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         Bookmark the Geoscience Job Board at  Lowell Chair in Economic         values into action by seeking individuals who for up-to-the-  Geology, University of Arizona  have experience and expertise working with
         minute job postings. Job Board ads may also   The Department of Geosciences invites appli-  diverse students, colleagues, and constitu-
         appear in a corresponding monthly print issue   cations for the Lowell Chair in Economic Geol-  encies. Because we seek a workforce with a
         of GSA Today. Send inquiries to advertising@  ogy, a tenure-track faculty position to be filled   wide range of perspectives and experiences,, or call +1-800-427-1988 ext.   by May 2022 at Assistant Professor level.   we provide equal employment opportunities
                                                                                to applicants and employees without regard
         1053 or +1-303-357-1053.            Exceptional candidates will be considered at   to race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
                                             Associate Professor level. We seek applicants   age, disability, veteran status, sexual orienta-
                                             interested in carrying out innovative teaching   tion, gender identity, or genetic information.
                                             and research in the area of economic geol-  As an Employer of National Service, we also
                 OPEN POSITIONS              ogy including applied issues directly related to   welcome alumni of AmeriCorps, Peace Corps,
                                             the discovery, development and production of   and other national service programs and oth-
         Postdoctoral Researcher,            mineral deposits as well as remediation of min-  ers who will help us advance our Inclusive
         University of Southern Mississippi  ing sites. We are looking for individuals who   Excellence initiative aimed at creating a uni-
                                             approach broad-based applied issues from a
         The University of Southern Mississippi invites   geological perspective and can combine aca-  versity that  values  student,  staff  and  faculty
         applications for a postdoctoral researcher   demic and industry interests. A requirement of   engagement in addressing issues of diversity
         within the School of Biological, Environmen-  the position is to coordinate innovative gradu-  and inclusiveness.
         tal, and Earth Sciences (BEES). We seek   ate  professional  training  programs  related  to   In addition to a cover letter, CV, statements
         expertise in fluvial geomorphology, hydrau-  mineral exploration and production. A Ph.D.   of teaching and research interests, and a state-
         lic modeling, and/or sediment/soil quality for   or equivalent degree is required. A desire to   ment documenting the applicant’s plan for pro-
         a  project  emphasizing sedimentation  along   work  with  industry,  through  collaborations   moting diversity, equity, and inclusion, please
         river-floodplain systems of interest to the U.S.   and established or planned partnerships, is   submit up to five reprints of published work
         Army Corps of Engineers - Engineer Research   welcome/preferred.       and provide the names and contact of three or
         and Development Center (USACE-ERDC). The   The  successful  candidate  is  expected  to   more references.
         successful candidate will have opportunities   actively  engage  in  multidisciplinary  research  Associate or Full Professor in
         to collaborate with researchers in the Schools   and teaching through the Department of Geo-  Geological Hazards, Department
         of Coastal Resilience and Ocean Science and   sciences, the partnerships and initiatives of   of Geology, University at Buffalo
         Engineering and, if desired, instruct classes   the Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources,
         within the School of BEES. The appointment   and related professional programs. Areas of   The Department of Geology at University at
         is for one year with a salary up to $55,000 and   interest are very broad and include but are   Buffalo (UB), The State University of New
         benefits; two additional years could be avail-  not limited to: fluid processes in crustal envi-  York, invites candidates to apply for the posi-
         able if a continuing agreement is approved.   ronments; structural and tectonic controls on   tion of Professor of Empire Innovation, at the
         Additional research support, including funds   ore-forming systems; geothermal or active   rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor.
         for conference and/or workshop travel, is   and fossil magmatic or metamorphic sys-  The selected candidate will receive support
                                                                                through the SUNY Empire Innovation Program
         available. The start date would commence as   tems; and isotope geochemistry, petrology,   (EIP), which recognizes exceptional scholars
         early as January 1, 2022.           or biogeochemistry of metal systems as well   with a proven track record of externally funded
          Primary duties and responsibilities for this   as planetary exploration for metals and other
         position include:                   economic resources. Approaches can include   research and offers a generous compensation
                                                                                and start-up package.
         1. Work closely with PI and the multi-disciplinary   field, experimental or theoretical work in set-  We invite applications from researchers who
          research team to plan, design, and execute   tings from surficial to magmatic, scales from   have exceptional track records in any type of
          field, lab, and analytical research activities.  microscopic to global, topics from basic sci-  geological hazard, including: (1) Active tec-
         2. Utilize analytical software applicable to can-  ence to applications and policy.  tonics, using the recent geological record to
          didate’s expertise.                 The Department is seeking an individual   establish earthquake histories and probabi-
         3. Facilitate development of project-related   who is able to work with diverse students and   listic hazards assessments. (2) Earth surface
          reports and manuscripts.           colleagues. Review of applications will begin   hazards, focusing on slope stability, landslides,
         4. Communicate research findings to collabo-  on January 15, 2022, and continue until the   and debris flows, including some combination
          rators, scientists, and students.  search is completed. A full posting for this   of fieldwork, modeling, and experimentation
         5. If applicable to candidate’s expertise -   position and online application instructions are   to understand underlying physical processes
          Conduct field work in variable and difficult   available at:  and translating these into hazards assess-
          conditions.                        careersite/4/home/requisition/7600?c=arizona  ments. (3) Volcanic hazards, using field obser-
         6. Perform other duties as assigned.  Outstanding UA benefits include health,   vations, numerical modeling, and experimental
          Review of applications will begin immedi-  dental, and vision insurance plans; life insur-  approaches to advance our understanding of,
         ately and the position will remain open until   ance and disability programs; paid vacation,   and ability to predict, hazardous eruption pro-
         filled. Applicants must submit: 1) a cover letter   sick leave, and holidays; UA/ASU/NAU tuition   cesses and their consequences.
         detailing qualifications and relevant experience,   reduction for the employee and qualified family   The Professor of Empire Innovation will teach
         2) CV, 3) a statement of research interest (not   members; state and optional retirement plans;   courses at the graduate and undergraduate
         to exceed 2 pages), and 4) names and contact   access to UA recreation and cultural activities;   levels, mentor graduate students, and main-
         information for three professional references.   and more!             tain an active externally funded research pro-
         The  successful  candidate  will  have  completed   At the University of Arizona, we value our   gram which will complement existing Depart-
         their Ph.D. in Geoscience, Environmental Sci-  inclusive climate because we know that diver-  mental strengths in volcanology, geodynamics,
         ence, Soil Science, Environmental Engineering,   sity in experiences and perspectives is vital to   paleoclimate and climate-change hazards, and
         or related field. For inquiries about the posi-  advancing innovation, critical thinking, solving   water and the environment. This position is part
         tion, please contact Dr. Frank Heitmuller at   complex problems, and creating an inclusive   of a cluster hire that includes the Department Apply at https://  academic community. As an Hispanic-serving   of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engi-   institution  and a  Native American/Alaska   neering, and the School of Architecture and
         .aspx?id=2351&site=1&c=usm.         Native-serving institution, we translate these   Planning, aimed at enhancing research and

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