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                           Award, Recognition & Grant Deadlines

                             Please go to            2016 Student Research Grants
                           .asp to submit a nomination form. For detailed information on
                           nomination processes, see the October 2015 issue of GSA Today or         GSA is proud to offer research grants to its highly qualified
                           go to To nomi-             student members. Students may receive a total of two GSA
                           nate a member for GSA Fellowship, go to www.geosociety                graduate student grants in their entire academic career,
                           .org/members/fellow.htm. Information can also be obtained             regardless of what program currently enrolled in. The
                           from GSA Grants and Awards at,                  maximum award per grant is US$2,500. Students may also
                           +1-303-357-1060.                                                      qualify for specialized awards; if so, the total awarded could
                                                                                                 be more than US$2,500.
                           2016 GSA Medals and Awards
                                                                                                    The GSA student research grant application process is
                           • Penrose Medal                                                       online only at
                           • Day Medal                                                           No paper applications or letters will be accepted. Apply
                           • Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal)                                starting Dec. 2015. Submissions must be completed by
                           • GSA Public Service Award                                            Monday, 1 Feb. 2016, at 5 p.m. MST.
                           • Randolph W. “Bill” and Cecile T. Bromery Award for Minorities
                           • GSA Distinguished Service Award                                             For further information on this program, go to
                           • Doris M. Curtis Outstanding Woman in Science Award                 ,
                           • Geologic Mapping Award in Honor of Florence Bascom                     call +1-303-357-1060, or e-mail
                           • Honorary Fellow
                           Nomination deadline: 1 Feb. 2016                                    2016 Post-Doctoral Research Awards

                           GSA Fellowship                                                        The following post-doc research awards are available. Learn
                                                                                               more at
                             Elevation to GSA Fellowship is an honor bestowed on the best
                           of our profession at each spring GSA Council meeting. GSA           • The Gladys W. Cole Memorial Research Award for research on
                           Fellows may support two nominees each year but only one as a          the geomorphology of semiarid and arid terrains in the United
                           primary nominator; GSA members who are not Fellows may be             States and Mexico is awarded annually to a GSA member or
                           secondary nominators for up to two nominees. Nomination               Fellow between 30 and 65 years of age who has published one or
                           deadline: 1 Feb. 2016.                                                more significant papers on geomorphology.

                           John C. Frye Environmental Geology                                  • The W. Storrs Cole Memorial Research Award for research on
                           Award                                                                 invertebrate micropaleontology is awarded annually to a GSA
                                                                                                 member or Fellow between 30 and 65 years of age who has
                             In cooperation with the Association of American State               published one or more significant papers on micropaleontology.
                           Geologists and supported by endowment income from the GSA
                           Foundation’s John C. Frye Memorial Fund, GSA makes an annual        Application deadline: 1 Feb. 2016.
                           award for the best paper on environmental geology published either
                           by GSA or by a state geological survey. Nomination deadline:
                           31 Mar. 2016.

                           Other Awards

GSA TODAY | DECEMBER 2015  Call for Nominations: AGI Awards                                    Call for Nominations: National Awards

                             AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell                               • William T. Pecora Award: http://remotesensing.usgs
                             AGI Marcus Milling Legendary Geoscientist Medal
                                                                                               • National Medal of Science:
                           Go to to submit your                medal.jsp.
                           nominations. Nomination deadline: 1 Feb. 2016.
                                                                                               • Alan T. Waterman Award:

                                                                                               Nomination deadlines vary.

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