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         South-Central Section

         57th Annual Meeting of the South-Central Section, GSA

         Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA | 13–14 March 2023

         Geosciences at the Crossroads of America

                                                               Gypsum formations of Western Oklahoma. Photo by Todd Halihan.

         LOCATION                                              ACCOMMODATIONS
          The 57th Annual Meeting of GSA’s South-Central Section will   Hotel registration deadline: 21 Feb.
         take place in Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA, at the Wes Watkins   A block of rooms has been reserved at two locations: (1) Hampton
         Center of Oklahoma State University (OSU), which is located on   Inn & Suites Stillwater at 717 E. Hall of Fame Ave., Stillwater, OK
         the scenic shoreline of the Permian Sea, and currently sits at the   74075, USA, at a special meeting rate of US$96 per night plus tax.
         crossroads of major U.S. highways, petroleum pipelines, and eco-  Reservations should be made by calling the hotel at +1-405-743-
         systems. The university has provided an intersection of geologic   1306. (2) A second block of rooms is reserved at The Atherton
         disciplines since the inception of the Boone Pickens School of   Hotel, OSU’s boutique hotel, located on the university campus,
         Geology at OSU with a history in petroleum, water, and agricul-  at a meeting rate of US$149.95. Reservations for The Atherton
         ture. The meeting will have a diverse program of workshops, tech-  should be made by calling the hotel at +1-405-744-6835. Please
         nical sessions, short courses, and field trips that covers a spectrum   let both hotels know that you are part of GSA. Both include
         of geologic disciplines. The meeting is during the spring break for   breakfast with your accommodations.
         the OSU campus to give some flexibility with facilities. Stillwater
         is accessible by interstate or air transportation at the Stillwater   TECHNICAL PROGRAM
         airport (SWO).                                         Please direct questions related to the following sessions to the
                                                               technical program co-chairs: Ahmed Ismail, ahmed.ismail@
         REGISTRATION                                , and Tracy M. Quan,
         Early registration deadline: 6 Feb.
         Cancellation deadline: 13 Feb.                        T1.   Discovering Earth through a Multi Geophysical Sensor
          For further information or if you need special accommodations,   Approach. Luel Emishaw, Oklahoma State University,
         please contact Todd Halihan at All fees; Andrew Katumwehe,
         are in U.S. dollars.                                       Midwestern State University, andrew.katumwehe@
                                                          ; Zelalem Demissie, Wichita State University,
                   REGISTRATION FEES (all fees are in U.S. dollars); Mohamed Abdel Salem,
                                   Early         Standard           Oklahoma State University, mohamed.abdel_salem@
              Member Type                                 ; Kevin Mickus, Missouri State University,
                              Full Mtg.  One Day  Full Mtg.   One Day
         Professional Member   $275    $200    $375    $300    T2.   Geoscience Education Recruitment and Retention:
         Professional Member 70+ &   $200  $150  $300  $250         Adapting Pedagogy for Long-Term Inclusion, Diversity,
         30-year member
                                                                    and Interest in Geoscience. April Moreno-Ward, Rose
         Professional Nonmember  $325  $225    $425    $325         State College,
         Early Career Professional   $175  $150  $200  $175
         Member                                                T3.   Geoscience Education: Advancing Justice, Equity,
         Student Member         $80     $80    $180    $180         Diversity, and Inclusion through Research, Curriculum
         Student Nonmember     $160    $160    $260    $260         and Systemic Change. Wendi J.W. Williams, South Texas
         K–12 Professional     $150    $125    $250    $225
         Guest or Spouse        $75     $75    $175    $175    T4.   A Sustainable Earth: Exploring the Interactions of
         Field Trip/Short Course Only  $75  n/a  $75   n/a          Geology and Sustainability. Michael DeAngelis, University
                                                                    of Arkansas at Little Rock,

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