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GSA TODAY | DECEMBER 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities      preference will be given to candidates who would            to: (1) teach upper-division courses in area(s) of             A Ph.D. with specialization in mineralogy or
                                                                 complement and interact with our existing strengths         expertise and lower- division courses as required,          petrology at the time of appointment is required, but
                                                                 in the structural and metamorphic evolution of the          (2) establish an active and sustained research              ABD candidates also will be considered. Interested
                                                                 lithosphere, economic geology, geothermal systems,          program that includes mentoring undergraduate               candidates should submit electronic versions of a
                                                                 and natural hazards. Interested applicants must have        students, (3) seek external funding in support              curriculum vita, statement of research interests and
                                                                 a doctorate in geology or a related geoscience field        of teaching or research, (4) establish collabora-           teaching philosophy, the names and email addresses
                                                                 by the time of hire. The Department is part of the          tions with colleagues in the College of Science; and        of at least three references, and up to four reprints
                                                                 Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering,            (5) contribute to the development of new interdisci-        by email attachments, to the Chair of the Miner-
                                                                 which also includes two state-funded Earth Science          plinary curricula including a planned environmental/        alogy/Petrology Search Committee (petrosearch@
                                                                 units, the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology               sustainability science program.                    Screening of applications will begin
                                                                 and the Nevada Seismological Laboratory. More                                                                           November 1, 2015, and continue until a suitable
                                                                 information about the Department can be found at               Minimum Requirements include: A Ph.D. in                 candidate is appointed. The Department of Geology
                                                                                        Geology or related field (candidates who expect to          and Geophysics is part of the College of Geosciences,
                                                                                                                             complete a Ph.D. by the beginning of the Fall 2016          which also includes the Departments of Atmo-
                                                                    Applications are due by December 31, 2015, and           semester also will be considered), excellent verbal and     spheric Sciences, Geography, and Oceanography,
                                                                 review will begin shortly after. All interested applicants  written communication skills, evidence of teaching          Sea Grant, the Geochemical and Environmental
                                                                 should view the application and submit their materials      excellence and interest in using active-learning pedago-    Research Group (GERG), and the Integrated Ocean
                                                                 at                 gies, and a demonstrated commitment to conducting           Drilling Program (IODP). Texas A&M University, a
                                                                                                                             high-quality research, to mentoring undergraduate           land-, sea-, and space-grant university is located in a
                                                                    Materials that will need to be uploaded include          researchers, and to integrating research interests into     metropolitan area with a dynamic and international
                                                                 a cover letter, CV, statement of research, statement        the classroom.                                              community of 172,000 people. Texas A&M University
                                                                 of teaching philosophy, and complete contact infor-                                                                     is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer
                                                                 mation for at least three letters of reference. We are         Preferred qualifications include: Ability to forge       committed to excellence through the recruitment and
                                                                 expecting to fill the position by May 1, 2016, with         connections along disciplinary interfaces to address        retention of a diverse faculty and student body and
                                                                 a start date of July 1, 2016. Questions regarding the       environmental/sustainability opportunities and              compliance with the American with Disabilities Act.
                                                                 search may be addressed to the head of the search           challenges, postdoctoral experience, and ability to         We encourage applications from minorities, women,
                                                                 committee, Dr. Greg Arehart, at            build connections with local industries or govern-          veterans, and persons with disabilities. Texas A&M
                                                                 The University of Nevada, Reno is an Equal Oppor-           ment agencies.                                              University also has a policy of being responsive to the
                                                                 tunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and                                                                           needs of dual-career partners.
                                                                 underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.               To learn more about the position, and to apply,
                                                                                                                             please visit To apply, please          TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
                                                                                    ROGER E. DEANE                           complete the online application and attach a cover                        PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY
                                                                              POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW                            letter, statements of teaching philosophy and research
                                                                       DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES                          plans, a CV, and unofficial transcripts. In addition,             DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCE
                                                                             UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO                           three letters of reference that address the candidate’s                UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY
                                                                 The Department of Earth Sciences at the Univer-             qualifications for this position must be mailed to Dr.
