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         Bookmark the Geoscience Job Board at   University of Mississippi embraces a mean-  • A study of the geomorphology and flood his- for up-to-the-  ingful and holistic commitment to advancing   tory of the Rio Grande in the Colorado Can-
         minute job postings. Job Board ads may also   diversity, equity, and inclusion. The University   yon area, Big Bend Ranch State Park (Prof.
         appear in a corresponding monthly print issue   of Mississippi is committed to embracing a   Kevin Urbanczyk)
         of GSA Today. Send inquiries to advertising@  collaborative, innovative, and inclusive com-  Graduate students are funded as teaching, or call +1-800-427-1988 ext.   munity that affirms all employees.   assistants for undergraduate geology or chem-
         1053 or +1-303-357-1053.                                               istry labs, or by tutoring positions in mathe-
                                               OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS         matics. These graduate positions pay $1,000/
                                                                                month for the first two semesters and $1,250/
                                             Thesis research opportunities and gradu-  month thereafter. Out-of-state tuition is also
                  POSITION OPEN              ate assistantships at Sul Ross State Uni-  waived for non-residents.
                                             versity in West Texas. The Geology Program   Sul Ross is a small university in the moun-
         Director of The Mississippi Mineral   at  Sul  Ross  State  University  has  positions   tainous region of far west Texas, near three
                                                                                national parks and in proximity to the geology
         Resources Institute, and (Associate   open for students to pursue a Master of Sci-  faculty’s research areas. Our faculty are com-
         or Full) Professor of Geology and   ence degree beginning Fall 2022. The SRSU   mitted to providing individual attention and
         Geological Engineering, University   Geology Program emphasizes field research   excellent resources to each student.
                                             in  surface  and  groundwater,  paleontology,
         of Mississippi                      sedimentary petrology, igneous petrology, and   Qualified individuals are encouraged to learn
         The School of Engineering at the Univer-  structural geology.          more at
         sity of Mississippi is seeking an experienced   The program is looking for students to   -geology/ and to reach out to a faculty member
         researcher, administrator, and faculty member   undertake the following research projects:   about the program, their thesis-research proj-
         for the position of Director of the Mississippi                        ects, and the application process. Applications
         Mineral Resources Institute and tenured/ten-  • Petrogenesis and tectonic association of   are accepted through the spring semester.
         ure-track faculty in the Department of Geol-  Miocene mafic lavas in the Santana graben,
         ogy and Geological Engineering. The faculty   Trans-Pecos Texas (Prof. Kevin Urbanczyk)
         appointment will be at a rank commensurate   • A field-based kinematic analysis of Laramide
         with qualifications and experience. Position   structures in Trans-Pecos Texas: Was crustal
         details and instructions to apply can be   shortening  oblique  or  orthogonal?  (Prof.  Hiring?
         found here: [ https://careers   Jesse Kelsch)        Find those qualified geoscientists to fill
         University-Director-of-MMRI-and -Full   • Paleozoic stratigraphy and petrology of car-  vacancies. Use GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
         Associate-Professor-of-Geology-& -Geological   bonates and clastics (Prof. Liz Measures)  ( and print issues of GSA
         -Engineering-MS-38677/822335400/ ]. Screen-  • The stratigraphy and paleontology of Upper   Today. Bundle and save for best pricing
         ing of applications begins February 15, 2022,   Cretaceous–Paleogene strata of the Big Bend   options. That unique candidate is waiting to
         and continues until the position is filled. The   and northern Mexico (Prof. Thomas Shiller)  be found.

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