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• Acclaimed presentations (books and other publications, mass and All nomination forms and submission instructions can be found
electronic media, or public presentations, including lectures) that online at Nomination forms and
have expanded public awareness of the earth sciences. instructions may also be obtained from GSA Grants and Awards,
• Authorship of technical publications that have significantly P.O. Box 9140, 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, CO 80301-9140,
advanced scientific concepts or techniques applicable to the reso- USA, +1-303-357-1028,
lution of earth-resource or environmental issues of public concern.
• Other individual accomplishments that have advanced the earth OTHER AWARDS
sciences in the public interest. John C. Frye Environmental Geology Award
The award will normally go to a GSA member of any nation, Deadline: 31 March 2023
with exceptions approved by Council, and may be presented post- In cooperation with the Association of American State
humously to a descendant of the awardee. Geologists (AASG), GSA makes an annual award for the best
paper on environmental geology published either by GSA or by
How to Nominate one of the state geological surveys.
1. Nomination form: Please go to Anyone can nominate a paper as long as it is selected from a
forms/Awardform.asp to submit the form online. GSA or state geological survey publication and published during
2. Supporting documents, to be submitted as e-mail attachments the preceding three full calendar years. The nomination letter
or via post: must include a paragraph stating the importance of the paper. Up
• Curriculum vitae. to three letters from users of the publication can be included to
• Letter of nomination (300 words or less). support the nomination.
• Brief biographical sketch that clearly demonstrates the applica- Each nominated paper will be judged on its uniqueness or signifi-
bility of the selection criteria. cance as a model of its type of work and its overall worthiness for
• Selected bibliography of no more than 10 titles. the award. The paper must (1) establish an environmental problem
or need; (2) provide substantive information on the basic geology or
GSA Honorary Fellow geologic process pertinent to the problem; (3) relate the geology to
Established by the GSA Council in 1909, Honorary Fellowship the problem or need; (4) suggest solutions or provide appropriate
may be bestowed on individuals who have made outstanding and land-use recommendations based on the geology; (5) present the
internationally recognized contributions to geoscience, or in rare information in a manner that is understandable and directly usable
circumstances, provided notable service to the Society. In prac- by geologists; and (6) address the environmental need or resolve
tice, nearly all candidates are non–North Americans who live and the problem. It is preferred that the paper be directly applicable to
work outside of North America. The most noteworthy exceptions informed laypersons (e.g., planners, engineers).
were astronauts. The awardee does not have to be a member of the Please send your nominations to GSA Grants and Awards, P.O.
Society to receive the award. No more than two Honorary Fellows Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA. For more information, go
will be awarded annually. Honorary Fellows receive complimen- to
tary lifetime membership to the Society.
AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell
How to Nominate The AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell recognizes singu-
1. Nomination form: Please go to lar performance in and contribution to the profession of geology.
forms/Awardform.asp to submit the form online. Candidates are measured against the distinguished career of Ian
2. Supporting documents, to be submitted as e-mail attachments Campbell, whose service to the profession touched virtually every
or via post: facet of the geosciences. Campbell was a most uncommon man of
• Curriculum vitae. remarkable accomplishment and widespread influence, and in his
• Letter of nomination (300 words or less) that clearly demon- career as a geologist, educator, administrator, and public servant,
strates the applicability of the selection criteria. he was noted for his candor and integrity. To submit a nomination,
• Letters of support from three scientists with at least two from go to
GSA Fellows and one from a GSA Fellow or a person of equiva-
lent international stature. AGI Marcus Milling Legendary Geoscientist Medal
• Selected bibliography of no more than 20 titles. The Marcus Milling Legendary Geoscientist Medal is given to a
recipient with consistent contributions of high-quality scientific
Award Notes achievements and service to the earth sciences having lasting his-
Candidates whose names are submitted by the respective award toric value; who has been recognized for accomplishments in
committees to GSA Council but who do not receive an award will field(s) of expertise by professional societies, universities, or other
remain under consideration by those committees for three years. organizations; and is a senior scientist nearing completion or has
For those still under consideration, it is recommended that an completed full-time regular employment. Prior to 2007 it had been
updated nomination package be sent to GSA (required for the called the AGI Legendary Geoscientist Award. To submit a nomi-
Donath Medal). nation, go to
36 GSA TODAY | October 2022