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Celebrating 35 Years of the GSA Foundation,


                                                Margaret R. Eggers                                  Looking forward, the Foundation will work to increase financial
                                                                                                  resources for key GSA programs and priorities. Every gift and spon-
                                                     As Chair of the GSA Foundation Board of      sorship expands GSA’s advancement of the geosciences and supports
                                                  Trustees, I am pleased to mark 35 years of the  both new and career geoscientists. We would like to say “thank you”
                                                  GSA Foundation and its service to GSA           again to our loyal and new supporters. For many individuals,
                                                  members. Each year, we have reason to cele-     December is an excellent time to renew your annual contribution to
                                                  brate the impressive community of individuals   GSA or join this generous community by making the GSA
                                                  and organizations who support GSA and its       Foundation one of your charitable priorities. We look forward to
                           programs through the Foundation. Your continued generosity             working with you in 2016 and beyond to strengthen our Society and
                           allows GSA to provide first-rate opportunities for young geoscien-     its unique and vital role in advancing the geosciences.
                           tists and to facilitate excellence in scientific research. The
                           Foundation provides support to GSA programs that offer
                           mentoring to young students, promote diversity in our science,
                           and help expand the reach of GSA in public policy and education.

                           GSA Foundation Snapshot: Fiscal Year 2015

                           US$1,895,169            Foundation Assets
                                     US$1,060,052  Transferred to GSA
                                                   Total Giving
                                                                                                  Your Support Will Strengthen
                                                                                                  Key GSA Priorities

                                                                                                  • Communicating Our Science
                                                                                                  • Future Geoscientists
                                                                                                  • Policy Programs
                                                                                                  • Geoscience Education


                                                                                                  GeoCorps participants at Devil’s Tower,
                                                                                                  Wyoming, USA.


38 2014 On To the Future Participants.
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