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GSA TODAY | DECEMBER 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities and productive externally funded research program 2016, or until filled. SIU Carbondale is an Affirmative in sedimentary basin analysis. Possible research
that includes graduate and undergraduate students; Action/Equal Opportunity employer of individuals areas include, but are not limited to, the relation-
(2) excellence in instruction of general education, with disabilities and protected veterans that strives ship of basin evolution to mantle processes, linkages
advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses; to enhance its ability to develop a diverse faculty and of stratigraphy to landscape evolution as a function
and (3) service to the department, college, university staff and to increase its potential to serve a diverse of tectonics, climate, and sea-level change, the predic-
and greater academic community. student population. All applications are welcomed and tion of sub-surface porosity and permeability to model
encouraged and will receive consideration. the movement of water and hydrocarbons, and the
Instructor (Posting 0003737): Applicants are use of stratigraphy in paleo-environmental and paleo-
required to have a master’s degree or Ph.D. in W.B. HAMILTON PROFESSOR biological studies. The starting date for this position is
geology or a closely related field from an accredited OF EARTH SCIENCES 15 August 2016. Candidates that combine surface and/
university with a minimum of 18 hours of graduate or subsurface observations with numerical simula-
coursework in geology or a closely related field. SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY tions, analogue models, or laboratory experiments to
Expectations for this position include (1) excellence Position No. 06029. The Roy M. Huffington Depart- investigate the geologic history of sedimentary basins
in instruction of general education and advanced ment of Earth Sciences at SMU announces a search are preferred, and applicants should have a strong
undergraduate courses in geology; (2) advisement to fill a named tenure-track or tenured professor- interest in interdisciplinary collaborations across and
services to undergraduate geology students; (3) service ship (the rank is open) honoring WB Hamilton. beyond the geosciences.
to the department, college and university; and We solicit nominations and applications from earth
(4) public outreach and advocacy for geology in the scientists who maintain vigorous and sustainable Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in the
community. research programs and who have a commitment geosciences or a related field. Postdoctoral experi-
to full participation in the educational mission of ence is preferred, but not required. The successful
Applications must be submitted online at https:// the department to provide professional training in candidate must demonstrate strong potential for Required application materials can a liberal arts environment. As the fourth holder of outstanding accomplishments in research, research
also be found at this website. Applications must the chair established in 1921, the successful candi- supervision, and teaching. The successful applicant
be completed by December 1, 2015, to ensure full date will extend existing departmental strengths in will be expected to teach an undergraduate-level
consideration for the chairperson position, and earth science. The department’s focus is on pure course in stratigraphy, as well as other undergrad-
December 15, 2015, for the assistant professor research to understand Earth history and geologic uate and graduate classes commensurate with the
and instructor positions. More information about processes with applied research on problems in the candidate’s interest and expertise. An interest in
the department can be found at national interest such as climate and environmental participating in the Department’s capstone under-
geography-geology. change, earthquake seismology including induced graduate geology field course also is desirable. MEAS
seismicity, natural hazards, nuclear test ban moni- places a high value on excellent instruction and the
Founded in 1910, The University of Southern toring and resources including geothermal energy. use of innovative teaching methods.
Mississippi is a comprehensive doctoral and research- The expected start date is August 1, 2016.
driven university with a proud history and an eye Affiliated with the College of Sciences at NC State,
on the future. A dual-campus university, Southern Applications can be submitted electronically to MEAS is one of the largest interdisciplinary geosci-
Miss serves students on campuses in Hattiesburg or in writing to: Professor John ence departments in the nation. Opportunities exist
and Long Beach, in addition to five teaching and Walther, Search Committee Chair, Department of for disciplinary and interdisciplinary interactions
research sites in Mississippi and through Online at Earth Sciences, Southern Methodist University, P.O. with more than 30 marine, earth, and atmospheric
Southern Miss. Since 2006, Southern Miss students Box 0395, Dallas TX 75275. scientists. Additional information about the depart-
have collected seven Goldwater Scholarships, three ment and its facilities can be found on the web page:
Truman Scholarships and 14 National Science Applicants should include curriculum vitae,
Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships. Our statements of research and teaching interests, and
Center for Undergraduate Research affords our contact information for three references. To insure Review of applications will begin on 15 November
students meaningful research opportunities, and as full consideration applications must be received by 2015; the position will remain open until filled.
a proven leader in innovation, we conduct transfor- December 5, 2015, but the committee will continue Applications, including cover letters, curriculum
mative research that translates into real-world solu- to accept applications until the position is filled. The vitae, teaching and research statements, and contact
tions. As one of a select number of institutions in the committee will notify applicants of its employment information for three references must be submitted
nation accredited in art, dance, music and theatre, decisions after the position is filled. online at Please search for
we are a haven for creativity and artistic expression. position number 00001300.
In the classroom or lab, on the playing field, or in the Southern Methodist University will not discrimi-
performance hall, we strive to have a positive impact nate in any program or activity on the basis of race, Founded in 1887, NC State is a land-grant insti-
not only on our students, but also the world around color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, tution distinguished by its exceptional quality of
us. Further information is found at genetic information, veteran status, sexual orienta- research, teaching, extension, and public service.
tion, or gender identity and expression. The Execu- Located in Raleigh, North Carolina, NC State is the
As an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment tive Director for Access and Equity/Title IX Coor- largest university in North Carolina, with more than
Opportunity employer/Americans with Disabilities dinator is designated to handle inquiries regarding 34,000 students and 8,000 faculty and staff. National
Act institution, The University of Southern Missis- nondiscrimination policies and may be reached at rankings consistently rate Raleigh and its surrounding
sippi encourages minorities, women, veterans and the Perkins Administration Building, Room 204, region among the five best places in the country to
persons with disabilities to apply. 6425 Boaz Lane, Dallas, TX 75205, 214-768-3601, live and work, with a highly educated workforce, moderate weather, reasonable cost of living, and a
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR welcoming environment. A collaborative, supportive
(ECONOMIC GEOLOGY/MINERALOGY) Hiring is contingent upon the satisfactory environment for business and innovation and research
completion of a background check. collaborations with area universities and the Research
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Triangle Park are compelling reasons for relocation to
CARBONDALE JUNIOR LEVEL FACULTY POSITION the area. NC State is an equal opportunity and affir-
SEDIMENTARY BASIN ANALYSIS mative action employer. All qualified applicants will
The Department of Geology at Southern Illinois receive consideration for employment without regard
University Carbondale invites applications for a DEPARTMENT OF MARINE, EARTH, to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual
tenure-track position in economic geology/miner- AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES orientation, age, veteran status, or disability. Appli-
alogy at the assistant professor level, starting August cations from women, minorities, and persons with
16, 2016, contingent upon available funding. More NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY disabilities are encouraged.
information, including qualifications and how to The Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric
apply is available at Sciences (MEAS) at North Carolina State Univer-
(Search COS-351). Application deadline: January 4, sity (NC State) intends to fill a junior (Assistant /
Associate Professor) tenure-track faculty position