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2016 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer
Shemin Ge is professor of hydro- and poro-mechanics perspectives. Two contrasting case studies GSA TODAY |
are used to illustrate how pore fluid pressure could have played
geology in the Department of a role in observed seismicity, one near a deep-well fluid injec-
Geological Sciences at the University tion in the geologically quiescent region in the central U.S., and
of Colorado Boulder. She received her the other near a surface reservoir in a tectonically active region.
Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University A high rate of fluid input emerges as an important player in
in 1990, subsequently worked at S.S. contributing to induced seismicity. The first few years of fluid
Papadopulos and Associates, and injection or reservoir impoundment is typically a critical
then joined the University of period when seismic hazard is elevated. While preexisting
Colorado in 1993. At the confluence faults dictate earthquake locations, the spatial extent of pore
of subsurface fluid flow physics and pressure influence could reach tens of kilometers from fluid
rock mechanics, Ge’s early research injection or reservoir impoundment sites. Continued research
examined the effects of tectonic in this direction will not only offer a better understanding of
deformation on paleo-fluid flow the hydrogeologic and seismologic processes but also help to
dynamics in sedimentary basins. She has since moved on to guide best practices in the quest for water and energy
explore interactions between groundwater and earthquakes. resources in coming decades.
2. Groundwater dynamics in headwater regions under a
Ge and her students and colleagues study earthquake-induced changing climate: Groundwater systems receive significant
groundwater flow as natural experiments to reveal the hydrologic recharge in high-altitude headwater regions. Seasonal and
properties of geologic systems. They also explore the mechanisms longer term variations in surface temperature and precipita-
of seismicity induced by reservoir operation and wastewater tion are expected under a changing climate, which could
injection. substantially impact groundwater recharge and subsequently
groundwater storage and discharge to surface waters down-
Another thread of Ge’s research relates to groundwater stream. These headwater regions are hydrologically sensitive
resources and surface-groundwater interactions under a changing to surface temperature changes due to the presence of frozen
climate with a focus on headwater regions. She has also ventured grounds that freeze and thaw seasonally and degrading
into fracture flow and fault zone hydrology, as well as subsurface permafrost. The freeze and thaw processes lead to changes in
thermal energy transport and storage. A list of her publications subsurface hydrologic properties and dynamically impede or
can be found at invigorate groundwater flow. A key question is how seasonal
and long-term surface temperature variations impact recharge
Ge has served the hydrogeologic and broader geoscience to groundwater and its interaction with surface water. This
communities in various capacities. She was chair of the presentation addresses this question as it relates to ground-
Hydrogeology Program Planning Group for the Ocean Drilling water flow in headwater regions. Coupled heat transfer and
Program from 1999 to 2002. She was editor for Hydrogeology groundwater flow processes are modeled for two headwater
Journal and associate editor for Geofluids and the Journal of catchments, one in the Colorado Rocky Mountains and the
Ground Water. She recently served a two-year term as program other on the Tibet Plateau. These studies illustrate that
director for the Hydrologic Sciences Program at the U.S. National shallow groundwater flow in summer and early fall is most
Science Foundation. energetic as thawed ground promotes snowmelt infiltration,
invigorating the exchange between groundwater and surface
Interested institutions can schedule a visit via our online water. Under increasing temperature scenarios, groundwater
request form at, or by contacting Shemin discharge to surface may experience a several-fold increase in
Ge at She will present a lecture on one magnitude over the decadal scale. While projected warming
or both of the topics described below. GSA’s Hydrogeology leads to increased groundwater discharge to surface waters, in
Division is particularly interested in including liberal arts colleges the long run, insufficient recharge upstream will make it a
in the itinerary. The Division pays transportation expenses, and challenge to sustain the discharge.
the host institution is expected to provide local accommodations.
1. Fluid induced earthquakes: Insights from hydrogeology and
poro-mechanics: Beginning in the 1960s, pore fluid pressure
was identified as the primary culprit for inducing earthquakes
reported near deep fluid-injection wells and newly built surface
reservoirs worldwide. As these human activities continue and
grow, induced seismicity has surged in recent decades at some
but not all sites. This increase in seismicity raises the question
of what fundamental hydrogeologic and poro-mechanics
processes and parameters make some sites more prone to
induced seismicity. This lecture will offer an overview and
physical insights of fluid induced seismicity from hydrologic