only be accepted electronically via and the rank of Research Scientist is analo- culture. Earth science research at the SoE is
the UM Careers website. gous to that of Associate Professor. Research supported by world-class analytical facilities,
Applications shall include: staff at UTIG can advise or co-advise post- including the Peter Hooper GeoAnalytical and
• Letter of interest that describes your antici- doctoral scholars as well as graduate and Radiogenic Isotope and Geochronology Labo-
pated contributions to scholarship, teach- undergraduate students. ratories (
ing, and service in the Department of Marine UTIG is part of the Jackson School of Geo- The successful candidate will be expected to:
Geosciences; sciences, which houses top research programs (i) work collaboratively with faculty, staff, and
• Current CV; across all areas of the Earth Sciences. UTIG students from a wide range of disciplines, cul-
• Research statement; is also closely allied with the Texas Advanced tures, and academic backgrounds; (ii) teach
• Teaching statement; Computing Center [ https://www.tacc.utexas undergraduate and graduate courses related
• The names of five colleagues who can pro- .edu/ ], and it is involved in several research to Earth Surface Processes; (iii) publish quality
vide us with a reference. centers and programs at UT focused on emerg- research in high-impact, peer-reviewed out-
The positions will remain open until filled. ing Earth Science problems, such as the Center lets; (iv) develop an externally-funded research
The University of Miami is an equal opportunity for Planetary Systems Habitability [ https:// program; (v) mentor diverse graduate and
employer. ], the Center for Space undergraduate students; and (vi) serve univer-
Research [ ], and sity, professional, and/or public organizations
Three Research Associates/ the Oden Institute for Computational Engineer- from an ethical and evidence-based position.
Research Scientists, University of ing and Sciences [ https://www.oden.utexas Screening of applications begins on January
Texas, Institute for Geophysics .edu/ ]. UTIG employs both computational- and 3, 2022. To learn more and apply, visit www.wsu
The University of Texas Institute for Geophys- field-based technical support staff, and oper- .edu/jobs and enter R-3361 in the search bar.
WSU is an EO/AA Educator and Employer.
ics [ ] (UTIG) seeks ates a variety of field equipment and lab facili-
to hire three Research Staff members in the ties [ ].
following two broadly defined areas: (1) Global Applications should include a cover letter, OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
Change, including but not limited to: climate, curriculum vitae, a two-page statement of
extreme weather, sea level, coastal processes, research interests, a one-page diversity state- Jonathan O. Davis Fellowship, Quaternary
and cryosphere; and (2) Solid Earth Geophys- ment, up to three recent peer-reviewed pub- Geology of the Great Basin, Desert Research
ics, including but not limited to: earthquake lications, and the names and contact infor- Institute, Nevada. One Masters student will be
processes, geodesy, marine geophysics and mation of three qualified persons who can funded up to $2500 and one PhD student will be
tectonics, and solid earth-cryosphere interac- provide the search committee a reference let- funded up to $5,000. The national fellowship is
tion. We seek colleagues who creatively use ter upon request. For full consideration, appli- open to graduate students enrolled in an M.S.
theoretical, computational, observational and/ cations should be submitted by January 15, or Ph.D. program at any university in the United
or experimental approaches to address fun- 2022. You can view and apply for the position States. Applications must be submitted as a sin-
on the University’s job page [ https://utaustin
damental problems and processes on Earth gle PDF to by January
or other planets. Current areas of research at details/Research-Associate_R_00016687 ]. For 15, 2022. Details on application and submission
UTIG include climate modeling and dynamics, additional information about the application requirements can be found at https://www.dri
paleoclimatology, ice sheet and ocean dynam- process, please contact Rosalind Gamble .edu/about/awards-and-scholarships/davis
ics, marine geology and geophysics, plate tec- ( For additional infor- -fellowship/. Proposals will not be returned.
tonics and mantle convection, theoretical geo- mation about the position, please contact
physics, earthquake processes, and planetary the search committee chair: Yuko Okumura
geophysics. We are interested in candidates (
who will bring new research expertise and per-
spectives to UTIG. Successful applicants will Assistant Professor, Earth Hiring?
be expected to contribute to a dynamic and Find those qualified geoscientists to fill
diverse research community at the Univer- Surface Processes, School of the vacancies. Use GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
sity of Texas at Austin through the develop- Environment, Washington State ( and print issues of GSA
ment of a vigorous, internationally recognized, University Today. Bundle and save for best pricing
and externally funded research program, and The School of the Environment (SoE) at options. That unique candidate is waiting to
through engagement with colleagues, post- Washington State University invites applica- be found.
50 GSA TODAY | January 2022