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Penrose Conference Announcement

                              Extensional Reactivation of Thrust Faults, Coseismic Surface Rupture,
                              and Crustal Evolution in the Eastern Basin and Range Transition Zone

                                  22–27 June 2015 · Evanston, Wyoming, USA
                              Application deadline: 13 March · Registration deadline: 17 April

                              CONVENERS                                                             (10) applications of geodesy, LiDAR, and INSAR to crustal
                                                                                                    deformation and comparison to paleoseismological methods;
                              Co-Chair Michael W. West, Michael W. West & Associates, Inc.,         and (11) relation of hydrocarbon occurrence to active, extensional

                              Co-Chair Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Colorado School of Mines,               The conference area provides an important, largely untapped
                                                                        field laboratory in which to study the interaction of contemporary
                                                                                                    extensional tectonic processes with older structures, reflected in
                              Paul M. Santi, Colorado School of Mines,             modern topography and geomorphology. We suggest that this
                                                                                                    part of the eastern Basin and Range transition zone may be a
                              Tarka Wilcox, Pacific Lutheran University,           “Rosetta” terrane, highlighting tectonic interactions in a complex
                                                                                                    geologic setting. Late-onset extension illuminates subsurface
                                Rare geologic terranes exist in intraplate areas of the North       structural relations, reflected in surface deformation, which
                              American continent that illuminate nascent crustal-scale tectonic     would likely not be recognized either in unextended terranes or,
                              processes, fault nucleation/evolution, interaction of geologic        conversely, in highly extended terranes where initial structural
                              structures in changing stress fields, tectonic effects on topography  relations may become indecipherable. Moreover, the juxtaposition
                              and fluvial systems, and issues in seismic hazard/risk assessment.    of active extension against the relatively stable geomorphology of
                              These terranes, if recognized, are ideally suited to multidisci-      the Green River basin provides an opportunity to assess the
                              plinary research, leading to greater understanding of crustal         timing and effects of late-onset extension on landscape develop-
                              evolution from the crust-mantle interface to surface geomor-          ment. We expect that the conference will yield new insights
                              phology. Conference participants will have the opportunity to         related to the region’s crustal evolution with applications transfer-
                              examine and assess active crustal deformation in an area encom-       able to other terranes affected by changing stress fields.
                              passing the Laramide Uinta Mountains uplift; the Absaroka and         Conference participants will be tasked with determining if the
                              Darby/Hogsback thrust plates of the Sevier orogenic belt              project area should be designated as a prototype “national field
                              (Wyoming and Utah); the late Holocene Bear River fault zone           laboratory” to encourage focused research on crustal-scale
                              (BRFZ); and the transition between the contemporary margin of         tectonic processes. A proposal to NSF to support the conference
                              the Basin and Range province and the adjacent Laramide Green          under the EarthScope program is pending.
                              River Basin. The BRFZ exhibits the largest reported paleo-
GSA TODAY | MARCH/APRIL 2015  displacements in the Basin and Range province, indicating that
                              the terrane encompassing the BRFZ and extensionally reactivated
                              thrust faults is among the most tectonically active in the transi-
                              tion zone.

                                Specific conference topics include (1) crust/mantle interaction
                              in the eastern Basin and Range transition zone, 100+ km east of
                              the Wasatch Front; (2) stress, strain, and rheology at the intersec-
                              tion of the Uinta Mountains, Sevier thrust belt, Green River Basin,
                              and active Basin and Range extension; (3) kinematics and evolu-
                              tion of crustal-scale structures from compression through
                              contemporary extension; (4) relation of late Holocene co-seismic
                              fault ruptures to preexisting Sevier and Laramide thrust faults;
                              (5) refinement of seismogenic fault histories and surface-rupture
                              parameters; (6) seismogenesis and hazards related to surface
                              rupture along low-angle faults; (7) tectonic effects on glacial and
                              fluvial geomorphic systems; (8) glacial loading/unloading effects
                              on fault surface-rupture; (9) geophysical imaging of structures
                              from the near subsurface to the crust/mantle interface;

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