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GSA TODAY | DECEMBER 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities  facilities, and departmental activities are at http://    nology, Ichnology, or related fields. The successful     Department occupies the recently renovated Brooks
                                                                                              candidate will be expected to develop a vigorous         Hall with state-of-the-art teaching technologies and
                                                                                                                       externally-funded research program, teach core           facilities. To apply for this position, interested candi-
                                                                Questions should be directed to Dr. Fred Andrus        undergraduate classes in paleontology, graduate          dates should visit and navigate to the
                                                             ( Applicants should go to http://         courses in the area of his/her expertise, and mentor     position title listed above. Upload a single PDF file
                                                    to electronically apply for this       graduate and undergraduate students. Candidates          containing a curriculum vitae, statement of teaching
                                                             position. When submitting an application, candi-          should demonstrate potential to establish a strong       interests and philosophy, teaching evaluations as
                                                             dates must provide a cover letter, CV, research and       externally-funded research program, publish in           available, and full contact information for 3 refer-
                                                             teaching statements, and a list with the contact infor-   peer-reviewed journals, and excel in teaching at the     ences. In addition, please arrange for three letters
                                                             mation for at least three referees. Applications will     undergraduate and graduate levels. To apply, please      of reference to be sent directly to GeologyTAP@
                                                             be reviewed beginning December 7, 2015, and will          visit and navigate to the position title For additional information, please
                                                             continue until the position is filled. The University     listed above. Upload (1) a single PDF file containing    see or contact the
                                                             of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative            a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests,     search chair, Thomas Kammer, at GeologyTAP@
                                                             Action Employer and actively seeks diversity in its       statement of teaching philosophy, and names, titles, or (304) 293-9663.
                                                             employees.                                                and full contact information for 3 references; and
                                                                                                                       (2) PDF files of up to 3 publications. In addition,         WVU is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer
                                                                           VISITING INSTRUCTOR                         arrange for 3 letters of reference to be sent to Paleo-  and welcomes applications from all qualified indi-
                                                                    VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR              For additional informa-            viduals, including minorities, females, individuals
                                                                HYDROGEOLOGY, MIAMI UNIVERSITY                         tion, please see          with disabilities, and veterans. For additional
                                                             The Department of Geology and Environmental               or contact the search chair, Amy Weislogel, at           information about the department visit www.geo
                                                             Earth Science at Miami University invites applica- or (304) 293-6721.   
                                                             tions for a temporary, full-time faculty position on
                                                             the Oxford campus, beginning August 2016. This is            Quantitative Structural Geology or Geome-                      LECTURER FACULTY POSITION
                                                             a nine-month (two academic semesters) appoint-            chanics: We seek to hire a full-time (9-month),                 GEOSCIENCE, MIAMI UNIVERSITY
                                                             ment that may be renewed for up to four years             tenure-track Assistant Professor specializing in         The Department of Geology and Environmental
                                                             pending funding availability and satisfactory perfor-     quantitative structural geology with interests in the    Earth Science at Miami University invites applica-
                                                             mance. The primary responsibility of this position is     study of fractured reservoirs and geomechanics.          tions for a full-time Lecturer faculty position on
                                                             teaching, including foundation courses in physical        The successful candidate will be expected to develop     the Oxford campus, beginning August 2016. The
                                                             and environmental geology, and intermediate and           a vigorous externally-funded research program,           Lecturer will teach undergraduate courses, including
                                                             upper level courses such as Water & Society and           teach undergraduate classes in structural geology or     foundation courses in physical and environmental
                                                             Hydrogeology. An M.S. in geology or a related field       geomechanics, teach graduate courses in the area of      geology, as well as intermediate level courses;
                                                             is required for appointment as Instructor; a Ph.D.        his/her expertise, and mentor graduate and under-        advise undergraduate students; provide profes-
                                                             is preferred and is required for appointment as a         graduate students. Candidates should demonstrate         sional service to the department and university.
