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Layered Mafic Intrusions and
                           Associated Economic Deposits

                                                     8–12 August 2016
                                                Red Lodge, Montana, USA

                           CONVENERS                                                            DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES
                           Alan E. Boudreau, School of the Environment, Duke University,
                           Durham, North Carolina, USA,                         Layered mafic intrusions play a central role in our under-
                           Eric C. Ferré, Department of Geology, Southern Illinois University,  standing of magmatic systems. They also represent one of the
                           Carbondale, Illinois, USA,                        fundamental modes of magma transfer from the upper mantle to
                           Brian O’Driscoll, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental     the crust. These magmatic systems formed throughout geologic
                           Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, brian.odriscoll  time from the Archean (e.g., Stillwater Complex) to the Paleogene
                                                                     (e.g., Skaergaard Complex) on all five continents. Because many
                           Edward M. Ripley, Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana         of the best-studied layered intrusions are associated with Large
                           University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA,            Igneous Provinces, they are largely independent from tectonic
                                                                                                processes at plate boundaries. Layered intrusions have generated
                           ORGANIZING COMMITTEE                                                 significant historic interest from the igneous petrology and
                                                                                                geochemistry communities because they lie at the heart of some of
                             Steve Barnes, CSIRO Mineral Resources; Mike Cheadle,               the most fundamental petrologic precepts, such as fractional crys-
                           University of Wyoming; James Day, Scripps Institution of             tallization and Bowen’s reaction series. These intrusions also host
                           Oceanography; Jeff Gee, Scripps Institution of Oceanography;         first-class economic deposits of platinum group elements (PGE),
                           Allen Glazner, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill;             chrome, and nickel around the world. As an illustration of how
                           Tom Kalakay, Rocky Mountain College; Mike Koski, Stillwater          unique and important these environments are, it is worth high-
                           Mining Company; Craig Lundstrom, University of Illinois              lighting that the Bushveld Complex (South Africa) hosts >75% of
                           Urbana-Champaign; Wolfgang Maier, University of Manchester;          the world’s exploited platinum. The Stillwater Complex also hosts
                           Larry Meinert, U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Resources             significant economic quantities of these precious metals, at even
                           Program; Bill Meurer, ExxonMobil; Phil Moffitt, Rocky                higher grades (i.e., 18 ppm Pt + Pd) than the Bushveld, so it is an
                           Mountain Association of Geologists; James Scoates, University        important location for understanding ore forming processes. In
                           of British Columbia; Bob Stewart, North American Platinum            general, it is the combination of the industrial and scientific rele-
                                                                                                vance of layered intrusions that has ensured support for research
                           Cosponsored by National Science Foundation, GSA Foundation,          on these intrusions for the past six decades.
                           U.S. Geological Survey, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
                           Foundation.                                                            Despite the large volume of literature dedicated to layered
                                                                                                intrusions, advances in various sub-disciplines are somewhat scat-
                                                                                                tered, and there is a need for synthesis of the past twenty years of
                                                                                                research as well as an urgent need to define the new scientific
                                                                                                challenges that the broad community and graduate students


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