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Why GSA Membership Is Important to Me

          I joined the GSA in 1986, shortly after having started my
         Ph.D. My research was facilitated by a GSA Graduate Student
         Research Grant (my very first grant), and my attendance at a
         GSA Cordilleran Section meeting in Hilo, Hawaii, was funda-
         mental to my development as a scientist: After my talk, a senior
         member of the audience took the time to talk to me and convince
         me that my interpretations were wrong (he was correct—I was
         wrong). That meeting also featured my first GSA field trip:
         scaling Mona Loa with J.P. Lockwood as our guide. It was an
         epic field trip, one that I will never forget. Those early experi-
         ences—the financial support, the mentorship by established
         members of the earth-science community, and the shared love of
         geology—were fundamental to my development as a geologist.
         And for that, I am forever grateful to the GSA.

         Stephen Johnston, University of Alberta, GSA Member since
         1986, GSA Fellow since 2013

             Geology Celebrates

             50 Years in 2022

             Volume 1, issue 1, of  Geology was published in
             September 1973. In 2022, the journal will publish its
             50th volume. A bit of an upstart at the time, Geology’s
             mission was to be a “short-note, rapid publication
             journal.” Along with short, peer-reviewed articles,
             early issues included book reviews, letters, and sum-
             maries of  GSA Bulletin papers. In 1975, a section                    ■  JANUARY 2022  VOL. 50 NO. 1
             called “GSA news & information” was added. (GSA                             ISSN 0091-761 13 3  JANUAR RY 2022  ■ VOL. 50 0 0 NO. 1  ■  P. 1 1– –126
             News & Information became its own publication in
             1979; was ultimately replaced with GSA Today in
             1991.) Read more about Geology’s beginnings at

             September 1973 cover. Lunar Orbiter V, Photo 65 M,
             showing Hess Lunar Crater.

             January 2022 cover, celebrating Geology’s 50th year of

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