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GSA Scientific Division Awards

                                    Congratulations to All 2022 GSA Division Award Recipients

         GSA’s primary Division awards and the other Division awards pre-  GEOBIOLOGY AND GEOMICROBIOLOGY
         sented at GSA Connects 2022 are listed below. Learn more about   DIVISION
         GSA’s scientific Divisions at  Outstanding Contributions in Geobiosciences Award—Pre-Tenure
                                                               John W. Valley, University of Wisconsin
         Gilbert H. Cady Award                                 Outstanding Contributions in Geobiosciences Award—Post-Tenure
         Sue M. Rimmer, College of Agriculture, Life and Physical   Lidya Tarrhan, Yale University
         Sciences-Geology, Southern Illinois University
                                                               Outstanding Contributions in Geobiosciences Award—
         Antoinette Lierman Medlin Research Award              Distinguished Career
         No Award for 2022                                     Cara Santelli, University of Minnesota

         Curtis-Hedberg Award                                  GEOINFORMATICS DIVISION
         Eve Sprunt                                            M. Lee Alison Award for Geoinformatics
                                                               Yolanda Gil, Information Sciences Institute, University of
         ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY                 Southern California
         E.B. Burwell, Jr., Award                              GEOLOGY AND SOCIETY DIVISION
         Stephen B. DeLong, Jordan A. Carey, Nicholas Pinter, Carol S.   E-an Zen Fund Geoscience Outreach Grant
         Prentice, Alexandra Pickering, 2019, Analysis of Landslide   Muhammad Qasim Mahmood, University of Prince Edward
         Kinematics Using Multi-Temporal Unmanned Aerial Vehicle   Island
         Imagery, La Honda, California: Environmental and Engineering   Angelique Rosamarin, University of Miami
         Geoscience, v. 25, no. 4, p. 301–317.
                                                               GEOPHYSICS DIVISION
         Distinguished Practice Award                          George P. Woollard Award
         Abdul Shakoor, Kent State University                  Ray E. Wells, U.S. Geological Survey, Geology, Minerals,
                                                               Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
         Meritorious Service Award
         Robert Mitchell, Western Washington University        Seth and Carol Stein Early Career Award in Geophysics and
         Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer               Richard K. Bono, Florida State University
         Vincent S. Cronin, Baylor University
                                                               GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION DIVISION
         Roy J. Shlemon Scholarship Award                      Biggs Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching
         Cissy Mean, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University  Christy C. Visaggi, Georgia State University
         Lauren Miller, Colorado School of Mines
                                                               HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY
         Roy J. Shlemon Meeting Award                          DIVISION
         Miguel Valencia, Florida International University     Mary C. Rabbitt History of Geology Award
                                                               Marianne Klemun, Dept. of History, University of Vienna
         Rip Rapp Archaeological Geology Award                 Gerry and Sue Friedman Award for Distinguished Service
         David K. Wright, Dept. of Archaeology Conservation & History,   David Spanagel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
         University of Oslo
                                                               HYDROGEOLOGY DIVISION
         Claude C. Albritton, Jr., Memorial Student Research Award  O.E. Meinzer Award
         Tristan Bench, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences at the   Beth Louise Parker, University of Guelph
         University of Washington
         Alyssa Pietrazsek, Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences,   Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer
         University of Haifa                                   Kenneth Belitz

                                                               George Burke Maxey Distinguished Service Award
                                                               Eric W. Peterson, Illinois State University

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