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GSA TODAY | MARCH/APRIL 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities Positions Open develop an externally funded research program, and tion primarily as it relates to Quaternary faulting,
teach undergraduate courses in geology in addition to utilizing innovative approaches, such as LiDAR, to
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR graduate-level courses in petroleum geochemistry. conduct detailed geologic mapping and dating of
CONTINUING (TENURE-TRACK) POSITION Quaternary units and surfaces. The successful candi-
The ConocoPhillips School of Geology and date will also be expected to contribute to the devel-
DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES Geophysics is housed in the Sarkeys Energy Center. opment of datasets and reports on Nevada’s Quater-
THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW The Petroleum Geochemistry research facili- nary faults and seismic activity, including periodic
ties include wet chemistry laboratories for sample assessments and syntheses of hazards facing its major
BRUNSWICK, FREDERICTON preparation and experimentation, all of which are cities and infrastructure. Education will include equipped with fume hoods, chemical and solvent teaching courses in the successful candidate’s area
earth-sciences/index.html storage facilities, microbalances, ovens, water puri- of expertise, such as neotectonics, geologic hazards,
The University of New Brunswick, Department of fication facilities, etc. Instrumentation is state of the and Quaternary geology in the Department of
Earth Sciences, invites applications for a continuing art, including 7 gas chromatographs, gas chroma- Geological Sciences and Engineering and super-
(tenure-track) position at the Assistant Professor tography/mass spectrometry instruments (a Thermo vising graduate students. Research and educational
level to commence July 1, 2015, or as soon as possible TSQ 8000 GC/MS/MS and two 5975 MSD systems), efforts will involve integrated multi-departmental
thereafter. pyrolysis/gas chromatography instrumentation (e.g. Nevada Seismological Laboratory) and multi-
and high performance liquid chromatographic institutional efforts, with scientists from academia,
The Department of Earth Sciences offers degrees equipment. Our stable isotope laboratories are industry, other institutions, and government labs.
in Earth Science, Environmental Geochemistry and equipped with conventional facilities for the off- The successful candidate will be asked to commu-
Geological Engineering. We seek a candidate with line combustion, isolation, and purification of gases nicate effectively with the public and community
teaching interests that will support at least two of for stable isotope analysis. The laboratory houses leaders regarding natural hazards in Nevada and
the Geological Engineering undergraduate program 5 stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers, including coordinate mitigation and response efforts with local
options of geoenvironmental, geotechnical and a Thermo Delta V Plus, a MAT 252, a MAT 253, a and federal emergency management agencies.
mineral resource geological engineering. Qualifi- Delta Plus XL and a Delta E for bulk and compound
cations required include a Ph.D. and postdoctoral specific stable isotope analyses of organic and inor- Qualifications: Applicants must have a doctorate
experience. Demonstrated excellence in research and ganic materials via dual inlet and in continuous flow in geology or a related geoscience field by the time
excellent potential for teaching at the undergraduate modes using elemental analyzers and gas chromato- of hire and a demonstrated record of research on
and graduate levels are required. graphs interfaced to the instruments. topics related to neotectonics as indicated by disser-
tation research, industry experience, and/or peer-
The successful candidate is expected to develop Review of applications will begin April 1, 2015. reviewed publications. Excellent communication
an externally funded research program that comple- The search will continue until the position is filled. skills, as demonstrated in written application mate-
ments the research in the Department of Earth The anticipated start date for the position is August rials; commitment to public service; potential for,
Sciences and fosters faculty-student collaboration. 15, 2015. Applicants are requested to submit a vita/ or established record of publications; and ability to
resume, statement of research and teaching interests, attract funding are essential. The successful candi-
The successful candidate must have a PhD in and a list of five references who can be contacted, date must also have the ability to develop and coor-
Earth Sciences or Geological Engineering and must including telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, dinate programs and work in teams to accomplish
be registered, or be eligible to register, as a Profes- and mailing addresses. Questions or information major goals.
sional Engineer in the province of New Brunswick. requests should be addressed to the Chair of the
Petroleum Geochemistry Search Committee, at Preference will be given to candidates with
A letter of application including CV, statement +1-405-325-3253 or ougeochemistrysearchchair@ academic or industry experience in neotectonics.
of teaching and research interests, and the names Applications should be addressed to Petro- Expertise in paleoseismology (e.g. trenching),
of three referees should be sent to: Dr. Cliff Shaw, leum Geochemistry Search Committee, Conoco- surficial processes, Quaternary dating techniques,
Chair, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Phillips School of Geology and Geophysics, The LiDAR, and/or InSAR will be valued. Preference
New Brunswick, P. O. Box 4400, Fredericton, NB, University of Oklahoma, 100 East Boyd St., Room will be given to candidates who have demonstrated
710, Norman, OK 73019-1008. research productivity with publications in peer-
E3B 5A3, reviewed literature. The successful candidate will
The University of Oklahoma is an Affirmative compete for funding from a variety of sources,
The deadline for receipt of applications is March Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women including federal agencies interested in funda-
27th 2015. Interviews will occur on or before April and minorities are encouraged to apply. Protected mental and applied geoscience research (e.g., NSF,
23rd 2015. veterans and individuals with disabilities are encour- USGS, Department of Energy, and Bureau of Land
aged to apply. Management) and industry. Therefore, preference
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, will be given to candidates who explain achievable
however, Canadians and permanent residents will ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NEOTECTONICS plans for funded research on Nevada-focused topics
be given priority. Applicants should indicate current (TENURE-TRACK) in neotectonics in their letters of interest. In addi-
citizenship status. The University of New Brunswick tion, preference will be given to candidates who
is committed to the principle of employment equity. NEVADA BUREAU OF MINES AND understand the role of NBMG as the state geological
This position is subject to budgetary approval. GEOLOGY (NBMG) AT THE survey of Nevada and can articulate how NBMG can
better serve stakeholders (citizens, government, and
ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO industry) on issues related to geologic hazards.
IN PETROLEUM GEOCHEMISTRY The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)
CONOCOPHILLIPS SCHOOL OF at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks applicants Salary and Date of Appointment: The position
GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS with expertise in neotectonics and Quaternary will be a tenure-track faculty appointment at the
THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA geology. Nevada is one of the most exciting regions assistant professor level with an academic-year base
in the world to conduct research in the geosci- salary that is competitive with other research univer-
The University of Oklahoma invites applications ences, particularly in the fields of neotectonics and sities. Starting date will be July 1, 2015, or shortly
for a tenure-track position in Petroleum Geochem- geologic hazards. thereafter, depending on availability of the successful
istry at the assistant or associate professor level. The candidate.
ConocoPhillips School of Geology and Geophysics Position Responsibilities: The primary responsi-
has a long and distinguished history in Petroleum bilities of this position will be to develop programs To apply, please visit https://www.unrsearch
Geochemistry. We are seeking a creative, dynamic in research and education in the field of neotectonics .com/postings/16813. Please submit a letter expressing
person to help us move forward into new and with emphasis on paleoseismic and earthquake your interest in the position and research plans;
exciting areas of petroleum geochemical research, hazard research in Nevada and the surrounding
in particular, with respect to biomarker and stable region. Research will focus on landscape evolu-
isotope studies, and an effective teacher who will
educate students so they can move into successful
careers. The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D.,
have an academic background in the geosciences,