Page 28 - GSA Today December 2022
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Luminescence (OSL) Dating Short Course: Essential Guide for   A VIP Behind-The-Scenes Tour at the Denver Museum of
         Sampling and Dark Secrets Behind the Technique. Endorsed by   Nature & Science. James Hagadorn and others, Denver Museum
         GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA   of Nature & Science,
         Geochronology Division. Shannon Mahan, U.S. Geological
         Survey,; Tammy Rittenour, Utah State   From Mantle to Mountain Top—Palinspastic Restoration of the
         University,                       I-70 Transect across the Basement Uplifts of Central Colorado.
                                                               Endorsed by GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division. Ned
         FIELD TRIPS                                           Sterne, independent geologist,; Bob Raynolds,
         Field trip co-chairs: John Singleton,;   Denver Museum of Nature & Science,;
         Yvette Kuiper,; Jonathan Caine, jscaine@  Jim Granath, consulting structural geologist,
                                                               Introduction to the Stratigraphy and Depositional Settings
         After the Asteroid: Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the K-Pg   of the Classic Outcrops of the Book Cliffs. Endorsed by GSA
         Succession at Corral Bluffs, Colorado. Endorsed by GSA   Sedimentary Geology Division. Howard Feldman, Colorado State
         Sedimentary Geology Division. James Hagadorn, Denver Museum   University,; Vitor Abreu, Act
         of Nature & Science,; Tyler Lyson, Denver   Geosciences,
         Museum of Nature & Science, tyler.lyson@dmns org; Gussie
         MacCracken, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, gussie   Why is Kilometer-Scale Exhumation Diachronous across the                                 Colorado Rockies and Great Plains? Endorsed by GSA Structural
                                                               Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geochronology Division. Lon
         Proterozoic Tectonics of the Northern Colorado Front Range.   Abbott, University of Colorado,; Rebecca

         Endorsed by GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA   Flowers, University of Colorado,;
         Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division.   James Metcalf, University of Colorado,;
         Graham Baird, University of Northern Colorado, graham.baird@  Sabrina Kainz, University of Colorado,; Tim Grover, University of Northern Colorado, timothy; Kevin Mahan, University of Colorado Boulder,   REGISTRATION                             Early registration deadline: 17 April
                                                               Registration cancelation deadline: 24 April
         Stratigraphy and Structural Geology of the Front Range    For further information or if you need special accommodations,
         near Fort Collins, Colorado. John Singleton, Colorado State   please contact the organizing chair, Rick Aster, rick.aster@
         University,; Jeremy Rugenstein,
         Colorado State University,
         An Examination of Late Paleozoic Stratigraphy, Laramide   Hotel registration deadline: 2 May
         Folds, and the Rocky Mountain Erosion Surface. Michael   A block of rooms has been reserved at the Fort Collins Hilton
         Kendrick, Retired Petroleum Geoscientist, mkendrick9@icloud   located next to the Colorado State University campus and within
         .com; John Singleton, Colorado State University, john.singleton@  easy walking distance of the Lory Center meeting venue. The meet-                                        ing rate is US$189 per night plus tax. The hotel offers many ameni-
                                                               ties (restaurants, bar, pool, Wi-Fi), and the convention center is just
         Overview and Geologic History of Quaternary Fluvial and   steps away. Reservations can be made by calling +1-970-482-2626.
         Eolian Deposits in the Northern Colorado Piedmont. Endorsed   Please reference group code RMGSA23.
         by GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division.
         Stephen M. Keller, Colorado Geological Survey, skeller@mines   OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS AND EARLY
         .edu; Michael K. O’Keeffe, Colorado Geological Survey, okeeffe@  CAREER PROFESSIONALS; Kassandra O. Lindsey, Colorado Geological Survey,   Career Mentoring Luncheons; Alexander E. Marr, Colorado Geological   Ask your career-related questions and learn about non-academic
         Survey,; Matthew L. Morgan, Colorado   pathways in the geosciences while networking with professionals
         Geological Survey,                 at the Roy J. Shlemon and John Mann Mentor Luncheons. GSA
                                                               student members are welcome.
         Geomorphology and Structures in the Epicentral Area of the
         1882 M6.6 Earthquake. James P. McCalpin, GEO-HAZ Consulting,   Career Workshop Series
         Inc.,                             This three-part series will feature career development planning,
                                                               an exploration of geoscience job sectors, and information on best
         Cenozoic Geology and Geomorphology of the Laramie     practices for crafting a résumé and cover letter. Non-technical
         Mountains, Wyoming. Endorsed by GSA Quaternary Geology   skills and workforce statistics will be reviewed. The series will be
         and Geomorphology Division; Wyoming Geological Survey.   led by workshop presenters and geoscientists. No registration is
         Emmett Evanoff, University of Northern Colorado, emmett   required, and everyone is welcome.

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