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Geology: The Cover Story

          Geology is celebrating 50 years of publishing in 2022, and we’re   Appearing from January 1983 to July   NOVEMBER 2016  ■   VOL. 44 NO. 11
         taking a look back at how the journal has evolved. Most readers   2019, attention-grabbing phrases
                                                                                                      ISSN 0091-7613
                                                                                                            NOVEMBER 2016  ■ VOL. 44  NO. 11  ■  P. 881–976
         now access geology articles online, and while we still create a   dreamed up by Geology science editors
         cover for each issue, those images—and their “teasers”—used to   helped highlight a few articles in each
         be much more of a feature.                            issue. Here are some of our favorites.
                                                               (Note: We are not responsible for injuries
                                                               sustained from pun-induced wincing.)

                      AUGUST 2018     VOL. 46  NO. 8      P. 673–736  Ocean magma chambers: A good Oman? (January 1993)
               ISSN 0091-7613
                                             Quakes show their mussels (March 1994)                       INSIDE:
         AUGUST 2018      VOL. 46 NO. 8
                                                                                                            Raiders of a Lost Arc Found in a Mudpile, p. 915
                                             Mafic plutons sink to new low (May 1994)                     } }   Dodging Snowballs: A Close Shave for Ediacaran Biota, p. 955
                                                                                                            On a Roll: The Earth’s Deepest Forearc Basin, p. 947
                                             Corals corral Wrangellers (December 1994)
                                             The icehouse cometh (July 1996)
                                             Sirius issues discussed (August 1996)
                                             When in Rome, do stratigraphy (August 1996)
                                             Synchronized spawning approved for Australian games (November 1996)
                                             Ooze clues (August 2000)
                        } } } Typhoons Trigger Turbidity Currents   Notorious BIG’95 (October 2002)
                         in Taiwan, p. 675
                         Regional Variations, p. 699
                         } } } Fish Excretion and Carbonate Production:
                         A New Shock Barometer for Solar System
                         } } } Bombardment, p. 719  Roast slab with mantle melt (October 2002)
                                             Dryas actually wettest (January 2004)
                                             Top Raman on the barbie (January 2004)
                     AUGUST 2015  ■   VOL. 43 NO. 8
                          ISSN 0091-7613
                          ISSN 0091-7613
                                             All along the Wasatch tower (May 2004)
                                 AUGUST 2015  ■  VOL. 43  NO. 8  ■   P. 657–752
                                 AUGUST 2015  ■  VOL. 43  NO. 8  ■   P. 657–752
                                             Riders on the Stoma (January 2005)
                                             Long-Soufrièring Montserrat (April 2005)
                                             Conifers gotta lotta stomata (September 2005)
                                             Stony deserts are the  Be’s  Ne’s (December 2005)
                                             LIPs provide the kiss of death (May 2015)
                                             A ripple effect: Size matters (March 2017)
                                             Fully exposed in the tropics: The feedback is negative (August 2017)
                    N  }  Disarray beneath the USA, p. 667
                    S                        Dating in a swinging hot spot (January 2018)
                   D I  }  Predicting the Big One, p. 671
                   E  }  Walvis is Tristan’s nom de plume, p. 715
                    }  Necking is not all it is cracked up to be, p. 711

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