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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Positions Open                                           sonal skills, and a commitment to undergraduate                    ASSOCIATE/FULL PROFESSOR                         GSA TODAY |
                                                         and graduate education are also required.                         SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY AND
              ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                                                                                      DIRECTOR POTENTIAL GAS AGENCY                         29
       PALEONTOLOGY, SUNY POTSDAM                           Familiarity with GIS and remote sensing is required.         DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND
The Geology Department at SUNY Potsdam is                   Responsibilities: Responsibilities of this position             GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING
accepting online applications for a tenure-track         include, but may not be limited to: budget manage-               COLLEGE OF EARTH RESOURCE
Assistant Professor of Paleontology with exper-          ment; strategic and long-range planning; evaluation               SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING
tise in paleoclimatology and/or paleoceanography.        of faculty performance; coordination of student                   COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES
Teaching includes, but is not limited to, Principles of  recruitment and retention efforts; coordination of       Colorado School of Mines invites applications for
Paleontology, Historical Geology, and a high-enroll-     student advising; oversight of MARC; oversight of        the anticipated position of Associate/Full Professor
ment general education course focusing on either         laboratory and curricular development; outreach          position in the fields of Sedimentary Geology with
fossils/evolution or climate change. Ideal candidate     activities; development activities; scheduling of        an emphasis in applied Petroleum Geochemistry
can teach a physical oceanography course. Required       classes; and teaching.                                   and Director, Potential Gas Agency to begin in
qualification: Ph.D. by August 15, 2016. To apply,          Application Deadline: December 31, 2015.              May 2016.
visit:, Job Posting No.              To apply please visit: http://www.murraystate            The successful candidate will be expected to
U-00081. Position is open until filled.                                          develop a strong and vibrant externally funded
                                                            Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.         program and establish an international reputa-
              ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                        Murray State University is an equal education and        tion through publication, in addition to teaching
           OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY                         employment opportunity, M/F/D, AA employer.              at the undergraduate and graduate levels, directing
                                                                                                                  graduate research and supervising thesis projects.
                   SUNY POTSDAM                                          FACULTY POSITION                         The successful candidate will also direct the Poten-
The Geology Department at SUNY Potsdam is                   IN EARTH AND PLANETARY MATERIALS                      tial Gas Agency. As Director of the Agency the
accepting on-line applications for a tenure-track                                                                 successful candidate will be expected to devote at
Assistant Professor of Structural Geology special-            UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS                      least 33% time during the Academic Year and up
izing in deformation of the upper crust. Teaching        The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences           to one month during the summer to the work of
includes, but is not limited to, Physical Geology,       at the University of California Davis seeks an           the Committee.
Structural Geology, and an upper-level elective. Ideal   outstanding scholar whose study of the origin, trans-       Candidates must possess a doctoral degree in
candidate can teach an applied geophysics course         formation, or deformation of Earth and planetary         geology, a record of excellence in teaching, scholar-
and utilize the College’s existing seismic network.      materials addresses major processes in the solid         ship and service, management and leadership, and
Required qualification: Ph.D. by August 15, 2016.        Earth. This tenure-track faculty position is the first   national/international professional recognition.
To apply, visit:, Job Posting     of multiple anticipated faculty searches directed at     Applicants must demonstrate, or show evidence
No. U-00081. Position is open until filled.              understanding the formation and evolution of Earth       of, excellent written, oral communication and
                                                         and other rocky planets, and we seek applicants whose    interpersonal skills. Research interests must be in
     ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR                       work expands and amplifies our current research          areas that complement existing campus programs
              WATERSHED ANALYSIS                         strengths. Appointment at the Assistant Professor        (unconventional petroleum research, sedimentary
                                                         level is anticipated. Candidates must possess a Ph.D.    geology research).
         MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY                        or equivalent in geoscience or a related field by the       For the complete job announcement, full state-
The Land Resources and Environmental Sciences            time of appointment. The appointee is expected to        ment of qualifications and directions on how to
Department, Montana State University, Bozeman            develop and maintain a vigorous externally funded        apply, visit:
[] seeking a talented    research program and to be (or potential to be) an       -Faculty.
and enthusiastic individual to undertake a tenure-       excellent teacher at the undergraduate and graduate         Mines is an EEO/AA employer and is committed
track, fiscal-year faculty position (63% research/       levels. The department’s research programs and           to enhancing the diversity of its campus community.
27% teaching/ 10% service) in watershed analysis.        experimental, analytical and computational facilities    Women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with
Details of the position are available at [http://www     are described at  disabilities are encouraged to apply.]. Screening will begin
January 15, 2016 until an adequate applicant pool           Candidates should submit a cover letter, CV,            TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
has been established.                                    publication list, statements of research plans and              IN TECTONICS, DEPARTMENT OF
                                                         teaching interests, and names and addresses of four
      DEPARTMENT CHAIR, PROFESSOR                        references by December 20, 2015, as no new appli-        GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING
          MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY                        cants will be accepted after this date. Applicants will          UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO
                                                         have until January 8, 2016 to complete or revise their
The Jesse D. Jones College of Science, Engineering       applications. An optional “Statement of Contribu-        The Department of Geological Sciences and Engi-
and Technology at Murray State University (MSU)          tions to Diversity” is strongly encouraged. Guid-        neering at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks an
is seeking applicants for the Chair of the Department    ance for diversity statements may be found at http://    Earth Scientist for a tenure-track faculty position at
of Geosciences. The department, with nine full-time      the Assistant Professor level specializing in Tectonics
tenured/tenure track faculty and approximately           sion. Applications should be submitted online via        and Deformation. This position is expected to
50 majors, offers baccalaureate degrees in geosci-       the job listing JPF00738 at https://recruit.ucdavis.     bring expertise in tectonic processes and deforma-
ences with options in earth science, environmental       edu/apply/JPF00738. Inquiries may be addressed           tion within the crust and/or mantle. We seek an
geology, geoarchaeology, and geographic informa-         to the Search Committee Chair at epm_search@             outstanding scientist who explores Earth processes
tion science; a master’s degree in geosciences; and                                             using a combination of field, laboratory, and numer-
a certificate in geographic information science.                                                                  ical techniques and, in doing so, will establish an
The department is closely affiliated with the Mid-          UC Davis is an affirmative action/equal employ-       innovative, world-class externally-funded research
America Remote Sensing Center (MARC), a core             ment opportunity employer and is dedicated to            program. It is expected that, depending on the candi-
entity in the MSU Watershed Studies Institute.           recruiting a diverse faculty community. We welcome       date hired, s/he will contribute to both undergrad-
                                                         all qualified applicants including women, minorities,    uate and graduate curricula in regional tectonics,
   Qualifications: Ph.D. in the geological sciences      individuals with disabilities, and veterans. UC Davis    cordilleran evolution, our summer field camp,
or physical geography. Qualifications for the posi-      recognizes the necessity of supporting faculty with      and required course work in structural geology as
tion include documented evidence of excellence in        efforts to integrate work, family and other work-life    well as graduate courses in the individual’s area of
teaching, research productivity, and service accom-      considerations. The campus sponsors a Work Life          expertise. The successful applicant will be expected
plishments sufficient to merit appointment at the        Program that supports faculty as they strive to honor    to direct graduate student research at the M.S. and
rank of associate or full professor. Evidence of         their commitments to work, home and community.           Ph.D. levels. The specific field of interest is open, but
successful administrative leadership experience or       For more information see http://academicaffairs.
the potential for successful leadership, strong written
and verbal communication skills, effective interper-
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