                                                                 sity of Toronto invites applications for the Roger E.       Rick Ford, Search Committee Chair, Department of            OREM, UTAH. The Department of Earth Science at
                                                                 Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship, a highly competitive         Geosciences, Weber State University, 1415 Edvalson          Utah Valley University (UVU) invites applications
                                                                 fellowship in any field of Earth Science. The depart-       St. - Dept. 2507, Ogden, UT 84408-2507. Highest             for a full-time, tenure-track position in Physical
                                                                 ment is interested in supporting innovative research        priority will be given to applications received by          Geography, to begin August 2016. The successful
                                                                 and outstanding young geoscientists to work in              January 4, 2016, although screening will continue           candidate will have a Ph.D. in physical geog-
                                                                 collaboration with one or more faculty members.             until the position is filled.                               raphy or a closely related field, as well as a demon-
                                                                 Applicants are encouraged to contact potential hosts                                                                    strated commitment to excellence in undergraduate
                                                                 in advance to discuss areas of common interest.                A criminal background check is required as a             teaching. Expertise in GIS and remote sensing is
                                                                 The Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship has an annual             condition of employment.                                    highly valued by our program. Responsibilities
                                                                 salary of CAD$50,000 and is awarded for a one-year                                                                      will include teaching introductory and upper divi-
                                                                 period, with an anticipated extension for a second             EOE/Minorities/Females/Vets/Disability.                  sion courses in the candidate’s area of expertise, as
                                                                 year. Anticipated start date is Sept. 2016, but earlier                                                                 well as engaging in some combination of research,
                                                                 start dates are possible.                                                VISITING ASSISTANT OR                          supervision of undergraduate research, activity in
                                                                    Application: A complete application includes:               ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN PETROLOGY                         professional organizations, continuing education,
                                                                 a curriculum vitae, a research proposal (2 pages                AND MINERALOGY, DEPARTMENT OF                           and service.
                                                                 maximum excluding references), and the names
                                                                 & addresses of at least three references. Deadline:                   GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS                               UVU is a fast-growing comprehensive state
                                                                 Applications are due January 15, 2016. Submit                            TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY                           institution with an enrollment of over 30,000
                                                                 electronic PDF applications to: Ampy Tolentino,                                                                         students. UVU values student-centered instruc-
                                                        (subject line: Deane Post-          The Department of Geology and Geophysics at Texas           tion and provides strong support for undergrad-
                                                                 doctoral Fellowship).                                       A&M University invites applications for a full-time,        uate research. The Department of Earth Science
                                                                    Employment as Postdoctoral Fellow at the                 non-tenure track position at the rank of Visiting           consists of 13 faculty and 2 full time staff members,
                                                                 University of Toronto is covered by the terms of the        Assistant or Associate Professor to teach courses in        excellent facilities, and B.S. programs in Geology,
                                                                 CUPE 3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement.                      Petrology, Mineralogy, and Mineral Resources. The           Environmental Science & Management, and Earth
                                                                                                                             position is a nine-month appointment beginning              Science Education. The department’s Geography
                                                                               ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                           January 1, 2016, contingently renewable for up to           program has expanded with the addition of a new
                                                                       ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY/                           three years. Responsibilities consist of teaching at least  minor, a geography education endorsement, a GIS
                                                                                                                             four courses per academic year in some combination          certificate program, and plans to develop a B.S. in
                                                                             APPLIED BIOGEOSCIENCES                          of Mineralogy, Petrology, and/or Mineral Resources.         Geography.
                                                                             WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY                          The department will support the successful candidate’s
                                                                 The Department of Geosciences at Weber State                pursuit of independent research and development of             UVU is located at the foot of the Wasatch
                                                                 University invites applications for a tenure-track          a professional academic portfolio, with the opportu-        Mountains 40 minutes south of downtown Salt
                                                                 position starting Fall 2016. We seek a person with          nity to collaborate with students and colleagues in the     Lake City. The area offers outstanding outdoor
                                                                 expertise in Environmental Geochemistry, Envi-              College of Geosciences, including the Berg-Hughes           recreation opportunities and a vibrant cultural
                                                                 ronmental Mineralogy, and/or Applied Biogeosci-             Center for Sedimentary and Petroleum Systems, the           scene including highly acclaimed ballet, symphony
                                                                 ences. The successful candidate will be appointed           Center for Tectonophysics and the Deep Crust and            and outdoor concert series. For more information,
                                                                                                                             Mantle Group.                                               please visit, contact
                                                           30 at the Assistant Professor level and will be expected
                                                                                                                                For more information about TAMU, the College
                                                                                                                             of Geosciences and the Department of Geology and
                                                                                                                             Geophysics, see
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