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How to Successfully                                                     Each of these programs offers a unique experience, and GSA
                                                                                                    encourages you to apply to and participate in as many programs
                              Apply to GSA Education                                                as you’d like. The following are some general tips to help you
                                                                                                    with the online application processes:
                              & Outreach Programs
                                                                                                    1. 	 Before applying, carefully read through the program’s
                                GSA offers many programs and opportunities for students and           eligibility requirements to see if you are a good fit.
                              recent graduates to gain important geoscience research and career       Applications are screened, and only those that meet the eligi-
                              experiences. By participating in GSA’s Education & Outreach             bility guidelines are forwarded to the selection committee.
                              (E&O) programs (listed below), you can acquire the skills,
                              networks, and research opportunities that will prepare you for a      2. 	 Apply early! Your application will take some time because
                              successful career in the geosciences.                                   you will need to request recommendation letter(s). Aim to
                                                                                                      complete your application at least two weeks before the
                                The following E&O programs are competitive and require an             deadline to avoid last-minute complications. Of course, all
                              online application that includes a cover letter or answers to appli-    applications completed before the deadline are given equal
                              cation questions along with grades and one or two letters of            consideration regardless of when they are received.
                              • 	 GeoCorpsTM America offers paid, short-term volunteer geosci-      3. 	You will be required to obtain one or two letters of recom-
                                                                                                      mendation. This is done through the online application
                                ence positions in public lands throughout the United States.          system. Consider who might be a good fit to write a positive
                              • 	 Mosaics in Science offers paid, short-term volunteer STEM           recommendation for you. Once you decide whom to ask, tell
                                                                                                      him or her a bit about the opportunity and the deadline.
                                (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) positions         Allow the person sufficient time to compose and submit the
                                at National Park Service sites.                                       letter. It may be necessary to send a reminder as the deadline
                              • 	 The GSA/ExxonMobil Bighorn Basin Field Award is a one-              approaches. Even if you complete all other fields in the online
                                week, all-expenses-paid field seminar in the Bighorn Basin of         application, your submission is not considered complete until
                                north-central Wyoming, USA, emphasizing multidisciplinary             your recommendation is received.
                                integrated basin analysis for undergraduate students, graduate
                                students, and faculty.                                              4. 	Be prepared to answer a question about how you can add to the
                              • 	 The GSA/ExxonMobil Field Camp Scholars Program provides             diversity of the program.
                                twenty undergraduate students with US$2,000 each to attend
                                the field camp of their choice based on diversity, economic/        5. 	If it has been five years or fewer since you last completed a
                                financial need, and merit.                                            degree, have a copy of your transcript(s) handy, because you
                              • 	 On To the Future provides partial travel assistance to diverse      will need to enter your relevant courses and grades into the
                                students who are underrepresented in the geosciences to attend        online application. If you are chosen as an awardee, you may
                                their first GSA Annual Meeting.                                       need to provide original transcripts to verify the information
                                                                                                      you submitted.
                                Please visit the GSA Education & Outreach department’s
                              application home page,                6. 	Thoroughly review your application for errors before you
                              index.asp (or use the QR code below), for details about all             submit it and consider it complete. Make sure that you have
                              of these programs, including deadlines. Some programs are               completed every required field, check for correct spelling,
                              currently accepting applications, so GSA encourages you to              and verify e-mail addresses and phone numbers. Read
                              get started on an application now.                                      through your cover letter(s) to make sure all your text was
                                                                                                      saved. Each part of the application, including the cover letter,
GSA TODAY | MARCH/APRIL 2015                                                                          has a character limit that you should note before composing
                                                                                                      your responses.

                                                                                                    7. 	After your application is submitted, review the program’s
                                                                                                      Web page for the timeline of what comes next. You do not
                                                                                                      need to follow up with GSA; if you are selected for an interview,
                                                                                                      position, award, etc., GSA will contact you directly by e-mail to
                                                                                                      make the offer.

                                                                                                    8. 	Be persistent! If you are not offered an award the first time
                                                                                                      you apply, GSA encourages you to apply again. GSA’s E&O
                                                                                                      programs are very competitive, and many awardees are selected
                                                                                                      after applying two or more times, so don’t give up!

                                                                                                    9. 	Contact the designated program officer listed on the
                                                                                                      following page if you have questions or encounter a problem
                                                                                                      with your application. Conversely, if you won’t be able to
                                                                                                      participate in the program or you decide not to participate,
                                                                                                      please contact the program officer immediately. GSA may be
                                                                                                      able to offer your spot to someone else.

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