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Kevin J. Barry            Kyle Holgate               Randy Pendergrass          Top Employment
         Charles E. Bartberger     Nicole Huang               Paul Post                  Sectors of new members
         Stefanie D. Cannan        Rex Hunt                   Michael L. Raftery         (excluding Students):
         Elisabeth Carver          Guy E. Jette               Mark Rice                  • Four-year University
         John Cerniglia            Kent Karnofski             Frederick Rosso Jr.
         Michele Dunham            Bill Keffer                Richard F. Silber          • Federal
         Andrew Ek                 Randal T. Laney            Boris Stefanov             • Environmental
         Charles Erwin             Layla Merritt              Christopher Sullivan
         René Estes                David W. Meyer             Ryan Driskell Tate
         Charles Fivash            Dean Miller                Ann Judith Tautz
         Terri L. Fivash           George Herald Miller       Michael Thacker
         William Frohmberg         Teresa Mitchel             Avana Vana
         Kenneth Giles             Susan Murphy               Glenn Waite
         Ushan Govender            David L. Naylor            Richard Williams
         Michael L. Hogan          Alexander Pacubas          Morgan Woodle

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