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                Geoheritage: Progress toward Preservation

         Renee M. Clary, Dept. of Geosciences, Mississippi State
         University, Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762-5448, USA,; William Andrews, Kentucky
         Geological Survey, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
         40506-0107, USA,; Tim Connors, National
         Park Service, Geologic Resources Division, Denver, Colorado
         80225, USA,

          Geoheritage sites exemplify the connections between geology
         and our history and culture. These connections may be illustrated
         through landscapes, dramatic natural features, natural resources,    Figure 1. Geoheritage resources assembled from
                                                               the 2021 Pardee session include StoryMaps , Geo-
         or geohazards. These sites range in scale from individual local   heritage  videos, and  links to  relevant  proceed-
         outcrops through state parks and national monuments to interna-  ings,  webpages,  and position statements. The
                                                               QR code provides easy access to the website.
         tional geoparks, and the sites are managed by a wide array of
         agencies and entities. The common theme coursing through these
         sites is geoconservation; Geoheritage seeks to protect sites for   appropriate to their grade level and curricu-
         future scientific research, promote sustainable development   lum. Table S1  provides selected examples
         through geotourism, and foster public geoliteracy via educational   of how educators may use these Geoheritage
         outreach in both formal K–16 and informal education (Andrews   resources in K–16 classrooms; many videos and StoryMaps  also
         and Clary, 2021).                                     align with other science content, including physical science and
          At GSA Connects 2021, an enthusiastic group convened both   life science. Video and StoryMap  resources additionally address
         virtually and on site in Portland, Oregon, USA, to celebrate   Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts (ELA)/
         Geoheritage and empower one another to recognize, conserve,    Literacy and Mathematics. In Table S1 (see footnote 1), we suggest
         and sustain the landscapes that impact our lives. In our 2021   lesson plans that are freely available on the Teach the Earth web-
         Pardee Keynote Symposium, we explored Geoheritage life cycles,   site (, housed within the
         resources, tools, and networks; thoughtfully considered how   Science Education Resource Center at Carlton College. Teachers
         Geoheritage efforts must include multiple voices and develop   can locate additional teaching resources, available for free or
         community and respect through compromise; and investigated   minimal charge, on the National Science Teaching Association
         how best to incorporate Geoheritage in science education and out-  (NSTA) website (, such as “Using Big Data to
         reach. We highlighted volunteered videos and vignettes that fea-  Understand the History of Planet Earth” (
         tured participants’ favorite Geoheritage sites. Our discussion will   -scope/science-scope-julyaugust- 2021-0/using-big-data -understand
         continue at GSA Connects 2022 in Denver, Colorado, USA, with    -history-planet-earth).
         a new Pardee Keynote Symposium: P1 Geoheritage: Connecting
         Our Stories to Earth’s History.                       CONTRIBUTE YOUR GEOHERITAGE!
                                                                With California, Texas, Illinois, and Maine represented in the
         GEOHERITAGE RESOURCES FOR CLASSROOM,                  collections, the 2021 Pardee Geoheritage videos and composite
         ADVOCACY, AND ENJOYMENT                               StoryMap  represent the United States “from sea to shining sea”
          The assembled resources from our 2021 Pardee Geoheritage   (Fig. 2). Our video and StoryMap  collection is only beginning,
         session endure: The Geological Society of America reposited vol-  though, and we seek additional volunteered videos of local, state,
         unteered videos, a composite StoryMap , and other Geoheritage   regional, and international sites. Do you want your favorite
         links and files on our Pardee website (   Geoheritage site featured at GSA Connects 2022 and available
           geoheritage), ensuring that Geoheritage source materials are con-  on the Geoheritage website for educators, geoscientists, and the
         solidated and freely available for K–16 education, outreach, and   interested public? Please register your interest by 16 September
         personal enrichment (Fig. 1). We aligned the eight volunteered   2022 by accessing the form with the QR code (Fig. 2, https://forms
         videos and featured StoryMap  to the Next Generation Science   .gle/1gj3W1UAkA7nqxkKA). We will provide guidelines on how
         Standards (NGSS, NGSS Lead States 2013), specifically the Earth   to record and submit a 3–5-minute mp4 video in landscape format
         and Space Science (ESS) Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), from   that can be included on our website. The second Geoscientists’
         which K–12 educators can identify Performance Expectations,   Choice Geoheritage Video Award winner will be named in
         Science and Engineering Practices, and Crosscutting Concepts   Denver. If you have any questions, please contact us.

         GSA Today, v. 32, no. 8,
         1 Supplemental Material. Table S1. Geoheritage videos and StoryMaps , aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Earth and Space Science (ESS) Disci-
         plinary Core Ideas, with suggested free resources from SERC Carlton Teach the Earth Collection. Go to to access the supple-
         mental material; contact with any questions.

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