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CALL FOR NOMINATIONS                                                  New and Revised

                              John C. Frye Environmental                                            GSA Position Statements
                              Geology Award
                                                                                                      GSA Council has approved a new position statement and a major
                              Deadline: 31 March                                                    revision to an existing statement. In addition to the summary state-
                                                                                                    ment below, full versions of these and all position statements are
                              What’s the best paper on environmental geology                        available online at GSA members
                              you’ve read lately?                                                   are encouraged to use the statements as geoscience communication
                                                                                                    tools when interacting with policy makers, students, colleagues, and
                                This US$1,000 cash award recognizes the best paper on envi-         the general public.
                              ronmental geology published by GSA or by a state geological
                              survey within the past three years. To nominate a report, please      The Role of the Geoscientist in Building and Maintaining
                              submit a letter describing its importance, with up to three letters   Infrastructure (New)
                              from users of the publication, along with three copies of the publi-
                              cation, to GSA Membership Recruitment and Programs, The                 Geoscientists have a fundamental role in the engineering and
                              Geological Society of America, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-      architectural design, planning, construction, and maintenance of
                              9140, USA, For more information, go to         infrastructure systems with respect to their relationship to local
                                                     geology, hazards, and the environmental setting.

                                                                                                    Integrating Geoscience with Sustainable Land-Use
                                                                                                    Management (Revised)

                                                                                                      To ensure sustainable land-management practices that meet
                                                                                                    present and future needs of people and the natural systems on which
                                                                                                    they depend, GSA advocates the use of comprehensive earth-science
                                                                                                    information in land-use planning and decision making. The geosci-
                                                                                                    ences address the origin, character, and interconnection of natural
                                                                                                    resources, as well as the natural and human-induced processes that
                                                                                                    affect these resources. Earth-science information is critical to
                                                                                                    addressing natural and human-induced hazards, such as landslides,
                                                                                                    earthquakes, subsidence and sinkholes, floods, or droughts; natural
                                                                                                    resource availability, such as energy, water, soils and mineral
                                                                                                    resources; and environmental issues, such as soil erosion, surface
                                                                                                    water quantity and quality, groundwater supply and contamination,
                                                                                                    and wetland destruction. Therefore, earth science should be incor-
                                                                                                    porated into all land and natural resources management decisions to
                                                                                                    enhance their integrity and sustainability.

GSA TODAY | MARCH/APRIL 2015  Browse GSA’s Journals & Books at

                                                        Geology – GSA Bulletin – Geosphere – Lithosphere
                                        Special Papers – Memoirs – Field Guides – Reviews in Engineering Geology

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