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             525. Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS.    531. Using the StraboSpot and StraboMicro Data Systems
         Sat., 8 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$40. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.8. Instructor:   for Geology. Sat., 8 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$25. Limit: 40. CEU:
         Zoe Learner Ponterio, Cornell University. Course Endorsers:   0.8. Instructors: Doug Walker, University of Kansas; Julie
         Spacecraft Planetary Image Facility; Cornell University.  Newman, Texas A&M University. Course Endorsers: GSA
                                                               Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Mineralogy,
             526. Applying Virtual Microscopy to Geoscience.    Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA
         Sat., 8 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$100 professionals; US$50 students.   Geoinformatics and Data Science Division.
         Limit: 25. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Christopher Prince, PetroArc
         International; Suzanne Kairo, Indiana University. Course   532. Methods and Geological Applications in Geo-Thermo-
         Endorser: PetroArc International.                     Petro-Chronology II. Sat., 8 Oct., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. US$40. Limit:
                                                               50. CEU: 0.7. Instructors: Sarah George, University of Arizona;
         527. Volcanic Crisis Awareness. Sat., 8 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m.   George Gehrels, University of Arizona; Kurt Sundell, Idaho State
         FREE. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Jeff Rubin, semi-retired   University; Mauricio Ibanez, University of Arizona; Kendra
         emergency manager; Monica Gowan, independent consultant.   Murray, Idaho State University; Allen Schaen, University of
         Course Endorsers: GSA Geology and Health Division; GSA   Arizona.
         Geology and Society Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry,
         Petrology, and Volcanology Division; National Disaster      536. Advances in Applications of Laser Ablation to the
         Preparedness Training Center (NDPTC) at the University of   Geosciences. Sat., 8 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$132. Limit: 40. CEU:
         Hawai’i; Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  0.8. Instructors: Ian Ridley, U.S. Geological Survey; Michael
                                                               Pribil, U.S. Geological Survey; Alan Koenig, Newmont Mining
                       528. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes:   Co.; Jay Thompson, U.S. Geological Survey.
         Medical Geology Fundamentals. Sat., 8 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
         US$84. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Laura Ruhl, University   HALF-DAY SATURDAY COURSES
         of Arkansas at Little Rock; Robert Finkelman, University of Texas
         at Dallas; Reto Gieré, University of Pennsylvania; Malcolm Siegel,   533. Inclusive Educational Outreach with NASA SCoPE.
         University of New Mexico. Course Endorsers: GSA Geology and   Sat., 8 Oct., 8 a.m.–noon. US$25. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4. Instructors:
         Health Division; International Medical Geology Association.  Jessica Swann, Arizona State University; David Williams, Arizona
                                                               State University. Course Endorsers: National Aeronautics and
                       529. Quantitative Analysis, Visualization,   Space Administration; Arizona State University.
         and Modeling of Detrital Geochronology Data. Sat., 8 Oct.,
         8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$75 professionals; US$50 students. Limit: 40.       534. Improv to Improve the Geoscience
         CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Joel Saylor, University of British   Community. Sat., 8 Oct., 1–5 p.m. US$20. Limit: 20. CEU: 0.4.
         Columbia; Kurt Sundell, Idaho State University; Glenn Sharman,   Instructor: Erik Haroldson, Austin Peay State University. Course
         University of Arkansas.                               Endorsers: Austin Peay State University College of STEM;
                                                               National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT); National
         530. Cave and Karst Research on Federal Lands. Sat., 8 Oct.,    Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Teacher Education
         8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$75. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Patricia   Division (TED).
         Seiser, National Park Service; Limaris Soto, U.S. Forest Service;
         Kyle Rybacki, Bureau of Land Management. Course Endorsers:   535. Using Geophysics to Address Societally Relevant, Urban
         National Cave and Karst Research Institute; National Park   and Environmental Real-World Questions in Introductory-
         Service; U.S. Forest Service; Bureau of Land Management.  Level Geoscience Courses. Sat., 8 Oct., 1–5 p.m. US$10. Limit:
                                                               40. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: John Taber, Incorporated Research
                                                               Institutions for Seismology (IRIS); Andrew Parsekian, University
                                                               of Wyoming; Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida; Carol
                                                               Ormand, Carleton College.

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