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                             The Role of Outburst Floods in

                             Earth and Planetary Evolution

                                     5–9 June 2023 | Grand Coulee, Washington, USA

         CONVENERS                                             of settings, processes, and hazards results in a wide range of back-
         Tim Goudge, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Geological   grounds, disciplines, and geographies represented by outburst flood
         Sciences, Austin, Texas, USA,   researchers, including engineers, geomechanicists, glaciologists,
         Isaac Larsen, University of Massachusetts, Dept. of Geosciences,   volcanologists, geologists, geographers, hydrologists, and planetary
         Amherst, Massachusetts, USA,        scientists. This thematic session aims to search for commonalities
         Jim O’Connor, U.S. Geological Survey, Geology, Minerals, Energy,   and distinctions among outburst flood generation mechanisms and
         and Geophysics Science Center, Portland, Oregon, USA, oconnor@  geomorphic consequences (across landscapes and planets), thereby                                              enriching the perspective for the outburst flood research community.
         Greta Wells, University of Iceland, Institute of Earth Sciences,
         Reykjavík, Iceland,                     3. Mechanistic Understanding of Outburst Flood Processes—
                                                                Flow, Erosion, and Deposition
         SPONSORS                                               Outburst floods produce spectacular features—huge cataract
         The Geological Society of America                     complexes, eroded rock basins, streamlined landforms, and immense
         National Science Foundation                           stratified deposits. Given the lack of in situ observations of ice-age
                                                               and planetary megaflood processes, various methods have been used
         DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES                            to address historical questions regarding flood magnitude, the num-
          The century following the start of the “Spokane Flood” debate has   ber of floods, or the shear stresses generated by flooding, including
         seen tremendous growth in the understanding of the significant role   empirical, stratigraphic, mechanistic, modeling, and physical experi-
         outburst floods have played in shaping the surfaces of Earth and   mentation. The development, refinement, and testing of mechanistic
         Mars. Study of the geomorphology and hydrology of outburst floods   models have been key to advancing the overall understanding of how
         has, in turn, generated hypotheses regarding the role such floods play   outburst floods drive the evolution of planetary surfaces. The objec-
         in driving climate change and a greater recognition of the geohazards   tive of this thematic session is to generate discussion that charts a path
         associated with outburst flooding. The objective of this Penrose   for novel approaches for mechanistic understanding of the energetic
         Conference is to bring together a diverse community of scholars to   and dynamic flows that produce outburst flood landforms.
         discuss the current state of knowledge and chart the future of outburst
         flood science. The timing of the proposed conference in 2023 is also   4. Broader Implications of Outburst Floods—Cultural
         historically significant, as it marks the centennial anniversary of    Consequences and Hazards, Ocean Circulation and Climatic
         J Harlen Bretz’s first publication on the Channeled Scabland.   Systems, Ecosystems, and Landscape Evolution
                                                                The hazards and impacts from outburst floods are immense,
         PRELIMINARY OUTLINE OF THEMATIC SESSIONS              global, and diverse, begging several overarching questions. Are there
         1. The Channeled Scabland and the Missoula Floods     specific geologic and climatologic settings that can condition such
          The Missoula Floods and the Channeled Scabland are a
         “Megaflood testing ground” for studies applicable throughout the
         solar system. It is here where Bretz’s controversial and outrageous
         hypothesis for a flood origin of the Channeled Scabland brought huge
         ice-age outburst floods into the realm of modern Earth science. The
         Channeled Scabland continues to inspire geological analysis and
         modeling approaches, and this spectacular geographic area has long
         attracted attention, culturally and scientifically. This thematic session
         will explore the state of knowledge of the Channeled Scabland land-
         scape and the Missoula floods, as well as the scientific controversies
         that have persisted for the past century and continue today.

         2. Outburst Floods—A Universal Process
          A wide range of geological processes lead to impoundment of
         water bodies that can then rapidly drain to cause large floods, ranging
         from tectonics to meteor impacts. Floods from ice-dammed, moraine-
         dammed, and landslide-dammed lakes can cause human catastro-  Aerial view downstream (south) of Dry Falls cataract complex, Grand Cou-
                                                               lee, Washington, USA. The pair of giant cataracts at the head of lower Grand
         phes. Floods from constructed dams have also profoundly affected   Coulee are 120 m deep and span 2 km in width. They formed via headward
         landscapes and people. Spectacular flood-carved landscapes on other   erosion during several Missoula floods. The planned conference venue,
                                                               Camp Delany, sits at the foot of the left (eastern) amphitheater. Photograph
         planets, particularly Mars, owe to huge outburst floods. The diversity   by Bruce Bjornstad.

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