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Michael Bunds, the Department Chair (michael.                          TWO TENURE-TRACK                           services. All qualified applicants will receive consid-   GSA TODAY |, or Weihong Wang, the Search                   ASSISTANT PROFESSOR POSITIONS                       eration for employment without regard to age,
Committee Chair ( To                   IN BASIN-MODELING/SOLID EARTH                        ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orienta-
apply, please visit           GEOPHYSICS AND SEDIMENTOLOGY                         tion or identity, national origin, disability status or
17466. Applications will be evaluated beginning                                                                   protected veteran status.
12/31/2015. Utah Valley University is an Affirmative               KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY
Action / Equal Opportunity/ Equal Access Employer.      The Department of Geology at Kansas State Univer-            MARSHALL-HEAPE CHAIR IN GEOLOGY
                                                        sity invites applications for two tenure-track faculty                   TULANE UNIVERSITY
   LECTURER, DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY                      positions at the assistant professor level beginning in
        AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE                       August 2016 in the areas of (1) sedimentology and/or      The Department of Earth and Environmental
          UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH                      stratigraphy, (2) basin-scale modeling or solid earth     Sciences at Tulane University invites applications
                                                        geophysics. A detailed advertisement for both posi-       for the newly established Marshall-Heape Chair
The Department of Geology and Environmental             tions is located at Screening of     in Geology. We seek a scholar with an outstanding
Science at the University of Pittsburgh is seeking      applications begins December 21, 2015, and continues      international reputation who will be appointed at
qualified applicants for a faculty position at the      until the position is filled. Full consideration will be  the Full Professor level with tenure. We particularly
rank of Lecturer, pending budgetary approval.           given to applications received by December 1, 2015.       seek a broad-based Earth scientist who comple-
This position is outside of the tenure stream and is    Kansas State University is an EOE of individuals          ments current faculty expertise and offers potential
contracted for 3 years, with renewals and promo-        with disabilities and protected veterans. Kansas          for collaborative research. The Marshall-Heape
tion expected. The successful candidate will teach      State University actively seeks diversity among its       Chair is expected to lead a widely recognized, exter-
a variety of undergraduate courses for a new B.S.       employees. Background check required.                     nally funded research program that will attract PhD-
major in Environmental Science, ideally including                                                                 level graduate students and postdoctoral scholars of
a scientific writing class. The duties associated with              TENURE TRACK POSITION                         the highest caliber. Teaching duties are both at the
this position would include advising Environ-               IN HYDROLOGY, SURFACE PROCESSES                       graduate and undergraduate levels. For full consid-
mental Science and Geology majors, preparation                                                                    eration, applications should be received by January
of course materials, and academic program assess-                      INDIANA UNIVERSITY                         10, 2016, but the position will remain open until
ment. Additional duties may include, at the option      The Department of Geological Sciences at Indiana          filled. Applications should include a curriculum
of the successful candidate, developing proposals for   University invites applications for a tenure-track        vitae, research and teaching statements that articu-
undergraduate research, curriculum development,         faculty position in hydrology or surface processes at     late how the mission of the department would be
outreach, or attracting underrepresented minorities.    the rank of Assistant Professor. Applicants’ areas of     enhanced, and the names and contact informa-
The candidate must possess a Ph.D. in Geoscience,       research expertise may include, but are not limited       tion of at least three references. Applications must
Environmental Science, or other related disciplines.    to: fluid processes within the critical zone, surface     be submitted electronically via the following link:
Teaching experience is essential. Excellent commu-      and groundwater flow, catchment-scale hydrology, Any inquiries may be
nication and writing skills are required. The appoint-  landscape evolution, physical surface processes on        directed to Dr. Torbjörn Törnqvist, Department of
ment begins in the fall term of 2016.                   earth and other planets, tectonic geomorphology,          Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane Univer-
                                                        computational modeling in any of these fields and         sity, 6823 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118-
   Applicants should submit a cover letter explaining   the study of their connections to global climate. We      5698 ( Further information about
their qualifications along with their CV, teaching and  seek individuals whose research complements one           the department and university can be obtained at
advising statements, and arrange for 3 letters to be    or more of our strengths in sedimentation and stra- Tulane University is an
uploaded to:   tigraphy, near-surface processes and environmental        EEO/ADA/AA employer.
