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Corporate Partners Add to the GSA Experience

          Corporate partners and sponsors generate unique opportunities at   goals. We aim to expand awareness and adoption of methods, not
         GSA. Each of the various mechanisms for company participation   just our products.
         are important to the Society’s programming in distinctive ways.   “Our partnership with the Geological Society of America has
          Meeting sponsorship can be tailored and more expansive than it   been part of our overall engagement plan to build more informal
         might first sound. After exhibiting at GSA’s annual meeting over   connections with the scientific community. It has been a resound-
         the years, Bruker opted for greater participation in 2022. In fact, if   ing success. It’s particularly important for us to engage with dis-
         you attended any of GSA’s Section Meetings this past spring, you   cussions about the development of new methods and technology.
         probably picked up a bottle of hand sanitizer that Bruker provided   Such discussions take time, and attending multiple meetings a
         to enhance the Society’s health and safety measures during some   year helps us have multiple touch points with important partners.”
         of our first in-person gatherings since the start of the pandemic.   Other companies find paths of engagement that meet their needs
         Bruker also sponsored each Section Meeting, and their participa-  as well. Chevron is a steadfast example of a returning program
         tion in GSA Connects 2022 (9–12 October in Denver, Colorado,   sponsor, actively participating in GSA’s GeoCareers program for
         USA) includes lead sponsorship of GEO.SCI, the tech demo area   many years. This year, they are also supporting GSA’s Expanding
         you will experience in the Resource & Innovation Center; an   Representation in the Geosciences Scholarships, an ideal avenue
         expanded exhibit booth; and badge lanyards for all attendees.   to demonstrate our mutual priority of broadening participation in
          What compels a company like Bruker to choose GSA as a    the field. We are grateful to companies like Brunton who choose
         partner? Jonathan Knapp, Ph.D., Geosciences Market Segment   to be an organizational partner, providing exclusive member dis-
         Manager, explains the strategic reasoning: “Our partnership with   counts for their products, meeting sponsorship, unique opportuni-
         GSA has been hugely beneficial to us. We have found the personal   ties like demo fleets for GSA field trips, and the tremendous con-
         contact with members of the community at the regional shows to   tribution of personalized, engraved Transits for GSA’s J. David
         be extremely important. We get more out of the annual meeting by   Lowell Field Camp Scholarship recipients. And longtime GSA
         being at each of the regional meetings—it lets us have more inti-  vendor Image AV partners is an in-kind sponsor by including
         mate conversations and set up dedicated time at the annual meet-  extensive audio/visual equipment throughout GSA Connects out-
         ing. We also enjoy the ability to have detailed conversations with   side of GSA’s contracted services.
         students at their posters.                             To discuss how your company or organization can find valuable
          “GSA has been a great partner to work through innovative ideas   engagement through these kinds of partnerships, please contact
         with. We think that the ability to showcase new technologies and   Debbie Marcinkowski at +1-303-357-1047 or dmarcinkowski@
         provide more hands-on and experiential exhibit halls benefits our

                                                               A Bruker representative was at each GSA Section
                                                               Meeting this spring, along with hand sanitizers con-
                                                               tributed by the company to help promote health and
                                                               safety measures.

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