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Mentoring Tomorrow’s Geoscience

                      Leaders at the 2022 Section Meetings

          The Geological Society of America (GSA) GeoCareers Program   Students said:
         provides mentoring and career pathway events at all meetings. At   “The student mentor luncheons were both amazing and very infor-
         Section Meetings, students are invited to participate in the Roy J.   mative. I had a great experience. Thank you!!”
         Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geology and the John Mann
         Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program. These popular events,   “Being able to pick at the mentors’ brains and ask as many ques-
         supported by the GSA Foundation through gifts from Roy J. Shlemon   tions as I could was one of the most valuable experiences to have
         and John Mann, are designed to extend the mentoring reach of indi-  right before graduation.”
         vidual professionals. Together, mentor volunteers and students meet
         in a relaxing, informal setting to discuss careers in geology.   Mentors said:
          In 2022, there were Shlemon and Mann Programs and Career   “As a professional, I appreciated the many student mentorship
         Exploration Workshops at each of the four Section Meetings. There   opportunities and career panels aimed at demonstrating what
         were 213 students and 29 mentors who participated in the Shlemon   diverse ‘professional geology’ career paths look like.”
         Program; 115 students and 21 mentors attended the Mann Program;
         and 74 students and 13 mentors for the Career Exploration   GSA gratefully acknowledges the following mentors for their
         Workshop. As a result of these events, new friendships were made,   individual gifts of time and for sharing their insight with students.
         and professional contacts were established that will last well into    To learn more about these programs, or to be a mentor at a future
         the future. Additionally, both mentors and students left the events   Section Meeting, please contact Jennifer Nocerino, jnocerino@
         expressing feelings of personal and professional growth.

                                               Helping Mentor Students Since 1996

         SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTION                                 NORTHEASTERN SECTION
         Susan Eriksson, Eriksson Associates                   Erika Amir-Lin, Weston & Sampson
         Will Ernst, National Association of State Boards of Geology  Drew Andrews, Kentucky Geological Survey
                                                               Aaron Bierly, DCNR: Bureau of Geological Survey
         CORDILLERAN–ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTIONS                   Teresa Bowers, Gradient
         Mairin Balisi, La Brea Tar Pits and Museum            David Crotsley, HDR Engineering Inc.
         Katharine Dahm, U.S. Geological Survey                Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen, U.S. Geological Survey
         Carla Eichler, Oklahoma Geological Survey             Morgan Disbrow-Monz, Geological Society of America
         Rebecca Finger-Higgens, U.S. Geological Survey        Will Ernst, Association of State Boards of Geology
         Randall Irmis, Natural History Museum of Utah         Samantha Stenson, Leidos
         Lily Jackson, University of Wyoming
         Dallin Laycock, ConocoPhillips Canada                 NORTH-CENTRAL–SOUTHEASTERN SECTIONS
         Martin Messmer, Department of the Interior            Kenneth Czoer, Applied Science and Engineering LLC
         Jessica Preston, Republic Services                    Erika Danielsen, Ohio Geological Survey
         William Schenck, Association of State Boards of Geology   Morgan Disbrow-Monz, Geological Society of America
         Eugene Szymanski, Utah Geological Survey              Grant Elliott, Groff Engineering
                                                               Erik Haroldson, Austin Peay State University
                                                               Arthur Merschat, U.S. Geological Survey
                                                               Jeff Oslund, Anadarko (retired)

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