index/MTM0. For each reference, you will have           geosciences, geophysics and tectonics, geochem-
the opportunity to input a personal email address       istry, and atmospheric sciences. Our departmental              TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION
or an email address generated through Interfolio’s      research and teaching resources include a premiere           ENERGY GEOSCIENTIST, DEPARTMENT
Online Application Delivery. In both cases, an email    Geologic Field Station and the instrumented Willow
notification will be sent to the designated address     Creek Watershed in Montana, extensive analytical                      OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES
with instructions about uploading the letters to our    instrumentation, GIS and remote sensing facilities,                THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA
system. To ensure full consideration, applications      coupled with exceptional campus infrastructure            The Department of Geological Sciences at The
must be received by January 15, 2016. The University    for high performance computing, and engagement            University of Alabama invites applications for a
of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action, Equal Oppor-    with the Integrated Program for the Environment.          tenure-track faculty position in energy geoscience,
tunity Employer. Women, members of minority             Successful candidates, who must hold a PhD degree         beginning August 2016, to be filled at the assistant
groups under-represented in academia, veterans,         by the time of appointment, are expected to develop       professor level. Candidates are invited to apply
and disabled are especially encouraged to apply.        a strong, collaborative, externally funded program,       who have specialties within any field of geoscience
                                                        to supervise research by graduate and undergraduate       pertaining to energy exploration. Scientists with
     FULL TIME, ASSISTANT RESEARCHER                    students, and to teach both undergraduate and grad-       industry experience are encouraged to apply. Candi-
            (COLLECTION MANAGER)                        uate courses in their fields of expertise.                dates must have a strong record of research and
                                                                                                                  must have received a Ph.D. in geology, geophysics,
         KU BIODIVERSITY INSTITUTE                         Please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae,      or a related field at the time of appointment. The
The KU Biodiversity Institute seeks a full time Assis-  statements of teaching and research interests, the        successful candidate will establish a vigorous, exter-
tant Researcher (Collection Manager) to oversee         names and email addresses of three individuals            nally funded research program, develop relation-
its world-class collections of invertebrate fossils.    willing to provide reference letters, and electronic      ships with the energy industry, work closely with the
Required qualifications include master’s degree in      copies of up to five relevant publications. General       Center for Sedimentary Basin Studies, and attract
museum studies, geology, systematics, or paleon-        inquiries should be addressed to search_geo15@            and advise high-quality graduate students. Teaching
tology, knowledge of invertebrate fossil taxonomy and specific questions should be              responsibilities will include undergraduate and
and identification, knowledge of care and manage-       referred to the Chair of the Search Committee,            graduate courses in her/his specialty and introduc-
ment of natural history collections, and familiarity    Professor Simon Brassell ( or           tory geology. The department has a broad range
with biodiversity informatics. For additional infor-    sent to Geology, 1001 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington,       of geophysical, geochemical, and computational
mation and complete application instructions please     IN 47405. Applications should be completed online         facilities, in addition to University shared facilities,
visit KU        via         including the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Depart-
is an EO/AAE. All qualified applicants will receive     Review of applications will begin November 1, 2015,       mental software includes industry standards such
consideration for employment without regard to          and continue until the position is filled.                as ProMAX, Petrel, TechLog, PetroMod, Move,
race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age,                                                            Petra, Geosoft, ArcGIS, and Matlab. Details regard-
national origin, disability, genetic information or        Indiana University is an equal employment and          ing existing research programs, equipment and
protected Veteran status. Review begins 1 Feb. 2016.    affirmative action employer and a provider of ADA

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