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future and Environmental Social Governance (ESG) guides busi-  While mineralogy is deeply embedded in most aspects of the earth
         ness decisions, the earth sciences, specifically mineral sciences, are   sciences (Fig. 4), mineralogy bridges disciplinary boundaries and
         ever more important to provide foundational information.  connects earth sciences to other science, technology, engineering,
          Yet, the study of minerals has dwindled, gradually disappearing   and mathematics (STEM) fields. One such example was recently
         from the earth-science curriculum, particularly in the U.S. (e.g.,   released by the American Chemical Society in their “reaction” series
         Nietzel, 2020; Bierman, 2021). Commonly viewed as “too tradi-  titled “Are we standing on a quadrillion diamonds?” (ACS, 2021).
         tional,” mineralogy classes have been reduced in many curricula,   Chemists are capitalizing on the inspiration and engagement of
         compressed into another class (e.g., “earth materials”), or aban-  chemical reactions to make (natural) minerals—clearly trying to take
         doned altogether and expunged from the curriculum, with the con-  the spotlight from the geosciences. Much of materials science and
         comitant loss of critical expertise. No funding agency supports   advanced materials research is built on templates from nature (i.e.,
         “mineralogical research” per se. One recent editorial described how   minerals). This approach has been largely in the domain of chemists
         difficult it is to find properly trained mineralogists in the U.S.   and physicists—yet earth scientists have much to contribute. Because
         (R. Ewing, personal commun., 2021).                   of my mineral-science background, I had the pleasure of serving as a
          This short article provides a case for mineralogical expertise and   Ph.D. committee member in the chemistry department for a candi-
         implores earth scientists to re-engage with this discipline, because its   date studying the crystal structure of MoS , which mineral geoscien-
         foundational knowledge and skill sets are integral to earth-science   tists know as molybdenite. During the questioning, I asked the candi-
         solutions required to tackle some of society’s most challenging prob-  date if they could identify the shiny, gray, foliated sample of MoS
         lems. Additionally, embracing mineralogy in all its forms, by sup-  I proffered He looked at me quizzically and replied that he had no
         porting mineralogical research and education, provides fundamental   idea that MoS  was an actual mineral that occurred naturally on
         information required to help solve many of Earth’s most closely   Earth. Clearly, geoscientists with a mineralogical background can
         guarded secrets. The criticality of mineralogical knowledge is dem-  inform the STEM community about mutually beneficial subjects.
         onstrated by connecting the mineral sciences across scientific disci-  Geoscientists understand complex, heterogeneous, multicompo-
         plines and into the realm of humankind by providing select examples   nent, and natural materials over ranges of spatial scales and through
         in science, technology, and society.                  time, and are superb analysts, providing natural connections to
          To geoscientists, the value of minerals to science is broadly rec-  these disciplines. As such, mineralogy is a translational science,
         ognized. Resulting from complex planetary processes, minerals are   within and outside of the earth sciences.
         extraordinary archives of Earth’s mysteries, allowing scientists to
         decipher ~4.5 billion years of embedded history. For example, the    Paleoclimatology  Geochemistry
         minerals in a pallasite meteorite contain clues to the composition,   Environmental
         formation conditions, and evolution of the early Solar System, with   Mineralogy, Geology   Petrology
         implications for core-mantle development of Earth. Glacial ice, a
         mineral, shapes continents, modulates Earth’s surface tempera-  Geomicrobiology                 Planetary Studies
         tures, and moderates climate variations; it also traps gas bubbles        Mineralogy
         that sample prehistoric CO  and CH  levels. Other minerals, such as
         calcite, can record in their oscillatory zoning patterns the thermal,   Geofluids, Hydrology    Structural Geology
         chemical, and mechanical interactions in complex geosystems.
         Portions of the biosphere, such as pollen grains, invertebrate exo-  Materials Science     Economic Geology
         skeletons, and vertebrate bones and teeth are (bio)minerals. Their
         former presence, now as fossilized remnants of past life, owe their   Mineral Physics  Geophysics
         persistence to mineral replacement (Fig. 3).
                                                               Figure 4. Centrality of mineralogy to earth-science disciplines (modified
                                                               from Klein and Dutrow, 2007).

                                                               MINERALS AND CLIMATE
                                                                Although a myriad of examples is available to demonstrate the
                                                               value of minerals in technology and society, this article focuses on
                                        Figure 3. Belemnite, replaced   select mineralogical contributions that will serve as integral compo-
                                        by the mineraloid opal, pre-  nents to mitigate the climate crises. These examples include (1) min-
                                        serves former remnants of   eral trapping  as  one  method  for  carbon  capture  and  long-term
                                        life. Early Cretaceous: 135
                                        Ma. From Coober Pedy,   storage; (2) mineral constituents as essential materials for the energy
                                        South Australia. © Jeff Scovil   transformation, highlighting renewable energy and electric vehicles;
                                        photo. Rob Seilecki speci-
                                        men. Used with permission.  and (3) minerals as templates for advanced functional materials.

                                                               Mineral Trapping
                                                                As the world struggles with the impact of climate change, carbon
                                                               capture and long-term storage are required for reducing greenhouse
                                                               gas emissions into the atmosphere, stabilizing and lowering carbon
                                                               dioxide levels, and ensuring a more robust sustainable climate path

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