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New Publication Calendar
for GSA Today

  GSA Today is published 11 times per year, and this won’t change.
But beginning with this issue, March and April are combined, and the
May issue will stand on its own (not combined with April as in the past).
GSA Today is making this change in order to provide more, and more
up-to-date, information to you about GSA's Annual Meetings.

                              GSA Today is hosted and archived online at



                       GSA ELECTIONS BEGIN 6 MARCH 2015

        GSA’s success depends on you—its members—and the work of the officers serving on
    GSA’s Executive Committee and Council. Members will receive a postcard with instructions

               for accessing an electronic ballot via our secure website, and biographical
               information on the nominees will be online for you to review at that time.
          Paper versions of both the ballot and candidate information will also be available.
                Please help continue to shape GSA’s future by voting on these nominees.

                                         2015 OFFICER NOMINEES

               PRESIDENT                 VICE PRESIDENT/PRESIDENT-ELECT                      TREASURER
          (July 2015–June 2016)                      (July 2015–June 2017)    (continuing term, July 2015–June 2016)

            Jonathan G. Price                           Claudia I. Mora                     Bruce R. Clark
         Jonathan G. Price LLC                Los Alamos National Laboratory          The Leighton Group Inc.
                                               Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA             Irvine, California, USA
           Reno, Nevada, USA

We congratulate our incoming president!

   COUNCILOR POSITION 1                  2015 COUNCIL NOMINEES                COUNCILOR POSITION 3                    GSA TODAY |
       (July 2015–June 2019)
                                             COUNCILOR POSITION 2                     (Divisions Liaison)
          Frank Pazzaglia                       (July 2015–June 2019)
         Lehigh University                                                       (July 2015–June 2019)
 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA                        Chuck Bailey
                                             College of William & Mary                 Scott Burns
             Mark Little                    Williamsburg, Virginia, USA        Portland State University
   University of North Carolina                                                  Portland, Oregon, USA
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA                      Shuhai Xiao
                                           Virginia Polytechnic Institute              Mary Kraus
                                                                                 University of Colorado
                                                 and State University           Boulder, Colorado, USA
                                              Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

Ballots must be submitted electronically or postmarked by 5 April 2015.

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