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Writing A Successful GSA Grant Proposal

GSA TODAY | DECEMBER 2015  Paul H. Wetmore, Univ. of South Florida, and Amy Draut East, U.S.    the goal of this study is to determine if this fault was active during
                           Geological Survey                                                    the Sevier orogeny or Miocene extension, I will determine U/Pb
                                                                                                zircon ages of intrusions emplaced concomitant with slip on
                           Each year, GSA funds approximately half of the                       the fault.”
                                        proposed graduate student research grants. In addition
                                        to providing our graduate student members with the        Show that your work plan is carefully thought out, with
                                        means to complete their research, this program gives    methods that are necessary and sufficient to address the problem.
                                        them an introduction to the all-important skill of      Provide specific details. If you are mapping: what features, where,
                           proposal writing. Here, we provide some suggestions to help the      and at what scale? If collecting or analyzing samples: what, how
                           next generation of scientists develop this skill. To augment this    many, with what methods or equipment? The scope of work also
                           piece, you can find resources at          must be reasonable for the time frame you propose.
                                                                                                  In many proposals, the budget section is treated as an after-
                             Like all grant proposals, GSA’s has rules that you need to read    thought. Nothing could be further from the truth; one of the
                           and follow if you hope to get funded. Before you begin writing,      easiest means of being denied funding is to include disallowed
                           read the policies and procedures at       items in your budget. Your budget should be as explicit and real-
                           gradgrants.htm. Note the deadline—NO LATE SUBMISSIONS!               istic as possible. Determine the actual costs in detail (e.g., sample
                           Note eligibility, and what items are permitted in your budget.       analysis, campsite and vehicle rentals, airfare, and baggage fees)
                                                                                                and provide them on a per-sample/day/night/mile basis. Justify
                                Your proposal will be evaluated on six factors: how well        every item listed in the budget.
                             you address each of the four sections, your figure, and the
                             overall writing in your proposal. The four sections ask you to       Perhaps the most important part of your proposal is your
                                                                                                figure. This is your chance to present a figure that can explain
                             1. 	Present the problem, hypotheses, and overall project           what would require paragraphs of text. Location maps and photos
                                objectives;                                                     of the fossil/mineral/etc. you’ll be working on are great, but is it
                                                                                                the best use of your figure? The strongest proposals tend to use
                             2. 	Discuss the scientific and, if appropriate, societal           multi-box figures illustrating the concepts to be tested in their
                                importance of your project;                                     studies. Design a figure specifically for your study. Be sure your
                                                                                                graphics are clear and high resolution, and use text that is legible
                             3. 	State your research plan and how it will test your             at a normal full-page viewing scale. A well-written caption is very
                                hypotheses; and                                                 helpful. Include legends, scale bars, and use colors and annota-
                                                                                                tions that make the figure intuitive to understand.
                             4. 	Provide an itemized budget with detailed justification for
                                each item.                                                        Finally, take care with the proposal’s language and writing style.
                                                                                                Start paragraphs with strong topic sentences and keep the rest of
                             The core task of your proposal is to identify a real scientific    the paragraph on topic. Avoid unnecessary technical jargon—the
                           question or problem, develop hypotheses, and convince the            reviewers are professional earth scientists, but may be outside of
                           reviewers that it is an important problem worthy of funding, that    your study’s discipline. Explain and minimize acronyms (three or
                           you have a plan for testing your hypotheses, and that you have       fewer). Check and re-check grammar and spelling. Check the
                           carefully identified the costs involved in conducting your study.    math in your budget. Cite the work of others properly (the
                           The vast majority of funded studies follow the scientific method     reviewers might have published on your topic!), using the super-
                           (i.e., problem identification, propose hypotheses, develop/conduct   scripted reference numbering system to save space. And make sure
                           tests, and evaluate hypotheses based on results). A subordinate      that you have addressed the topic of each section and connected
                           number involve discrete solutions to a problem (e.g., the prob-      them logically to each other (problem/hypotheses, importance,
                           ability of an area/facility being inundated by lava as part of a     research plan, budget, and justification).
                           volcanic hazard assessment). In either case you must clearly relate
                           why and to whom the results of your study will be important. The       Constructing a solid proposal not only improves your chance of
                           best proposals focus on a scientific problem rather than starting    receiving GSA funds; it also sets the stage for a successful research
                           with a specific field area. The motivation for your study cannot     plan to generate interesting and useful results that the scientific
                           simply be “because nobody has studied this before.”                  community will want to see.

                             Your research plan must describe in detail the steps you will                                                                     —Good luck!
                           take to address your question. A common mistake here is the lack
                           of connection between problems/hypotheses from the first two
                           sections and the tasks proposed in this section. Your planned
                           study should test a hypothesis and state clearly how your proposed
                           research will accomplish this task. This can be as simple as “Since

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