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chair, Dengliang Gao, at Geomechanics@mail.wvu             veterans and individuals with disabilities. Miami        begin (August 2016) and must be able to continue         GSA TODAY |
.edu or (304) 293-3310.                                    does not permit, and takes action to prevent, harass-    working legally for the proposed term of employ-
                                                           ment, discrimination and retaliation. Requests for       ment. The candidate must possess excellent written
   Teaching Assistant Professor of Geology: We             reasonable accommodations for disabilities should        and interpersonal communication skills.
seek to hire a full-time (9-month), non-tenure             be directed to Ms. Mary Jane Leveline at (513)
track Teaching Assistant Professor. The successful         529-2027. Annual Security and Fire Safety Report            Applications must include curriculum vitae, letter
candidate will teach a variety of undergraduate            may be found at                  of application describing professional experience,
courses, including both large introductory and             safety/annual-report/index.html. Criminal back-          research and teaching interests, copies of transcripts,
smaller upper-division classes, in the classroom and       ground check required. All campuses are smoke-           and the names and contact information of at least
online, and the field component of the B.S. capstone       and tobacco-free.                                        three references.
course, Geology Field Camp (the last with an addi-
tional summer stipend). Specialty area is open.            FACULTY POSITION, PALEOCLIMATOLOGY                          Go apply please go to http://aufacultypositions
Teaching Assistant Professors at WVU are eligible                         AUBURN UNIVERSITY               , complete the online
for promotion; however, promotion to senior ranks                                                                   form and upload the required application documents.
is not a requirement for institutional commitment          As part of a larger investment to create a new Climate,
and career stability. This position is a nine-month        Human, and Earth System Sciences (CHESS) Cluster            Applicants are encouraged to visit the AU website
renewable appointment (no maximum number                   Hire Initiative, the Dept. of Geosciences at Auburn      to learn more about Auburn University and Geosci-
of terms) and includes full benefits. The position         University invites applications for a new tenured/       ences program
carries an 80% teaching (4 courses per semester)           tenure- track Associate or Assistant Professor Posi-     geosciences/. Review of applications will begin
and 20% service assignment. The successful candi-          tion in Paleoclimatology and Energy Systems, begin-      January 11, 2016 and will continue until a candidate
date will join a faculty that takes great pride in         ning in the Fall Semester 2016 (August 16, 2016).        accepts appointment.
having members recognized at the university, state,        Applicants must have a Ph.D. in geosciences or a
and national levels for excellence in teaching. The        related field at the time of appointment.                   Auburn University is an EEO/Vet/Disability
Department occupies the recently renovated Brooks                                                                   employer.
Hall with state-of-the-art teaching technologies and          Specialties may include, but are not limited to
facilities. To apply for this position, interested candi-  (1) utilization of key geological (e.g., sediments,                      FACULTY POSITION
dates should visit and navigate to the        tree rings, corals, fossils) and geochemical (e.g.,      COUPLED NATURAL AND HUMAN SYSTEMS
position title listed above. Upload a single PDF file      isotope paleoclimate proxies, ice-core greenhouse
containing a curriculum vitae, statement of teaching       gas concentrations, etc.) records to investigate the                    AUBURN UNIVERSITY
interests and philosophy, teaching evaluations as          mechanisms and rates of Earth’s climate change,          The Dept. of Geosciences at Auburn University
available, and full contact information for 3 refer-       (2) modeling the sensitivity of Earth’s climate          invites applications for an Assistant Professor
ences. In addition, please arrange for three letters       system to changes and uncertainties in natural (e.g.,    Faculty position in Dynamics of Coupled Natural-
of reference to be sent directly to GeologyTAP@            volcanic emissions, methane hydrate stability, etc.)     Human Systems to begin in Fall 2016. We seek a For additional information, please           and anthropogenic forcing (e.g., greenhouse gas          dynamic individual who will play a leadership role
see or contact the            emissions), (3) connecting past climate of various       in propelling the department toward a new inter-
search chair, Thomas Kammer, at GeologyTAP@                time scales to the present and predicting future         collegiate Ph.D. program while helping to build a or (304) 293-9663.                            climate, and/or (4) validation of climate and earth      research program in his/her area of specialization.
