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The use of abundant and relatively inexpensive fossil fuels over   ExxonMobil Updated 2021 Energy & Carbon Summary (April 2021): https://
         the past century has contributed to the emergence of the United
         States as an economic power and has raised the standard of living   BP Statistical Review of World Energy:
         for much of the developed world. Oil, gas, and coal resources sup-  energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html
         ply fuels for transportation, electric power, and industrial and resi-  International Energy Forum (IEF): https://www.ief
         dential heating. They also provide the energy and basic chemical   Climate Statements of GSA and Other Scientific Societies
         feedstocks for the manufacture of the steel, plastics, and textiles   AAAS Board statement on climate change:
         that support our modern standard of living, and the fertilizers and   Climate information statement of the American Meteorological Society:
         pesticides needed to feed a growing global population. However,
         anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emissions, the majority from fossil   Statement_Climate_Change_April2019.pdf
         fuel combustion, have a profound impact on global climate, with   Climate position statement of the American Geophysical Union: https://www
         effects on local and regional ecosystems and public health. There
         is a clear policy rationale and a United Nations mandate to reduce   Climate public policy statement of the American Chemical Society: https://
         global carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions in order to miti-
         gate the impact of climate change.                     globalclimatechange/climate-change.pdf
          Global demand for energy is predicted to grow significantly   Climate scientific statement (Executive Summary) of the Geological Society
         through 2050 as the human population approaches eight billion,   of London:
                                                                /Statements/ CC%20Statement%20Exec%20Statement.pdf?la=en
         and developing and emerging countries transition to consumer-  GSA Position Statement on Climate Change:
         based economies ( While the forecasts   documents/gsa/positions/pos10_climate.pdf
         indicate a significant increase in global fossil fuel consumption,
         the absolute and proportional increase in renewables (solar, wind,   Other Relevant Professional Society Documents
         hydro, geothermal, biomass) is dramatic.              American Geosciences Institute (AGI) “Geosciences Supporting a Thriving So-
          The challenge for energy policy makers is to develop a plan   ciety in a Changing World: Energy” (2020) https://www.americangeosciences
         that will provide cost-effective improvements for the efficient   GSA Position Statement on Critical Minerals and Materials https://www
         and sustainable use of Earth’s energy resources, provide reliable       .geosociety .org/documents/gsa/positions/pos23_CriticalMinerals.pdf
         and affordable energy to the world’s developing economies as   GSA Position Statement on Role of Government in Mineral and Energy Re-
         well as the developed nations of the world, reduce carbon emis-  sources Research:
         sions, and accelerate the transition to renewable energy without
         adversely impacting global standards of living. The knowledge   International Organization Climate Reports
         and expertise of geoscientists take on added importance as coun-  CC Climate Change 2021 Summary for Policy Makers:
         tries and industries worldwide adapt to climate change and work   Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel
         to reduce carbon emissions.                            on Climate Change (IPCC):
          In its 2020 pamphlet, “Geosciences Supporting a Thriving   United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2014 Syn-
         Society in a Changing World,” the American Geosciences   thesis Report:
         Institute stated the importance of energy and the role of the   FINAL_full.pdf
         nation’s geoscientists as follows:                    United Nations Paris Agreement on Climate Change:
          Energy supports economic growth and national security and is essen-  Other Climate Information Sources
          tial for all the elements of daily life—food, water, transportation,   NASA:
          communication, and entertainment. The United States’ robust and   National Academies: https://
          secure energy systems enable our high quality of life. Geoscientists   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
          find and develop earth- and ocean-sourced energy resources, such as   University of Maine Climate Change Institute: https://climatechange.umaine
          oil, natural gas, coal, uranium, and geothermal hotspots. They also   .edu/climate-matters/maines-climate-future/
          find and develop the raw materials needed for renewable energy   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
          sources: cement and metals for dams, critical metals for wind turbine
          generators and solar installations, and battery storage metals like lith-  OPPORTUNITIES FOR GSA AND ITS MEMBERS
          ium and cobalt. In addition, geoscientists help determine appropriate
          locations for energy infrastructure including refineries, transmission   TO HELP IMPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS
          lines, dams, and wind farms.                          To facilitate implementation of the goals of this position state-
                                                               ment, the Geological Society of America recommends the follow-
          Resolution of the energy issues that are presently being debated   ing actions:
         will have significant economic, strategic, environmental, health,   • GSA members should seek opportunities to communicate effec-
         and security consequences. Input from geoscientists is critical to   tively the role and importance of geoscientists to society in locat-
         informing the public and policy makers about the consequences of   ing, evaluating, and developing all forms of energy resources and
         different options.                                     assessing the impact of energy resource development and opera-
                                                                tions on the natural environment.
                                                               • GSA members should make clear to national, state, and local
         REFERENCES AND INTERNET LINKS                          governments, community groups, local decision makers, and the
         Energy Statistics
         United States Energy Information Agency (EIA) International Energy Outlook   general public the link between fossil fuel use and climate change,
          2021:                and the importance of reducing carbon and other greenhouse gas
         International Energy Agency:  emissions by transitioning to renewable energy resources.

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