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Education & Outreach Career and Mentor Programs

Presenting an abstract, poster, or map at a Section                lunch and exchanging questions with several different volunteer
              Meeting is often the first formative experience      mentors. The program is generously funded by Roy J. Shlemon
              students have with GSA. It is also essential for     and has engaged 5,390 students and 820 mentor volunteers since
              students to understand how to align their academic   its inception in 1996.
              path with professional expectations. I’m pleased to
profile new and proven programs you will see at Section meet-        The John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology luncheons
ings with the goal of helping students expand their awareness      are designed to acquaint undergraduate, graduate, and recently
and skills via networking and career development possibilities.    graduated students with careers in applied hydrogeology through
We invite you to stop by the GSA Foundation booth at your          mentoring with practicing hydrogeologists. Mentors associated
section meeting to learn more about volunteering, supporting,      with GSA’s Hydrogeology Division, as well as non-GSA members,
or promoting these programs.                                       meet with students over lunch. The John Mann Mentor program
                                                                   engaged 330 students and 183 mentors in 2014, and is supported
  New to Section Meetings this year: The GSA Education and         through funds provided by John and Carol Mann.
Outreach program will host a three-part Geoscience Career
Workshop series. Each segment of the series will assist partici-     The On To the Future Program (OTF) will have a representa-
pants with developing skills and knowledge necessary to explore,   tive in the GSA Foundation booth at all Section Meetings to
identify, and apply to geoscience positions. The workshop series   answer questions about this innovative travel assistance program.
will cover skill development and career planning strategies        OTF is a grassroots initiative of GSA that addresses the organi-
essential for success, including                                   zation’s overall strategic commitment to building a diverse
                                                                   geoscience community by engaging groups traditionally under-
• Career planning and informational interviewing;                  represented in the geosciences. OTF awards partial travel schol-
                                                                   arships to diverse undergraduate and graduate students and
• Geoscience career exploration; and                               recent graduates studying the geosciences to attend their first
                                                                   GSA Annual Meeting. OTF is also seeking mentor volunteers for
• Cover letter, résumé and curriculum vitae development.           the 2015 Annual Meeting in Baltimore.

  Would you consider hosting 5,000 for lunch? The Roy J.             Thank you for your support of proven and innovative programs
Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geoscience luncheons             like these, designed to serve our members.
bring students and geoscience professionals together to discuss
geoscience careers in a unique way. Students enjoy a sponsored

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