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OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS                                        CALL FOR PAPERS:                                                   GSA TODAY |

  The Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geoscience,            The Geological Society of America’s
  Mon., 11 May, lunchtime. Students will have the opportunity           science & information magazine,
  to discuss career prospects and challenges with professional            GSA Today, is seeking science
  geoscientists from multiple disciplines over a FREE lunch.              and Groundwork articles for
                                                                      publication in late 2015–early 2016.
  The John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology
  Program, Tue., 12 May, lunchtime. Students interested in          •	 GET NOTICED: GSA Today is open-
  applied hydrogeology or hydrology as a career will have the         access online (
  opportunity to network with professionals in these fields over      gsatoday/) and has a circulation of
  a FREE lunch.                                                       ~25,000. Its science articles, with just
                                                                      one featured each month, are among
  On To the Future (OTF)                                              the most widely read in earth science,
                                                                      and this consequently provides an
     Stop by the GSA Foundation booth at the welcome recep-           unparalleled opportunity for dissem-
  tion to ask an on-site representative about applying to OTF.        inating the results of research projects
  Travel support is provided to students underrepresented in          to the widest possible audience.
  the geosciences to attend their first GSA Annual Meeting (the
  next one is 1–4 Nov. 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA).           •	 MAKE AN IMPACT: GSA Today is
                                                                      ranked twelfth in the world among
  Travel Grants                                                       geoscience journals in the latest
                                                                      report from SCImago Journal &
     The GSA Foundation has funds available for student travel        Country Rank (
  grants. To qualify, you must be (1) the senior author and           journalrank.php?category=1907),
  presenter of the paper; (2) a current student member of the         which measures a journal’s influence
  Cordilleran Section; and (3) registered for the meeting. The        and prestige.
  application form will be available from the Corilleran Section
  website during the early registration period.                     •	 HIT THE GROUND RUNNING:
                                                                      The time from receipt to acceptance
  Volunteers                                                          averages 80 days; acceptance to
                                                                      publication for these articles averages
  Deadline to apply: 6 April                                          183 days, but for hot-topic papers,
                                                                      the turnaround time can be as short
     Students are encouraged to volunteer to assist with different    as a month (see the July 2008 science
  meeting activities including assistance in the Speaker Ready        article).
  Room and at technical sessions. Students will receive free
  registration if they commit to their given work assignment        •	 TOP SCIENCE EDITORS: Steven
  (max. of 6 hours). Learn more on the meeting website.                J. Whitmeyer of James Madison
                                                                      University and Gerald (Jerry) Dickens
  Best Student Papers                                                 of Rice University.

     The Cordilleran Section recognizes the high quality of         •	 GO HERE TO LEARN MORE:
  science being presented at our meetings in general, and by
  our student members in particular. The section acknowl-             gsatguid.htm.
  edges this excellence by presenting Best Paper and Honorable
  Mention awards to students in each of the following four                                                                           17
  categories: Undergraduate Poster, Undergraduate Oral,
  Graduate Poster, and Graduate Oral. If you are a professional
  member and are interested in participating in evaluating
  these presentations, please contact the Section Chair or the
  Local Organizing Committee Chair (see below).


Chair: Chris Waythomas,

Technical Program Co-Chairs: Janet Schaefer, janet.schaefer@; Cheryl Cameron,

Field Trip Chair: Kristine Crossen,

Posters and Exhibits: Keith Torrance, keith.torrance@
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