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Travel Grant and Mentor Program for Early-Career                                                                                                                        GSA TODAY |
                    Scientists and Students

               35th International Geological Congress (IGC)
            Cape Town, South Africa ✸ 27 August–4 September 2016

               The Geological Society of America is accepting applications for the 35th International
            Geological Congress (IGC) Students and Early Career Scientists Travel Grant and
            Mentoring Program. This program is organized in collaboration with the GSA Foundation
            and the U.S. National Committee for Geological Sciences of the National Academy of
            Sciences. To be eligible, the applicant must be a resident or citizen of the United States
            and be enrolled in, or employed at, a U.S. institution. Early career scientists are defined as
            those within seven years of receiving their Ph.D. Each award is anticipated to be a
            maximum of US$3,5500.

               In addition to the online form and résumé, the following supplemental information will be
            required: A cover letter addressing your reasons for attending the meeting and a priori-
            tized budget of expenses, proof of abstract submission, a copy of the submitted abstract,
            and two letters of reference.  

               Applications will be available in mid to late December. The online application and
            supplemental material must be received electronically no later than 20 February 2016.
            Applicants will be notified of the results by 30 April 2016.

                      Questions? Please contact Jennifer Nocerino at

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