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         Bookmark the Geoscience Job Board at d at
         Bookmark the Geoscience Job Boar    teaching effectiveness). Please send materi-
         www                                 als electronically to Dr. Benjamin E. Surpless, for for up-to-the-
         minute job postings. Job Boar
         minute job postings. Job Board ads may also d ads may also   Acting Chair, Department of Geosciences, at
         appear in a corr
         appear in a corresponding monthly print issue esponding monthly print issue Review of completed   BOOKMARK
         of GSA Today. Send inquiries to advertising@GSA Today. Send inquiries to advertising@
         of                                  applications will begin on August 15, 2022., or call +1-800-427-1988 ext. .org, or call +1-800-427-1988 ext.
         geosociety                          Questions about the search can be directed to   GSA’S
         1053 or +1-303-357-1053.
         1053 or +1-303-357-1053.            Dr. Benjamin Surpless [].
                                             Trinity University is committed to diversity and   GEOSCIENCE
                                             inclusion and strongly encourages candidates
                                             from underrepresented groups to apply. Trinity
                  POSITION OPEN              University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.   JOB BOARD
                                             As  such  it  provides equal  opportunity  for
                                             employment and advancement of all employ-
         Assistant Professor of              ees without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
         Geosciences, Trinity University     age, national origin, disability, military/veteran
          The Department of Geosciences at Trinity   status, sexual orientation, gender identity,
         University invites applications for a tenure-track   gender expression, or any status protected by
         Assistant Professor of Geosciences. A Ph.D. in   federal, state or local laws. Trinity welcomes
         Geosciences is required. The successful candi-  applications from candidates who share those
         date must have a commitment to undergradu-  values and who will harness them on behalf of
         ate teaching and will be expected to develop an   the University’s mission.
         active research program that involves under-
         graduates. Preference will be given to those
         with experience teaching at the college level.   OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
         The successful candidate will teach introduc-
         tory geosciences courses, a core course in   M.S. and Ph.D. Opportunities in Economic
         earth materials, and other upper-level courses   Geology, Colorado School of Mines.  The
         related to geologic and environmental sci-  Department of Geology and Geological Engi-
         ences. Preference will be given to candidates   neering at the Colorado School of Mines
         who can also contribute to department and uni-  seeks students interested in pursuing gradu-
         versity core curricula (e.g., the First-Year Expe-  ate degrees (M.S. and Ph.D.) focused on min-
         rience) and have experience with interdisciplin-  eral exploration, economic geology, and the
         ary instruction and/or global education. We are   geochemistry and petrology of ore deposits.   Mobile-friendly open
         open to specialties that include but are not lim-  Motivated  applicants  could  enter  our  gradu-  position postings,
         ited to igneous and/or metamorphic petrology,   ate program in January or August 2023. Suc-  student opportunities,
         mineralogy, economic mineral deposits, volca-  cessful  students  will  be embedded  into  the
         nology, and high-temperature geochemistry.  NSF-supported Center for Advanced Subsur-  and fellowships.
          Trinity University ( is   face Earth Resource Models (CASERM) with
         an independent, selective, primarily under-  funding provided by industry partners. Suc-
         graduate institution founded in 1869. Trinity   cessful students will gain significant experi-
         offers  high-quality  science,  liberal  arts,  and   ence and preparation for a booming mineral
         pre-professional programs to approximately   industry sector over the course of their study.
         2400 undergraduate students from the U.S.   Opportunities are also available through the
         and more than 45 foreign countries. The attrac-  parallel  Professional  Master’s  degree  in  Min-
         tive campus overlooks downtown San Antonio,   eral Exploration, a one-year non-thesis study
         a city rich in heritage and ethnic diversity. The   program. For more information, please contact
         Geosciences Department has granted degrees
         in the geosciences for over 50 years and is a
         member of the Keck Geology Consortium
          Complete applications must include a cover
         letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of under-  Hiring?
         graduate teaching experience and philosophy,   Find those qualified geoscientists to fill
         documentation of teaching effectiveness, a   vacancies. Use GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
         description of research plans, a statement of   ( and print issues of GSA
         commitment to diversity and inclusion, and   Today. Bundle and save for best pricing
         three letters of recommendation (with at least   options. That unique candidate is waiting to
         one that directly addresses the applicant’s   be found.

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