                                                             Visiting Assistant Professor. Submit cover letter,        potential to establish a strong externally-funded        Required: M.S. in geoscience by date of appoint-
                                                             vitae, statement of teaching philosophy and experi-       research program, publish in peer-reviewed jour-         ment and documented teaching experience. Desired:
                                                             ence, unofficial copy of transcripts, and three letters   nals, and excel in teaching at the undergraduate         Ph.D. in geoscience with interest in contributing to
                                                             to reference to            and graduate levels. To apply, please visit jobs.wvu     supervision of undergraduate student research and
                                                             job-details?jobID=1862. Inquiries can be directed to      .edu and navigate to the position title listed above.    field-based experiences. Submit cover letter, vitae,
                                                             Cathy Edwards at Review             Upload (1) a single PDF file containing a curriculum     statement of teaching philosophy and experience,
                                                             of applications will begin on January 15, 2016, and       vitae, statement of research interests, statement        unofficial copy of transcripts, and names of three
                                                             continue until position is filled. Miami University,      of teaching philosophy, and names, titles, and full      (3) referees to
                                                             an EO/AA employer encourages applications from            contact information for 3 references; and (2) PDF        job-details?jobID=1874. Letters of reference will
                                                             minorities, women, protected veterans and indi-           files of up to 3 publications. In addition, arrange for  be requested upon receipt of application. Inquiries
                                                             viduals with disabilities. Miami does not permit, and     3 letters of reference to be sent to Geomechanics@       can be directed to Cathy Edwards at edwardca@
                                                             takes action to prevent, harassment, discrimination For additional information, please Review of applications will begin
                                                             and retaliation. Requests for reasonable accommo-         see or contact            on January 15, 2016 and continue until position
                                                             dations for disabilities should be directed to Ms.        the search chair, Dengliang Gao, at Geomechanics@        is filled. Miami University, an EO/AA employer
                                                             Mary Jane Leveline at (513) 529-2027. Annual Secu- or (304) 293-3310.                          encourages applications from minorities, women,
                                                             rity and Fire Safety Report may be found at: http://                                                               protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.
                                                                    Teaching Assistant Professor of Geology: We           Miami does not permit, and takes action to prevent,
                                                             index.html. Criminal background check required.           seek to hire a full-time (9-month), non-tenure           harassment, discrimination and retaliation. Requests
                                                             All campuses are smoke- and tobacco-free.                 track Teaching Assistant Professor. The successful       for reasonable accommodations for disabilities
                                                                                                                       candidate will teach a variety of undergraduate          should be directed to Ms. Mary Jane Leveline at
                                                              THREE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR POSITIONS                      courses, including both large introductory and           (513) 529-2027. Annual Security and Fire Safety
                                                             DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY & GEOGRAPHY                         smaller upper-division classes, in the classroom and     Report may be found at: http://www.MiamiOH
                                                                                                                       online, and the field component of the B.S. capstone     .edu/campus-safety/annual-report/index.html. Crim-
                                                                       WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY                        course, Geology Field Camp (the last with an addi-       inal background check required. All campuses are
                                                             The Department of Geology and Geography at West           tional summer stipend). Specialty area is open.          smoke- and tobacco-free.
                                                             Virginia University seeks to fill three geology faculty   Teaching Assistant Professors at WVU are eligible
                                                             positions. Applicants should have a PhD or equiva-        for promotion; however, promotion to senior ranks          TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
                                                             lent degree in geology, earth science or related field    is not a requirement for institutional commitment                HYDROGEOLOGY, CALIFORNIA
                                                             by the start date. Review of applications for all posi-   and career stability. This position is a nine-month
                                                             tions will begin January 15, 2016 and continue until      renewable appointment (no maximum number                       STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE
                                                             each position is filled; start date for all positions is  of terms) and includes full benefits. The position       The Department of Geological Sciences at California
                                                             August 15, 2016.                                          carries an 80% teaching (4 courses per semester)         State University, Northridge invites applications for
                                                                                                                       and 20% service assignment. The successful candi-        a full-time tenure-track faculty position at the level
                                                                Paleobiology: We seek to hire a full-time              date will join a faculty that takes great pride in       of Assistant Professor in hydrogeology. We offer B.S.
                                                             (9-month), tenure-track Assistant Professor special-      having members recognized at the university, state,      and M.S. degrees in Geology and in Geophysics. The
                                                             izing in Paleobiology, which could include expertise      and national levels for excellence in teaching. The      successful candidate must have a Ph.D. at the time of
                                                             in Invertebrate or Vertebrate Paleontology, Micro-                                                                 appointment. Experience in post-doctoral research
                                                             paleontology, Paleoecology, Paleobotany/Paly-

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