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GSA Honorary Fellow: Brian Windley

                           Brian Windley is a leading,                  5. 	 Petrology of eclogitic rocks at Glenelg, Scotland; Beishan,
                                                                             China; Vietnam; and Kyrgyzstan, and blueschists in Anglesey
                                  preeminent geoscientist whose              and Ballantrae.
                                  career has revolved around under-
                                  standing the manifold facets of the   6. 	 Chromite-layered anorthositic complexes from the roots of
                                  tectonic development of orogens            island arcs at Fiskenaesset (Greenland), Sittampundi (India),
                                  through geological time, and espe-         Chilas (Pakistan Himalayas), Limpopo (South Africa), and
                                  cially application of the plate            Chimalpahad (Eastern Ghats).
                                  tectonic paradigm to Precambrian
                                  accretionary and collisional orogens  7. 	 Tectonic development of ophiolitic complexes in Beishan,
                                  worldwide. These include                   Ballantrae, Tartoq (Greenland), and Bayankhongor
                                  1. Field-based studies of (a) the
                                  accretionary Central Asian Orogenic   8. 	 Petrology of sapphirine-bearing rocks especially at
     Belt/Altaids, the Mona Complex of Anglesey/Lleyn (Wales,                Fiskenaesset.
     UK), and terranes in Yemen; and (b) the collisional
     Himalayan (Kohistan) and Karakoram orogens (Pakistan),             9. 	 Crustal rheology and elastic thickness of the Indian Shield,
     the Tian Shan mountains (China), Sergipano belt (Brazil),               and Ninetyeast Ridge (Andaman Islands).
     Mozambique orogen (Madagascar), the Kumta-Coorg suture
     (SW India), and the Aravalli-Delhi belts in Rajasthan (India).     10. 	 Delamination of sub-continental lithosphere in eastern
2. 	 Geotectonic growth of deep continental crust in W. Greenland,
     S. India, and NW Scotland (Neoarchean), and the Ketilidian         11. 	 Geotectonic evolution of Precambrian cratons—West
     orogen in Greenland (Paleoproterozoic).                                 Greenland and North China Craton. These projects involved
                                                                             collaborative fieldwork and laboratory studies with innumer-
3. 	 Tectonic uplift of Cenozoic mountains in West Mongolia,                 able students and staff in 23 countries.
     and climate-tectonic relationships in Central Asia.
                                                                          Windley has published nine edited/co-edited books and 320
4. 	 Neoproterozoic ocean plate stratigraphy and accretion in           peer-reviewed papers, with >19,000 citations. Syntheses of the
     Anglesey/Lleyn, and Ballantrae, Scotland.                          interdisciplinary geology of crust/mantle evolution through time
                                                                        integrated with the atmosphere, oceans, and metallogenesis led to
                                                                        The Evolving Continents in three editions.

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