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GSA TODAY | NOVEMBER 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities courses in geology; (6) directing the administration enthusiastic individual to undertake a tenure-track, 6. The names and contact information of five
of the department; and (7) service to the college, fiscal-year faculty position (63% research/ 27% referees knowledgeable with your work.
university and greater academic community. teaching/ 10% service) in watershed analysis. Details of For any specific enquiries, please contact Prof.
the position are available at [
Assistant Professor (Posting 0003736): Appli- faculty]. Screening will begin January 15, 2016, until an Stefan Schmalholz (,
cants are required to have a Ph.D. in geology or a adequate applicant pool has been established. Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences.
closely related field from an accredited university
in geology or a closely related field. Expectations for AND PALEOENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE DEPT. OF GEOLOGY & GEOGRAPHY
this position include (1) developing a consistent WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY
and productive externally funded research program UNIVERSITY OF LAUSANNE
that includes graduate and undergraduate students; The Faculty of Geosciences and Environment at The Dept. of Geology and Geography at West
(2) excellence in instruction of general education, the University of Lausanne invites applications Virginia University seeks to fill three geology faculty
advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses; for a professorship in Paleontology and Paleoen- positions. Applicants should have a Ph.D. or equiva-
and (3) service to the department, college, university vironmental Change. The position will be based at lent degree in geology, earth science or related field
and greater academic community. the Institute of Earth Sciences. This professorship by the start date. Review of applications for all posi-
is dedicated to the understanding of evolutionary tions will begin January 15, 2016 and continue until
Instructor (Posting 0003737): Applicants are patterns during Earth history and their relationship each position is filled; start date for all positions is
required to have a master’s degree or Ph.D. in geology with paleoenvironmental, paleoceanographic and August 15, 2016.
or a closely related field from an accredited university paleoclimatic change.
with a minimum of 18 hours of graduate coursework Paleobiology: We seek to hire a full-time
in geology or a closely related field. Expectations for A clear interest in fundamental research and (9-month), tenure-track Assistant Professor special-
this position include (1) excellence in instruction a process-oriented and quantitative approach is izing in Paleobiology, which could include exper-
of general education and advanced undergraduate requested. We particularly seek applicants with tise in Invertebrate or Vertebrate Paleontology,
courses in geology; (2) advisement services to under- interest in establishing collaborative research proj- Micropaleontology, Paleoecology, Paleobotany/
graduate geology students; (3) service to the depart- ects with other Earth and environmental science Palynology, Ichnology, or related fields. The
ment, college and university; and (4) public outreach disciplines. We will consider exceptional appli- successful candidate will be expected to develop a
and advocacy for geology in the community. cants from other domains of relevance to Paleo- vigorous externally-funded research program, teach
ntology and Paleoenvironmental Change. The core undergraduate classes in paleontology, graduate
Applications must be submitted online at https:// successful candidate is expected to have a proven courses in the area of his/her expertise, and mentor Required application materials can capacity or potential of developing an internation- graduate and undergraduate students. Candidates
also be found at this website. Applications must be ally competitive research program and to attract should demonstrate potential to establish a strong
completed by December 1, 2015, to ensure full consid- external funding. externally-funded research program, publish in
eration for the chairperson position, and December peer-reviewed journals, and excel in teaching at the
15, 2015, for the assistant professor and instructor The candidate must have a sufficient back- undergraduate and graduate levels. To apply, please
positions. More information about the department ground in and a strong commitment to excellence visit and navigate to the position title
can be found at in teaching of a range of paleontological topics, listed above. Upload (1) a single PDF file containing
including field courses, at both undergraduate and a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests,
Founded in 1910, The University of Southern graduate levels. Teaching activities will also include statement of teaching philosophy, and names, titles,
Mississippi is a comprehensive doctoral and research- participating in doctoral programs and supervising and full contact information for 3 references; and
driven university with a proud history and an eye Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. students. The ability (2) PDF files of up to 3 publications. In addition,
on the future. A dual-campus university, Southern to teach in French should be acquired within two arrange for 3 letters of reference to be sent to Paleo-
Miss serves students on campuses in Hattiesburg years following the appointment. The appointment is For additional informa-
and Long Beach, in addition to five teaching and expected at the Assistant Professor level (tenure track), tion, please see or
research sites in Mississippi and through Online at with Associate or Full Professor status achieved within contact the search chair, Amy Weislogel, at Paleo-
Southern Miss. Since 2006, Southern Miss students 5-6 years. However, exceptionally, we will consider or (304) 293-6721.
have collected seven Goldwater Scholarships, three outstanding candidates for direct appointment to
Truman Scholarships and 14 National Science the Full Professor level. The University of Lausanne Quantitative Structural Geology or Geome-
Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships. Our is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from chanics: We seek to hire a full-time (9-month),
Center for Undergraduate Research affords our women are particularly encouraged. tenure-track Assistant Professor specializing in
students meaningful research opportunities, and as quantitative structural geology with interests
a proven leader in innovation, we conduct transfor- Application deadline: November 30, 2015 in the study of fractured reservoirs and geome-
mative research that translates into real-world solu- Starting date: August 1, 2016 (or as mutually chanics. The successful candidate will be expected
tions. As one of a select number of institutions in the agreed). to develop a vigorous externally-funded research
nation accredited in art, dance, music and theatre, Applications are to be submitted by e-mail only program, teach undergraduate classes in struc-
we are a haven for creativity and artistic expression. in a single pdf file to the Faculty of Geosciences tural geology or geomechanics, teach graduate
In the classroom or lab, on the playing field, or in the and Environment (, except for courses in the area of his/her expertise, and mentor
performance hall, we strive to have a positive impact publications that may be submitted sequentially. graduate and undergraduate students. Candidates
not only on our students, but also the world around The maximum file size that can be received by the should demonstrate potential to establish a strong
us. Further information is found at University of Lausanne e-mail system is 30 MB. externally-funded research program, publish in
An automatic reply will acknowledge reception peer-reviewed journals, and excel in teaching at
An Affirmative Action/Equal Employment of the file. In case of problem, please contact lise the undergraduate and graduate levels. To apply,
Opportunity employer/Americans with Disabilities The application material should please visit and navigate to the posi-
Act institution, The University of Southern Missis- include: tion title listed above. Upload (1) a single PDF
sippi encourages minorities, women, veterans and 1. Letter of motivation file containing a curriculum vitae, statement of
persons with disabilities to apply. 2. Curriculum Vitae including the year of birth, the research interests, statement of teaching philos-
date of the Ph.D. thesis defense, and the title of ophy, and names, titles, and full contact informa-
ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR the dissertation. tion for 3 references; and (2) PDF files of up to 3
WATERSHED ANALYSIS 3. Complete list of publications publications. In addition, arrange for 3 letters of
4. Statement of research and teaching goals and reference to be sent to Geomechanics@mail.wvu
MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY interest (not exceeding 4 pages) .edu. For additional information, please see pages
The Land Resources and Environmental Sciences 5. The five most significant publications (pdf files) or contact the search
Dept., Montana State University, Bozeman [http://] seeking a talented and