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and/or University-level lecture instruction is desir- leum Engineering, and Geological Engineering. job-details?jobID=1868. Arrange to have three GSA TODAY |
able. We seek an innovative hydrogeologist with Closely associated departments include Environ- (3) letters of recommendation sent to Geochemis-
technical expertise in one or more of the following mental Engineering and Mining Engineering. Local Screening of applications
fields: subsurface measurement and modeling of area establishments with active research include the will begin January 15, 2016, and continue until
groundwater flow, reactive transport modeling, or U.S. Geological Survey (Mid-continent Geospatial the position is filled. Miami University, an EO/AA
remote and/or geophysical sensing of groundwater. Mapping Center), Missouri Department of Natural employer encourages applications from minori-
Research areas may include, but are not limited to, Resources, Fort Leonard Wood, the Missouri S&T ties, women, protected veterans and individuals
local and regional-scale groundwater dynamics and Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center, with disabilities. Miami does not permit, and takes
groundwater quality; the impact of climate change Materials Research Center, and Energy Research action to prevent, harassment, discrimination and
on groundwater recharge, storage and use; water and Development Center. Interested applicants retaliation. Requests for reasonable accommoda-
injection and/or withdrawal and induced seis- should submit a cover letter, a current curriculum tions for disabilities should be directed to Ms. Mary
micity; or groundwater transport of contaminants. vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests Jane Leveline at (513) 529-2027. Annual Security
We particularly seek candidates who both comple- and experience, and complete contact information and Fire Safety Report may be found at: http://www
ment our current research program and integrate for four references electronically to the Missouri
across sedimentology, stratigraphy and geophysics. University of Science and Technology’s Human index.html. Criminal background check required.
The successful candidate is expected to develop a Resource Office at All campuses are smoke- and tobacco-free.
vigorous research program, which includes seeking academic/. Applicants should ask for Position
extramural funding, publishing peer-reviewed Number 00031149 to be included on each reference DEPARTMENT CHAIR
papers, and involving undergraduate and M.S. sent directly to the chair of the search committee, TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
students. Furthermore, the successful candidate is Dr. Wan Yang ( The final
expected to demonstrate teaching excellence and candidate is required to provide copies of offi- AND INSTRUCTOR, DEPARTMENT OF
provide effective instruction to students of diverse cial transcript(s) for any college degree(s) listed in GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY, THE
backgrounds in a multicultural setting. Potential application materials submitted, prior to the start
classes to be taught by the new hire include: a new of employment. In addition, the final candidate UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI
undergraduate core course in Earth Systems, general may be required to verify other credentials listed in The University of Southern Mississippi invites
education courses in water resources and environ- application materials. Failure to do so may result applicants for (i) a full-time, 12-month, tenure-track
mental geology and elective offerings at the upper- in the withdrawal of the job offer. All job offers are administrative faculty position as department chair,
division and/or graduate level in the candidate’s contingent upon successful completion of a crim- (ii) a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track faculty
research specialty. inal background check. The University of Missouri position as an assistant professor of geology, and
is an equal access, equal opportunity, affirmative (iii) a full-time, nine-month faculty position as an
Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, the action employer that is fully committed to achieving instructor of geology in the Department of Geog-
names and full contact information for three refer- a diverse faculty and staff. Equal Opportunity is and raphy and Geology in the College of Science and Tech-
ences, statement of teaching philosophy and experi- shall be provided for all employees and applicants nology to begin in fall 2016 (July 1 for chair). Research
ence, and statement of research interests. Electronic for employment on the basis of their demonstrated and teaching specializations that are preferred for these
submissions are strongly encouraged and should ability and competence without unlawful discrimi- positions are purposely broad and include one or more
be sent to: Mate- nation on the basis of their race, color, national of the following: structural geology, geophysics, envi-
rials can also be sent to: Hydro Search Committee, origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ronmental geochemistry, mineralogy, petrography/
Department of Geological Sciences, California State gender identity, gender expression, age, genetic petrology, invertebrate paleontology, stratigraphy,
University Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff Street, information, disability, or protected veteran status. and/or other specialties pertinent to the Gulf Coast
Northridge, CA 91330-8266. Review of applications region. These positions require colleagues to balance a
will begin 1 January 2016. Priority will be given to GEOCHEMISTRY LAB MANAGER traditional geological curriculum with courses consis-
applications received by this date, but the position MIAMI UNIVERSITY tent with the candidates’ expertise.
remains open until filled. For additional informa-
tion, see The Univer- The Department of Geology and Environmental Department Chair (Posting 0003695): Appli-
sity is an EO/AA employer. Earth Science at Miami University invites applica- cants are required to have a Ph.D. in geology or a
tions for a Geochemistry Lab Manager. The Lab closely related field from an accredited university
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Manager will be expected to manage new trace with a minimum of 18 hours of graduate coursework
OF GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS metal geochemistry and ICP-OES labs, and to share in geology or a closely related field. Further, candi-
responsibility for ICP-MS, HPLC and powder XRD dates should have professional credentials sufficient
MISSOURI UNIVERSITY OF labs. Duties will include training and supervision to be considered eligible for appointment as a full
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY of lab users, laboratory maintenance, data quality professor. Expectations for this position include
The Department of Geosciences and Geological and assurance, assistance in teaching laboratory-based (1) providing leadership and direction in shared
Petroleum Engineering invites applications for a courses, oversight of radiation and environmental governance in areas of goal-setting and assessment,
full-time tenure-track faculty position in Geology health and safety compliance, and laboratory finan- faculty recruitment, hiring, mentoring and tenure/
and Geophysics at the Assistant Professor level cial management. Laboratory technique develop- promotion evaluation; (2) providing leadership and
in petroleum geology with expertise in carbonate ment and adaptation for analysis of diverse geologic guidance to advance the research capabilities and
reservoirs and basin analysis to begin in August, and environmental materials expected, with oppor- scholarly activities of the department; (3) promoting
2016. Review of applications will begin in November tunities to pursue research and external funding. and participating in an active research agenda
and continue until the search is completed. The Required: M.S. or Ph.D. in geology or related field, within the department; (4) ensuring that academic
successful candidate will be expected to develop at least 4 years of experience in major and trace programs in the department maintain high stan-
an externally-funded research program integrated element analysis of geologic materials by plasma dards; (5) excellence in instruction of general educa-
with excellence in teaching at both the graduate techniques at the time of the appointment, and tion, advanced undergraduate, and graduate-level
and undergraduate levels with a commitment to proven experience in successful training and super- courses in geology; (6) directing the administration
interdisciplinary work. Teaching responsibilities vision of geochemistry lab users. Desired: experi- of the department; and (7) service to the college,
will include courses as part of degree requirements ence in powder XRD and HPLC analysis; expertise university and greater academic community.
as well as in the candidate’s area of expertise. The in laboratory technique development, computer
Department currently has 20 full-time faculty, programming and electrical and mechanical abili- Assistant Professor (Posting 0003736): Appli-
and 371 undergraduate and 309 graduate degree- ties. Submit cover letter, vita and unofficial copy cants are required to have a Ph.D. in geology or a
seeking students with established B.S., M.S., and of transcripts to: closely related field from an accredited university
Ph.D. programs in Geology & Geophysics, Petro- with a minimum of 18 hours of graduate coursework
in geology or a closely related field. Expectations for
this position include (1) developing a consistent