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2017; Gernon et al., 2021). Increasing   leading edge of continents by driving them   by global changes in plate margin networks.
         87 Sr/ Sr ratios in Cenozoic  marine  lime-  into advancing compressional states of sub-  Increasing  Sr/ Sr compositions in Cenozoic
         stones have been associated with decreases   duction  and  collisions  involving  arcs  and   marine sediments have also been associated
         in  unradiogenic Sr flux related to lower   continental blocks that favor crustal thicken-  with glaciation (Palmer and Elderfield, 1985).
         seafloor spreading rates (Van Der Meer et   ing  (Lee  et  al.,  2013).  Increases  in  crustal   Snowball Earth deglaciation likely contrib-
         al., 2014) and cooler ocean temperatures   recycling and thickness identified in the zir-  uted to the Paleoproterozoic and Neo-
         (Coogan and Dosso, 2015), suggesting that   con proxy data correlate with an increase in   proterozoic Sr excursions (Sobolev and
         the cause of increased  Sr/ Sr ratios in the   passive margin abundance (Bradley, 2008)   Brown, 2019), but the data reviewed here
         oceans may be multifactorial. The ancient   (Fig. 3C). These increases around the   suggest that tectonism played a major role.
         ocean crust record is in large part lost due to   Proterozoic-Phanerozoic time interval also   Collectively, the balance of these processes
         subduction (Scholl and von Huene, 2009),   correlate with a decrease in thermal gradi-  is likely recorded in today’s continental rock
         but our results suggest that increases in   ents of high dT/dP metamorphism (Brown   record by the great unconformities at the
         87 Sr/ Sr ratios in oceans have been strongly   and Johnson, 2018). Collectively, these   Precambrian-Phanerozoic and Archean-
         influenced by a continental component. If   patterns  are  consistent  with  superconti-  Proterozoic boundaries (Windley, 1984;
         the increases in the proportion of radio-  nent break-up driving a greater proportion   Peters and Gaines, 2012).
         genic sources and sedimentary flux repre-  of convergent margins into compressional
         sent a coupled suite of processes as we   advancing states and collisions with magma-  BROADER IMPLICATIONS
         contend, then they raise the question as to   tism in thicker crust. High  Sr/ Sr ratios in   Our  results  suggest  that  increases  in
         why convergent margin tectonism changed   oceans during these periods are presumably   87 Sr/ Sr ratios in oceans occur when a
         during these time periods. Insight into this   due to increases in the proportion of exposed   greater proportion of continental crust is
         issue comes from an examination of model-  radiogenic sources and sedimentary flux   thick and high, leading to increases in
         ing and other proxy data sets to which we   from the continents associated with a reorga-  evolved felsic magmatism, radiogenic base-
         now turn.                           nization of riverine drainage networks.  ment exposure, and riverine sedimentary
                                              The correlations between the zircon proxy   flux. From a broader perspective, the results
         SUPERCONTINENT PATTERNS AND         data and processes involving subduction out-  raise the important question of whether solid
         SR FLUX                             lined above warrants an examination of the   Earth processes play a fundamental role in
          Modeling studies suggest that supercon-  U/Yb ratio in the zircon data set. The U/Yb   modulating global climate and atmospheric
         tinent tenures should be marked by elevated   ratio in zircon has been used as a proxy for   oxygenation over geologic time scales. If the
         temperatures in the underlying subconti-  crustal reworking (Verdel et al., 2021) but   correlations outlined above are representa-
         nental mantle with convergent margins in   may also reflect the amount of subducting   tive of a global tectonic pattern as we con-
         retreating states with arcs on thinner crust   slab fluid addition in magmas, because U is   tend, then the generation of continental relief
         in outboard locations with respect to the   a fluid-mobile large-ion lithophile element   highlights the introduction of a significant
         continents (Lenardic et al., 2011; Lee et al.,   (LILE; K, Sr, Rb, Cs, Ba, Pb, U) extracted   silicate weathering sink associated with the
         2013; Lenardic, 2016). Temporal consider-  from slabs, and is, therefore, enriched rela-  drawdown of CO  and associated transi-
         ations based on multiple proxy data sets   tive to HREE such as Yb (Barth et al., 2013).   tion into periods of global glaciation
         suggest that the lows in crustal recycling   U/Yb increases correlate with the increases   (Hoffman and Schrag, 2002) (Fig. 3). Uplift
         and thickness identified in the zircon proxy   in crustal assimilation and thickness we have   associated with convergent margin tecto-
         data overlap with the tenure of superconti-  identified (Fig. 3C), consistent with a higher   nism may therefore have further enhanced
         nents over Earth’s history (Figs. 3A–3B)   amount of crustal recycling and flux of sub-  CO  drawdown associated with the exhuma-
         (Bradley, 2011). For example, the low in   duction fluid along a greater proportion of   tion and weathering of rocks associated with
         crustal recycling and thickness during the   convergent margins during these periods.   continental rifting and dispersal (Donnadieu
         boring billion correlates with the tenure of   We, therefore, conclude that the increases in   et al., 2004; DeLucia et al., 2018). Continental
         Nuna during a period dominated by high   riverine Sr input into Earth’s oceans were   uplift has also been previously postulated to
         dT/dP metamorphism (Fig. 3B) and higher   related to geodynamic changes in convergent   be linked to steps in oxygenation of Earth’s
         thermal gradients (Brown and Johnson,   margin networks, which were required to   atmosphere during the Paleoproterozoic and
         2018). This pattern may reflect superconti-  accommodate the birth and maturation of   Neoproterozoic through enhanced erosion
         nent insulation of the mantle (Brown and   new ocean basins created by supercontinent   and nutrient supply to the oceans, as well as
         Johnson, 2018) associated with the devel-  break-up and dispersal. These episodes were   changes in the proportion of subaerial volca-
         opment of hot back-arc environments   associated with increased weathering and   nism (Campbell and Allen, 2008; Gaillard et
         (Hyndman et al., 2005) and a greater pro-  erosion of radiogenic rocks along convergent   al., 2011) (Fig. 3B). Oxygenation may have
         portion of convergent margins in retreating   margins and greater expanses of uplifted,   fostered the decrease of CH , a potent green-
         states with arcs on thinner crust in outboard   higher-elevation radiogenic crust found   house gas (Fakhraee et al., 2019), while
         localities (Roberts, 2013; Paulsen et al.,   along the leading edges of continents.   uplifts along convergent margins promoted
         2020; Tang et al., 2021).           Increases in riverine Sr were likely amplified   nascent glaciation in cooler, high-elevation
          Supercontinent break-up, by contrast,   by the exhumation of continental crust asso-  habitats, providing further feedback (albedo)
         should lead to a release of potential energy   ciated with rifting (DeLucia et al., 2018),   for a runaway global glaciation. The ultimate
         stored in the underlying mantle (Lenardic,   which  is  consistent  with  the  general  thesis   drivers for these important steps in Earth’s
         2016). Thermal release of the mantle induces   supported here, that increases in riverine Sr   evolution are controversial and likely
         changes in the geodynamic state of the   are primarily driven by tectonism induced   involved a complex set of variables and

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