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• GSA members should emphasize the importance of including geo-  decision makers regarding the value of the geoscience community
          scientists in the process of developing and implementing energy   in developing energy policy.
          policy, because it is the geoscience community that understands   • Can raise awareness of the role of geology and government in
          Earth’s natural processes, Earth’s capacity to produce energy from   mineral and energy resources by publishing articles and conduct-
          fossil and renewable resources, and the impact of energy use on   ing symposia, technical sessions, and workshops at annual and
          the environment.                                      sectional meetings on these subjects.
                                                               • Can help GSA members rise to the challenge of informing
         The Geological Society of America                      the public and decision makers about energy and climate
         • Can provide members with readily accessible print, web, and per-  policy by supporting access to objective and reliable energy
          sonnel resources that support geoscientists’ communications with   and climate data.

                        Three Position Statements Updated

          In April 2022, GSA Council approved minor revisions to three   THE VALUE OF GEOLOGIC MAPPING
         position statements: Geoheritage, The Value of Geologic Mapping,   To improve the scientific basis for public and private natural
         and Freedom of Scientific Expression. Summary statements are   resource and land-use decisions, GSA supports comprehensive
         below; full versions of all position statements are online at   geologic mapping on local, state, and national scales and advo-
         www GSA members are   cates increased public investments for current state and national
         encouraged to use the statements as geoscience communication   geologic mapping programs.
         tools when interacting with policy makers, students, colleagues,
         and the general public.                               FREEDOM OF SCIENTIFIC EXPRESSION
                                                                GSA supports the principles outlined in the American
         GEOHERITAGE                                           Meteorological Society’s Freedom of Scientific Expression state-
          GSA supports the conservation of Geoheritage sites to meet   ment including, and in particular, the role of scientists in presenting
         present and future educational, scientific, aesthetic, cultural,    their results and interpretations. GSA also strongly believes that
         and economic needs.                                   science and society benefit greatly from careful and ample technical
                                                               peer review of scientific findings, and subsequent communication
                                                               of scientific results must be permitted freely and without concern by
                                                               the scientist for censorship, intimidation, or political interference.

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