                                                           system models.                                           The candidate for this position will be expected to
   WVU is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer                                                                        participate actively in Auburn University’s multidis-
and welcomes applications from all qualified indi-            We seek a dynamic individual who will play a          ciplinary cluster initiative in the cluster of Climate,
viduals, including minorities, females, individuals        leadership role in propelling the Department toward      Human, and Earth System Sciences (CHESS). The
with disabilities, and veterans. For additional informa-   a new intercollegiate Ph.D. program. Collabora-          position will complement the university’s consider-
tion about the department visit           tive CHESS research programs that are regional or        able expertise in this emerging area to form the core
                                                           global in scope are currently active with faculty in     of this multidisciplinary initiative. Participation in
         LECTURER FACULTY POSITION                         the College of Sciences and Mathematics, School          the CHESS initiative will be an important compo-
       GEOSCIENCE, MIAMI UNIVERSITY                        of Forestry and Wildlife Science, College of Engi-       nent in faculty annual reviews. For more informa-
The Dept. of Geology and Environmental Earth               neering, College of Agriculture, and College of          tion regarding the Cluster Hires please visit the
Science at Miami University invites applications for       Liberal Arts. The successful candidate is expected       following link:
a full-time Lecturer faculty position on the Oxford        to develop a vigorous, externally funded research        strategic_hire.html. The applicant will be expected
campus, beginning August 2016. The Lecturer will           program, publish scholarly work, and advise grad-        to produce nationally recognized research, to secure
teach undergraduate courses, including foundation          uate and undergraduate students. This individual         extramural funding, and to build successful partner-
courses in physical and environmental geology, as          will also develop and teach a new course in Paleo-       ships with industry, government, and other faculty.
well as intermediate level courses; advise under-          climatology and one or more graduate courses based       Desired applicants will have a strong interest in
graduate students; provide professional service            on his/her expertise. The successful candidate for       bridging geoscience research with societal needs and
to the department and university. Required: M.S.           this position will be expected to participate actively   in teaching relevant courses at both the undergrad-
in geoscience by date of appointment and docu-             in all multidisciplinary Cluster Hire Initiative in      uate and graduate level.
mented teaching experience. Desired: Ph.D. in              the cluster of Climate, Human & Earth Sciences
geoscience with interest in contributing to super-         (CHESS). New faculty with expertise in Paleo-               The successful candidate must have a strong
vision of undergraduate student research and               climatology and Energy Systems will complement           conceptual and theoretical background in social-
field-based experiences. Submit cover letter, vitae,       the University’s considerable existing expertise in the  economic- ecological systems as well as proven skills
statement of teaching philosophy and experience,           areas of climate change sciences, geochemistry, sedi-    in integrated/system approaches and geospatial-
unofficial copy of transcripts, and names of three         mentology, hydrology, and petroleum geology to           statistical modeling that incorporates diverse data
(3) referees to             form the core of the innovative Cluster Hire Initia-     analyses at multiple spatial and temporal scales.
job-details?jobID=1874. Letters of reference will          tive. Participation in the CHESS initiative will be an   Focal points for research include modeling and
be requested upon receipt of application. Inquiries        important component in faculty annual reviews. For       analysis of interactions among climate, ecosystems
can be directed to Cathy Edwards at edwardca@              more information regarding the Cluster Hires please      and human activity from landscape, watershed, and Review of applications will begin on          visit the following link:       regional to global perspectives. Candidates must
January 15, 2016 and continue until position is filled.    provost/strategic_hire.html.                             have an earned doctorate in geography, environ-
Miami University, an EO/AA employer encourages                                                                      mental science, social science, or a closely aligned
applications from minorities, women, protected                The candidate selected for this position must         field, with a strong publication record and experi-
                                                           meet eligibility requirements to work in the United      ence working on large, interdisciplinary research
                                                           States on the date the appointment is scheduled to       projects. The successful candidate will also hold an
                                                                                                                    adjunct professorship in the School of Forestry and
                                                                                                                    Wildlife Sciences. The candidate selected for this

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