Page 21 - GSA Today December 2022
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Top Reasons to Join Scientific Divisions

                       when you renew your 2023 GSA Membership

            Scientific Divisions…

            • Provide an easy forum for members to network and    • Recognize outstanding achievements within
              collaborate with others in their discipline.         scientific disciplines.
            • Serve as the backbone of the GSA Annual Meeting     • Provide opportunities for leadership, mentoring,
              (GSA Connects) technical program.                    and service.
            • Provide valuable information including news and op-  • Offer research and travel grants.
              portunities through newsletters, websites, and emails.  • Help guide the Society.

            Join One or More Scientific Divisions

            Expand your network and collaborate with others
            who share your professional interests.

            Continental Scientific    History and Philosophy
            Drilling                  of Geology
            Energy Geology            Hydrogeology
            Environmental and         Karst
            Engineering Geology       Limnogeology
            Geoarchaeology            Marine and Coastal
            Geobiology and            Geoscience
            Geomicrobiology           Mineralogy,
            Geochronology             Geochemistry, Petrology     Student Members—US$2 each … and join one
                                                                  for Free
            Geoinformatics and        and Volcanology
            Data Science              Planetary Geology           Early Career Professional & K–12 Teacher Members—
                                                                  US$5 each
            Geology and Health        Quaternary Geology          Professional, Senior* & Affiliate Members—
            Geology and Society       and Geomorphology           US$10 each

            Geophysics and            Sedimentary Geology         * Senior members may opt for dues waiver(s) or choose to
            Geodynamics               Soils and Soil Processes    financially support their Division(s).
            Geoscience Education      Structural Geology
                                      and Tectonics

                                                               Renew your 2023 GSA Membership Today

                                                                   and select your Scientific Divisions

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