Page 22 - GSA Today December 2022
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2022 AGeS-DiG (Diversity in

                                     Geochronology) Grants

          The AGeS-DiG (Diversity in Geochronology) funds pilot initia-  Jaclyn Baughman and Melanie Michalak, California State
         tives to increase access to geochronology for those underrepre-  Polytechnic University Humboldt, “An undergraduate cohort ther-
         sented in the earth sciences. The program goals are to:  mochronology research and mentorship experience documenting
         • Engage, train, and educate students at any level (including under-  Northern California’s response to Eocene Siletzia accretion.”
          graduate and community college) who have not traditionally had
          equal access to geochronology data and training.     Isabella Bennett, University of Vermont, “Authentic
         • Generate and test innovative ideas to expand geochronology   Undergraduate Geochronology Research (AUGR).”
          access for those underrepresented in the earth sciences.
          The 2022 AGeS-DiG program was supported by the National   Kevin Konrad, University of Nevada Las Vegas, “Three-phases
         Science Foundation under the following awards: EAR-1759200, EAR-  of  Ar/ Ar geochronology research into ancient marine volcanoes.”
         1759353, and EAR-1759201. For more information, see the AGeS-DiG
         homepage:   Lyman Persico, Whitman College, “A project focused on land-
         In 2022, six AGeS DiG awards were given:              scape evolution and climate change to introduce research to first-
                                                               year students from underrepresented backgrounds.”
         Christopher Bailey, College of William & Mary, “Cracking
         open Rodinia—Engaging underrepresented students in U-Pb    Darryl Reano, Arizona State University, “GeoConnections 2 (GC2).”
         geochronology to better understand Iapetus rifting in the central

                                                                        J. David Lowell Field

                                                                         Camp Scholarships

                                                                GSA and the GSA Foundation are proud to announce that
                                                               J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarships will be available to
                                                               undergraduate geology students for the summer of 2023. These
                                                               scholarships will provide students with US$2,000 each to attend
                                                               the field camp of their choice. Applications are reviewed based
                                                               on diversity, economic/financial need, and merit. Application
                                                               deadline: 31 Mar. 2023.

                                                               Learn more at
                                                               Questions? Contact Jennifer Nocerino,

         Savannah Devine, a 2022 J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarship awardee.

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