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should focus on. The Stillwater Complex is an ideal setting in
which to consider these challenges, because it combines a rich
tradition of petrological research with active economic interests in
a relatively easily accessible location. More simply, it is one of the
most important layered intrusions on Earth, in terms of historical
study and quality of exposure.

  The subject of layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions will bring
together a range of researchers from the fields of petrology,
geochemistry, mineralogy, and economic geology. These scientists
use different approaches that have the potential to be better inte-
grated to further our understanding of complex magmatic
systems. This conference will provide an opportunity for
researchers to address these and other recent developments in a
format that allows for discussion, integration of ideas, and devel-
opment of collaborations and future directions.

  The meeting is an opportunity for integration of academic and
industrial observations, experiments on magmatic systems, and
results of petrological/geochemical modeling. The topics that will
be emphasized as part of the program include:

• 	 Petrology of layered mafic intrusions, including
  experimental petrology;

• 	 Geochemistry of layered mafic intrusions; and

• 	 Geophysics of layered mafic intrusions and prospective
  science forum.

Preliminary Agenda                                                      Attendees and Estimated Costs                                       GSA TODAY |

Day 1: 8 Aug.: Petrology of layered mafic intrusions                      The registration fee will cover hotel lodging for six nights
                                                                        (double occupancy), breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks for five
Day 2: 9 Aug.: Visit of the Stillwater mine                             days, handouts, and transportation for the field trips and meeting
                                                                        dates. Airfare is not included, and participants must make their
Day 3: 10 Aug.: Visit of Stillwater Complex key exposures               own travel arrangements. Registration fees have not been final-
                                                                        ized. Please check the GSA website for updates: www.geosociety
Day 4: 11 Aug.: Geochemistry of layered mafic intrusions                .org/penrose/.

Day 5: 12 Aug.: Geophysics of layered mafic intrusions and              Applications and Registration
prospective science forum
                                                                        Application deadline: 31 Jan. 2016
  This five-day conference will begin in Billings, Montana, USA,
where transportation will be arranged by the organizers to Red          Registration deadline: 31 Mar. 2016
Lodge, Montana, USA. The first day of the conference begins with
two sessions focusing on recent developments on the petrology of          Participants will have to commit to attending the full five days
layered mafic intrusions. On the first day of excursions (Tuesday),     of the conference. To apply, please contact the conveners at
participants will visit the following localities: (1) sill/dike and with a letter of intent that includes a brief
basal series at the Hamslice; (2) ultramafic series cliff section;      statement of interests, the relevance of your recent work to the
(3) finger structures in large boulder at the Mountain View mine        themes of the conference, the subject of a proposed presentation,
entrance; (4) ultramafic-lower banded series section; (5) inch-         and contact information. Interested graduate students and early
scale doublets/octa-scale layering; and (6) mine core shed view of      career faculty are strongly encouraged to apply. Once you have
J-M reef section. The second day of excursions (Wednesday),             been selected to participate, you will be sent registration
participants will (1) drive up to Picket Pin, with a stop at upper      information.
unconformity; (2) hike the middle banded series section (Hess’s
eggs), replacement troctolite, AN-II, Picket Pin PGE zone; and
(3) continue into olivine-bearing zone V, snowball oiks in N-III,
and inverted pigeonite “oiks” in GN-III. The fourth day of the
conference will be dedicated to geochemical aspects of layered
mafic intrusions, and the fifth day will focus on geophysical
aspects of layered mafic intrusions (morning) and a discussion of
future research with industry representatives. Transportation to
the Billings airport will be arranged at the end of the conference.

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