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GSA Scientific Division Milestones

                    GSA acknowledges and congratulates the following GSA Scientific Divisions for reaching these milestones:

                                                                The Geoarchaeology Division is 45 years old. Established in
                                                               1977, this Division provides a forum for the presentation and dis-
          The Environmental & Engineering Geology Division is 75 years   cussion of papers on archaeological geology in order to stimulate
         old this year. Established in 1947, this Division seeks to advance the   and promote research and teaching within this field.
         ability of geologists to identify, characterize, and mitigate adverse
         geological and environmental conditions and hazards affecting
         human safety and the built environment. The Division promotes
         research and education on an immense array of disciplines ranging
         from geologic hazards, hydrogeology, environmental geology, eco-
         nomic and mining geology, geoinformatics, geomechanics, remote
         sensing, and others.

                                                                The Limnogeology Division is 20 years old. Established in
                                                               2002, the Division encourages research on both ancient and mod-
                                                               ern lakes around the world, the collaboration of scientists from all
                                                               disciplines on lake research, and the fostering of student research
                                                               and careers in lake studies.

          The Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division is
         65 years old this year. The purpose of the Division is to bring
         together scientists from all backgrounds, communities, and age
         groups who are interested in Quaternary geology and geomorphol-
         ogy to facilitate presentation and discussion of ideas and to pro-
         mote research and publication of results in those fields of geology.

               Submit your Groundwork article to GSA Today

               Have an idea for a short, hot-topic, or issue-driven article?
               Consider the benefits of submitting a Groundwork article:
               •  Submission is supervised by top-notch science editors;
               •  Rigorous peer review;
               •  Quick turn-around time from acceptance to publication; and,
               •  Open access.
               Submit your Groundwork article to GSA Today at

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