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hazards and preserve evidence of paleo-outburst floods? What are
         persistent cultural consequences of outburst floods, such as the land-
         slide dam flood that has been attributed to marking the beginning of
         the Xia dynasty and onset of the Chinese Bronze Age? Can the for-
         mation of glacier dams and erosion by outburst floods influence long-
         term exhumation and geodynamics in uplifting mountains? More
         broadly, how do outburst floods affect landscapes on geologic time
         scales? Aside from landscape impacts, it is also important to consider
         climate impacts—Can large outburst floods trigger global or regional
         climate changes? This fourth thematic session will address these
         broad interdisciplinary questions, searching for directions of produc-
         tive inquiry relevant to the culturally and scientifically important   Examples of outburst flood features on Mars. (A) Loire Vallis (white arrow)
                                                               carved by catastrophic lake breach flooding from the Parana basin. (B) Ares
         aspects of outburst floods.                           Vallis (white arrow) outflow channel carved by catastrophic release of over-
                                                               pressurized  groundwater.  Image  credit:  THEMIS  (NASA/JPL-Caltech/Ari-
                                                               zona State University) and MOLA (NASA/GSFC/MOLA Science Team), Timo-
         PRELIMINARY AGENDA                                    thy A. Goudge.
          The meeting will be held at Camp Delany, a facility within Sun
         Lakes–Dry Falls State Park, near Coulee City, Washington, USA.   home to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. However, we have
         The conference venue is located within the plunge pool of the Grand   funds allocated to support both the registration costs and the travel
         Coulee cataract complex carved by the Missoula floods, providing a   expenses of some participants, which will be prioritized toward
         stunning location for inspiring conference discussion and two field   individuals from groups underrepresented in the geosciences, as
         excursions. The conference format will be a balance of oral presenta-  well as early-career and student participants. All participants will
         tions, poster presentations, evening plenary talks, and breakout dis-  be expected to make their own travel arrangements to arrive at the
         cussions and will include mentoring opportunities for early-career   Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on 4 June. Alternatively, attend-
         scientists. All nights will be spent at Camp Delany, with shared bunk-  ees may choose to provide their own transportation to Camp Delany
         house or camping accommodations. A limited number of hotel rooms   but will be expected to use conference-provided transportation during
         have been reserved in a nearby town for participants who require dif-  the meeting (i.e., for field trips).
         ferent lodging. Attendees will be expected to observe the GSA Code
         of Ethics & Professional Conduct throughout the meeting. The con-  APPLICATIONS AND REGISTRATION
         ference will follow the COVID-19 protocols that GSA has established   Application deadline: 27 Jan. 2023
         for meetings and field trips.                         Acceptance notices: 27 Feb. 2023
          Meeting participants who are arriving by air will be shuttled from   Registration deadline: 20 Mar. 2023
         Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to the conference venue on
         Sunday, 4 June. Day 1 of the conference on (5 June) will focus on the   GSA and the meeting conveners are committed to fostering diver-
         Channeled Scabland, setting the stage for a field trip on Day 2. The   sity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the geoscience community.
         full-day tour of the Channeled Scabland and late Pleistocene outburst   For this meeting we welcome and encourage applications from all
         flood features will include inspection of several flow paths, evidence   gender identities, Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and People of Color,
         of ice dams and ice-dammed lake deposits, and a variety of erosional   people with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and other groups
         and depositional landforms. Day 3 will include multiple sessions   that are currently underrepresented within the earth-science commu-
         focussing on different aspects of the universal nature of outburst   nity. We have dedicated funds to support conference participation
         floods. Day 4 will begin with a morning session focussed on outburst   for such individuals, as well as early-career researchers and students.
         flood mechanics, followed by an afternoon field trip in Grand Coulee   The conference will be limited to approximately 75 participants,
         to extend the discussion of the origin of outburst flood erosional and   and each participant will be expected to attend the full duration of the
         depositional features. Finally, Day 5 will be dedicated to the broader   conference. To apply, please submit your application through the form
         societal and earth-system implications of outburst floods, followed by   on the meeting website:
         breakout discussion groups, where participants will summarize and
         record the key conference outcomes related to each theme. Those
         meeting participants who will be departing by air will be shuttled
         back to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Saturday, 10 June.  As part of the application, you will be asked to prepare a brief
                                                               statement of your interests and relevance of your work to the confer-
         ATTENDEES AND ESTIMATED COSTS                         ence themes (150 words max.), as well as a tentative title for a pro-
          Thanks to the generous support of the sponsors, many of the meet-  posed presentation; every participant will be expected to present at
         ing costs are covered. The registration fee is yet to be determined,    the conference. Applicants will be notified regarding attendance
         but it will cover six nights of lodging, meals, transportation to/from   and presentation format (oral or poster) by 27 Feb. 2023. Conference
         Camp Delany, transportation for field trips, and facility usage.   participants will be asked to submit full abstracts for presentations
         Participants will be expected to pay for travel expenses from their   at the time of registration.

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