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Kohout Early Career Award                             SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY DIVISION
         Sam Zipper, Kansas Geological Survey                  Laurence L. Sloss Award
                                                               Judith Totman Parrish, University of Idaho
         Israel C. Russell Award                               STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND TECTONICS
         Christopher A. Schulz, Syracuse University            DIVISION
                                                               Career Contribution Award
         Kerry Kelts Student Research Awards                   Peter Molnar, University of Colorado
         Hailey K. Sinon, University of Pittsburgh
                                                               Outstanding Publication Award
         MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, PETROLOGY,                  Lars N. Hansen, David L. Kohlstedt, Mark E. Zimmerman,
         AND VOLCANOLOGY DIVISION                              University of Minnesota
         Distinguished Geologic Career Award
         Jane Selverstone, University of New Mexico            OTHER AWARDS PRESENTED AT THE MEETING

         Early Career Award                                    CUSHMAN FOUNDATION
         Hannah Dietterich, U.S. Geological Survey             W. Storrs Cole Memorial Research Award
                                                               Peter van Hengstrum, Texas A&M University
         G.K. Gilbert Award                                    AMERICAN GEOSCIENCES INSTITUTE
         Allan H. Treiman, Lunar and Planetary Institute       AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell
                                                               Jean M. Bahr, University of Wisconsin
         Ronald Greeley Award for Distinguished Service
         Andy Shaner, Lunar and Planetary Institute            ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN STATE
         Pellas-Ryder Award                                    John C. Frye Memorial Award
         Sarah S. Sutton, University of Arizona                David J. Hart and Anna C. Fehling, Potential effects of climate
                                                               change on stream temperature in the Marengo River head-waters:
         QUATERNARY GEOLOGY AND                                Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Bulletin, v. 115, 74 p.
         Kirk Bryan Award for Research Excellence
         Timothy Beach, The University of Texas, for Beach, T., et al., 2019,
         Ancient Maya wetland fields revealed under tropical forest canopy
         from laser scanning and multiproxy evidence: Proceedings of the
         National Academy of Sciences, v. 116, no. 43, p. 21,469–21,477.

         Distinguished Career Award
         Dorothy J. Merritts, Franklin & Marshall College

         Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research
         Ronald Amundson, University of California, Berkley

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