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Second Announcement                                                       REGISTRATION

                           SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTION                                                     Early registration deadline: 16 Feb.
                                                                                                     Cancellation deadline: 22 Feb.
                           50th Annual Meeting of the South-Central
                           Section, GSA                                                                For further information or if you need special accommoda-
                           Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA                                               tions, please contact Peter Clift, Professionals
                           21–22 March 2016                                                          registering for the meeting are encouraged to add US$15 to their
                                                    registration fee to help a student attend the 50th Anniversary

                                                                                                     REGISTRATION FEES (in U.S. dollars)

                                                                                                     	 Early Registration	 Onsite

                                                                                                     	 Full	 One Day	 Full	 One day

                                                                                                     Professional Member      $165 $110 $220 $165

                                                                                                     Professional Member 70+  $110 $60 $165 $110

                                                                                                     Professional Non-Member  $180 $130 $240 $180

                                                                                                     Student Member           $60 $50 $110 $75

                                                                                                     Student Non-Member       $80 $70 $130 $90

                                                                                                     K–12                     $65 n/a $110 n/a

                                                                                                     Guest/Spouse             $40 n/a $50 n/a

                                                                                                     Field Trip or Short Course only $40 n/a $50 n/a

GSA TODAY | DECEMBER 2015Photo courtesy of Visit Baton Rouge.                                        ACCOMMODATIONS

                           Celebrating the Section’s                                                 Reservation deadline: 29 Feb.
                           Golden Anniversary                                                          GSA has reserved blocks of specially priced rooms and town-

                                 GSA’s South-Central Section will celebrate its Golden               homes at the Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center, 201 Lafayette
                              Anniversary by meeting at the Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol               Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70801, USA. Reservations can be made
                              Center, located in the state capital of Louisiana, Baton Rouge.        by calling +1-225-344-5866 or +1-800-955-6962. In order to
                              Founded in 1719, Baton Rouge is located on the banks of the            receive the special rate, please mention that you are attending the
                              Mississippi River, just upstream from the world-famous delta that      GSA South-Central Meeting. Individual and double rooms are
                              is building out into the Gulf of Mexico. The region is a classic area  US$109 per room/night, plus a 13% Louisiana tax. Bookings can
                              for the study of fluvial sedimentology, coastal geology, and hydro-    also be made online at
                              carbon systems and salt tectonics. Geology underlies much of the       owner/32164/home (use code “GSA”). For those who would like
                              economy of the region, which is also challenged by issues such as      to come early or stay after the meeting, these special rates are
                              coastal land loss, including fragile wetlands, as a result of rising   available 19–22 March 2016.
                              sea levels and subsidence. The region is also strongly affected by
                              hurricane systems from the Gulf of Mexico. Interest in this 50th       CALL FOR PAPERS
                              anniversary meeting is rapidly developing! Early registration and
                              accommodation reservations are strongly recommended.                   Abstract deadline: 15 Dec. 2015
                                                                                                       Submit abstracts online at
                                                                                                     sc/2016mtg/techprog.htm. Fee: US$15 for students and US$20
                                                                                                     for all others. If you cannot submit an abstract online, please
                                                                                                     contact Heather Clark, +1-303-357-1018,

                                                                                                     TECHNICAL PROGRAM


                                                                                                     S1. 	 The Bones May Be Dry but the Ideas Don’t Have to Be:
                                                                                                          Fossil Vertebrates from the Gulf Coastal Plain. Judith
                                                                                                          Schiebout, Louisiana State Univ.,; Gary
                                                                                                          Stringer, Univ. of Louisiana at Monroe,

                                                                                                     Theme Sessions

                                                                                                     T1. 	 Climate Change in the Gulf Coast Region: Past, Present,
                                                                                                           and Future. Brian Schubert, Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette,
                                                                                                 ; Grant Harley, Univ. of Southern
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